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(rev 1.4) Putin - A Criminal Soul - HAS NO~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 20-07-07 06:22

Putin - A Criminal Soul - HAS NO OTHER CHOICE than to represent good
and caring Russians as "Evil Scum" and to imprison or murder them,
preferably "legally"

18 July 2007
{HRI 20070718-V1.4}

(Version 1.4
on 20 July 2007)

(View Summary
by skipping

(suitable for foreign
language students)


Putin knows VERY well, that decent and caring people ARE decent and
caring people.

Let me explain that to you in a way you can understand:

You know, that the letter 'L' represents the beginning
sound of words like Loving Ladies' Longing Love, Lets
Lively Lords Live Longer Lives.

Did you understand that? Simple, isn't it.


Now, when Putin knows VERY well, that decent and caring people ARE
decent and caring people

(else he would not imprison them or murder them, because,
OF COURSE, these pose a threat to ANY Criminal SOUL)

but when he, Putin, SAYS PUBLICLY, that these caring and loving,
decent Russians "are scum and bandits, and a pest to people,

THEN HE KNOWS HE IS LYING, and he is lying intentionally.


Did you understand that too? Simple, isn't it. Boy, I
even have to use stage-magic "language" or rhetoric
"language," to get you DE-hypnotized,

to RESTORE TO YOU, the (rather high) intelligence
of the proverbial five-year-old (child).

So, let's ride on this streak of luck, and take advantage
of the crack that has temporarily opened up in your visor:




When Putin claims, that decent and caring and responsible heads
of government, "are uni-polar" and "are limiting his sphere
of influence,"

then HE thinks, that he is intentionally, cleverly lying,

and he DOES NOT WANT, that you understand that CORRECTLY,

when he says (and other Criminal Minds say, that "they
want things 'multi-lateral' and 'multi-polar'")

and he stands a good chance, that you do not
understand his words at all

in his mind, in his thinking, and in his

than you and other (ninety percent of any
population) normal people do define and do
feel these words and work with those ideas -

you do not understand his words at all

(Criminal Minds have everything in
reverse, remember?)

and he stands a good chance of "winning,"


because HE knows how stupid you are, and knows - but
you do NOT know - the fact, that

you are indeed not understanding what democracy is,

and that any Criminal Mind, any dictator, also
of China, that also Putin

does use your misconceptions about 'Democracy'
- your lack of understanding, what democracy
is - meaning, the destruction of your knowing
actually very well what democracy is, but your
refusal to face what Criminal Minds MAKE OF

they use your stupidity - that was inflicted by them
in the first place - they use it, of course, against

constantly aided by 'Mr. Associated
Press' and 'Mr. Reuters' and the like.


STUPID, and he - being a Criminal Soul - of course
takes advantage of YOUR (un-intentional) pretense of
"being democratic" *()

("No, WE do not want to remove Chavez, or
Castro," "WE do not care about the people
of Cuba or of Venezuela, let them all drop
dead or be enslaved in poverty,"

as long as Castro and Chavez are
"democratically chosen" - isn't it,
Mr. Ex-USA-president Jimmy Carter)

because you have not a clue what Democracy actually
means or is, DESPITE World War Two.

Which is why I had to look at it, and then
explain what it is, to you, and to Condoleeza,
which I did, in another HRI.




When Putin claims, that decent and caring and responsible heads
of governments "are uni-polar" and "are limiting his sphere of
influence," or "are a threat to his defenses"

(but you are so "democratic," so 'destructively "polite",'
that you can not even admit to the simple truth,


in other words, that you ARE very "uni-polar" in your
being so, indeed)

then he is entirely correct:


It is a very 'uni-polar' intention, and an activity that
is very much in order, and necessary, till all countries
on Earth are free.

Does it limit his sphere of influence?

Well, let's go back to the example.

You know, that the letter 'L' represents the
beginning sound of words like Loving Ladies'
Longing Love, Lets Lively Lords Live Longer

Did you understand that? Simple, isn't it.

Do we limit the sphere of influence of a Criminal soul?
(Including the influence of Putin?)

Sure we do - by the simple fact of us being alive and us
wanting to be alive and us wanting to enjoy life with

We ARE severely limiting the sphere of influence of Putin, I would

ANY Criminal soul will feel, and scream, that
investigating and stopping him or her,

"is imperialistic,"

that ANY police force, that will not be bribed,
and that does its job of protecting people
from Criminal souls,

is "from the empire,"

to use the words of currently violently
Criminal heads of government, who
are supporting each other tremendously,

Putin and Chavez (and Castro, etc.)


By our very nature of being decent and caring and
wanting to protect ourselves and others from
Criminals and Criminal acts,





So, how does he, Putin, counter that?

He tries to get other Criminal souls in place, in
government positions, and

he tries to support or get in place Criminal souls,
as heads of states or of regions.

