"Ivannof" <ivannof@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Så at nogle idioter starter forfra med at sige at det hele står i en bog,
> og at det er ufejlbarligt! Marx og Lenin gjorde det - og nu koranen.
Jaja, og så er der yderligere et flittigt benyttet hadeskrift, som
foregiver, at jøderne har en plan for at overtage verdens-herredømmet.
Skriftet er en forfalskning, men benyttes den dag i dag, ikke kun af
grønærten Reza, men også af de lande, som vore kultur-berigere kommer fra.
Her er nogle udpluk af wiki-artiklen:
"... The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - is widely considered to be the
beginning of contemporary conspiracy theory literature - The Protocols also
became a part of the Nazi propaganda effort to justify persecution of the
Jews. It was made required reading for German students - The twenty-four
Protocols are posited as instructions to a new Elder, outlining how the
group will control the world
many Arab governments funded new printings of the Protocols, and taught them
in their schools as historical fact. They have been accepted as such by many
Islamist organizations, such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad - The Protocols is a
best-seller in Syria - Saudi Arabian schoolbooks contain explicit summaries
of the Protocols as factual -
According to Freedom House 2006 report, Saudi "textbook for boys for Tenth
Grade on Hadith and Islamic Culture contains a lesson on the "Zionist
Movement." It asserts that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an
authentic document -
In March 1970, the Protocols were reported to be the top 'nonfiction'
bestseller in Lebanon - The Charter of Hamas explicitly refers to the
Protocols, accepting them as factual and makes several references to
Freemasons as one of the "secret societies" controlled by "Zionists". ..."