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Che Guevara = Stalinist
Fra : Peder B. Pels

Dato : 25-07-07 01:36

Tænk over følgende næste gang i ser en af de popsmarte unge der har
iklædt sig en Che-Tshirt eller lign:


En lille detalje som sætter Che Guevara-forherligelsen i perspektiv. Fra
Samuel Farbers The Resurrection of Che Guevara [via Minerva].

"By the time he left Guatemala in 1954 in the aftermath of the
overthrow of the constitutional government of Jacobo Arbenz orchestrated
by U.S. imperialism, Guevara was thoroughly politicized, accepting a
Stalinist view of the world. This was true in both the generic sense
that he had become a staunch supporter of the political model
represented by the USSR of a repressive one-party state owning and
controlling the economy without any democratic popular controls,
independent unions, workers' or civil liberties, as well as in the
narrow literal sense of his great admiration for Joseph Stalin. Thus
even before his Guatemalan experience, when Guevara traveled through
Costa Rica and witnessed first-hand the awesome and terrible power of
the United Fruit company, he wrote to his aunt Beatriz telling her that
he had sworn "before a picture of our, old much lamented comrade Stalin
that I will not rest until I see these capitalist octopuses
annihilated." Another letter to the same aunt was signed with the words
"Stalin II." (p.62 and Anderson, p.167) More important was the fact that
when Guevara visited the USSR in his capacity as one of the most
important leaders of the victorious Cuban revolution in November of
1960, he insisted on depositing a floral tribute at Stalin's tomb even
against the advice of the Cuban ambassador to the USSR.(p. 181) It is
important to remember that this was more than four years after
Khrushchev's revelations of Stalin's crimes."

regards , Peter B. P.
http://titancity.com/blog , http://macplanet.dk

"We don't dial 911 - we dial .357".

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