He tries to drive decent people insane, by spiritual

and by using the intense stupidity of journalists

and by forbidding any activity that he can not or
does not dominate.


Did I now make it simple enough for you to understand?

Does each of the words Loving Ladies' Longing Love, Lets
Lively Lords Live Longer Lives, begin with an 'L' sound?

Check it out - it's that simple.




One other thing: Criminal souls will continue to lie, to the very, and
bitter end of their evil actions.


no matter how hard 'Mr. Associated Press' or 'Mr. Reuters'
try to make you accept the "democratic" statistics of
"how popular Mr. Putin is" or "how popular Mr. Saddam
Hussein was" (99% approval rate, I think, Hussein had)

no matter how fascistic the threats and no matter how
treacherous the attempts to destroy your life "in the
name of protecting it,"

their manipulations safely and accurately relayed to you by
'Mr. Associated Press' or by 'Mr. Reuters,' etc.,

telling you the lies of Putin that should make you think
WHAT PUTIN WANTS YOU TO THINK (he "would do" and pretends
to you, "he does think").


It makes 'Mr. Associated Press,' 'Mr. Reuters,' etc. actual war-

- which I will explain another time to you, so as not to over-
impose on your desire to know how things work.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

(1) 'On Defining Democracy - Democracy detects and opposes the
"right" to destroy Democracy'
{HRI note 20070610-V2.3}
(10 June 2007 - Version 2.3 on 13 June 2007)

'Criminal Minds Hide From You, That They ENJOY LYING, AND That
THEY Know Very Well They Intentionally Lie To You' - (incl.
Textnote d. on 'Criminal Minds want Admiration in order to feel
{HRI 20050527-V3.7.1}
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.7.1 on 7 June 2007)

Summary of the above reference:

What they try to hide from you, and from anyone, is, that THEY
themselves know very well, that YOU are telling the truth, and
(they hide from you) that they know very well that THEY them-
selves are lying.

Their purpose - which is a major part of the irreparable nature
of their soul - is,

to try and 'smash down' your and anyone's general awareness of
what is going on in life - to break your awareness of what is
going on in people - to block your true perception, and thus

to try and destroy a happy connection to life.

It is what they do *(4) - and it is what they ENJOY doing; it is
what they are "proud" of doing to you and to others - to an
audience, to a whole country - to life.

That's THEIR idea of "pride" and "accomplishment:" How to most
effectively destroy your and others' awareness of actual life,
and so to take away your and others' joy of being alive.

And to be very effective, they do so in the name of "restoring
your abilities and awareness and happiness about life."

Others secure a position of being a dictator to their fellow

That is what Criminal Minds do - and it is what they ENJOY doing
and it is what they are "proud" of doing to you and to others,
to as many people as they can.

Note quoted from the reference:

(a) ........... As explained very clearly in 'Trinity of Science,'

what is Evil, consists of Lies and Ugliness and Hate

and these are, in order to be effective,
camouflaged as you know it very well - they
are hidden, by

being made to look as if they are "Good," as if they
are "Truth," as if they are "Beauty" (not Ugliness),
and also, as if they are "Love" (not Hate).

So you will have to look, to sense and to feel
what is BEHIND that, behind what is offered as
"Truth" or as "Beauty" or also, as "Love."

And (any, and so also those other) Criminal Minds do
Admire THOSE the most - they are "proud" about the
"achievements" of those -

who do the MOST cleverly camouflaged, and the MOST
intensely damaging, and the MOST permanently Evil
things to others - which things, by the way, are

done inevitably on a spiritual level - though
you may see only, or

you may be directly aware only of the physical
results or material aspects of such actions of


And then there are the Destructive Cowards, who ALSO want
to be Admired by a Criminal Mind,

in order that this Criminal Mind makes him or her
"feel good," feel Admired, feel "loved," which they
want to feel

so that they then indeed do NOT feel, do NOT sense and are
NOT aware of REALITY,

of what really HAS happened, and of what really IS
happening, of what really IS going on all the time

- that is, of the Extreme Ugliness and the
Nauseating Evil of that individual, the
continuous and biting, cutting Hate from
that Criminal Mind,

which it is indeed extremely unpleasant to be aware
of - and

which you then rather are NOT aware of, and which you then
rather do NOT feel, and prefer NOT anymore to have any
alive knowledge about

- especially of course, when you are living
together with one.

See also:

'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
Truth' {HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

'Bach Pulling People Out Of Hell' {HRI 20051021-V3.2}
(21 October 2005 - Version 3.2 on 13 Dec 2005)

'About 'Intense Joy of Beautiful Hate' Living in Criminal Minds'
(29 June 2006 - Version 3.1 on 2 July 2006)



Copyright 2005-2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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