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Inflation koster danske forbrugere i gns. ~
Fra : Peter B. P.

Dato : 17-07-07 16:21


Danske varer stiger langt mere end tilsvarende udenlandske varer,
skriver Borsen.dk. Ifølge beregninger, som Danske Bank har foretaget for
avisen, er de danske varer steget med 16,1 procent mod 7,1 for de
udenlandske varer.
Det svarer til at en gennemsnitsforbruger kunne spare 7.000 kroner
årligt, hvis de danske varer pristigninger havde gået i takt med de


Et godt eksempel på hvordan inflation gør folk fattigere.

regards , Peter B. P.
http://titancity.com/blog , http://macplanet.dk

"We don't dial 911 - we dial .357".

Egon Stich (17-07-2007)
Fra : Egon Stich

Dato : 17-07-07 16:31

"Peter B. P." <peter@DIESPAMMERSCUM.dk> skrev i en meddelelse news:1i1eo68.1ax1n5c14x4vadN%peter@DIESPAMMERSCUM.dk...
> http://www.180grader.dk/nyheder/inflation_koster_dig_7_000_om_ret.php
> Danske varer stiger langt mere end tilsvarende udenlandske varer,
> skriver Borsen.dk. Ifølge beregninger, som Danske Bank har foretaget for
> avisen, er de danske varer steget med 16,1 procent mod 7,1 for de
> udenlandske varer.
> Det svarer til at en gennemsnitsforbruger kunne spare 7.000 kroner
> årligt, hvis de danske varer pristigninger havde gået i takt med de
> udenlandskes.
> ***
> Et godt eksempel på hvordan inflation gør folk fattigere.

Et exempel på, hvorledes det såkaldte "erhvervsliv" skamløst udplyndrer danskerne.
Der SÅ bliver fattigere.


Christian R. Larsen (17-07-2007)
Fra : Christian R. Larsen

Dato : 17-07-07 20:40

"Egon Stich" <stich-foto@stich-foto.dk> wrote in message
>Et exempel på, hvorledes det såkaldte "erhvervsliv" skamløst udplyndrer
>Der SÅ bliver fattigere.

Du forstår ikke fænomenet inflation, vel?

Egon Stich (18-07-2007)
Fra : Egon Stich

Dato : 18-07-07 09:08

"Christian R. Larsen" <crlarsen@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse news:469d1b01$0$90269$14726298@news.sunsite.dk...
> "Egon Stich" <stich-foto@stich-foto.dk> wrote in message
> news:469ce325$0$5766$edfadb0f@dread14.news.tele.dk...
>>Et exempel på, hvorledes det såkaldte "erhvervsliv" skamløst udplyndrer
>>Der SÅ bliver fattigere.
> Du forstår ikke fænomenet inflation, vel?

Du forstår ikke begrebet "mestergrise" og monopoler?
Eller fortrænger du blot?

Båd og campingtilbehør.
Materialer til fotobranchen.

For blot at nævne de mest indlysende, kendte og af tilsynene tilsyneladende fredede brancher.

Mon ikke den påståede "inflation" stammer herfra?

Ligesom den exploderende privatimport, med tilhørende virkninger.
Vi ser allerede tegn på enkelte foretagender, der neddrosler gevaldigt på grund af dette.
Grådigheden medfører efterhånden lukkede butikker.

Prøv at gentænke tingene, og glem teorierne fra lærebægerne, der jo netop kun er: Teorier.
Når forhold ændre sig, bør teorier også ændres.
Men det sker tilsynaladende ikke.


Jan Rasmussen (17-07-2007)
Fra : Jan Rasmussen

Dato : 17-07-07 16:48

"Peter B. P." <peter@DIESPAMMERSCUM.dk> skrev i en meddelelse news:1i1eo68.1ax1n5c14x4vadN%peter@DIESPAMMERSCUM.dk...
> http://www.180grader.dk/nyheder/inflation_koster_dig_7_000_om_ret.php
> Danske varer stiger langt mere end tilsvarende udenlandske varer,
> skriver Borsen.dk. Ifølge beregninger, som Danske Bank har foretaget for
> avisen, er de danske varer steget med 16,1 procent mod 7,1 for de
> udenlandske varer.
> Det svarer til at en gennemsnitsforbruger kunne spare 7.000 kroner
> årligt, hvis de danske varer pristigninger havde gået i takt med de
> udenlandskes.
> ***
> Et godt eksempel på hvordan inflation gør folk fattigere.

For et års tid siden sendte jeg dette indlæg til dk.politik


by Puru Saxena Editor, Money Matters
March 29, 2006

CURRENT SITUATION - The absurd money-creation continues.
Slowly yet surely, the "stealth" confiscation of savings is gaining momentum
as money loses its value. Central banks claim that they are raising interest-rates
to fight inflation.

At the same time they are slipping in more rum into the punch bowl, thus
creating just what they say they want to fight - inflation!

Take a look at the latest year-on-year money supply growth-rates around the world:

Australia + 9.1%
Britain + 11.7%
Canada + 7.7%
Denmark + 14.7%
US + 8.1%
Euro area + 7.3%

When I glance at these mind-boggling figures, at least I don't see any monetary
tightening taking place! Make no mistake, this excessive liquidity is inflation
that banks are creating and this inflation is destroying the purchasing power of
your hard-earned money. As asset-prices continue to benefit from this monetary
insanity, the wealth inequality is getting wider resulting in social unrest in several
parts of the world.

The ultimate truth about inflation is that it always benefits the rich who are able
to ride the inflationary wave by investing in assets, whereas the poor become
even more impoverished as things continue to become more expensive.

So far, the ongoing inflation has been masked by the bogus core inflation figures
released by the authorities. According to the official statistics, inflation is tame
and under control. But if you take a look around, you will realise that the cost
of living is rising much faster than the officials would have you believe. The cost
of energy has gone up six times; the cost of housing is at a record-high in most
countries; education is ridiculously expensive and insurance premiums are soaring.
And we should believe that inflation is not a problem?

If inflation is really not an issue, why has the Federal Reserve decided to stop
publishing the money supply (M3) growth rate as of the next month? For sure,
the prices of consumer goods (televisions, computers, clothing etc.) have come
down in recent years due to vast improvements in technology and the economies
of mass production, but the overall cost of living is rising rapidly due to inflation
as there is too much money being created.

At a human level, inflation is a tragedy and totally immoral. However, we all
have to work within the system and protect our assets as best as we can.
It has become obvious to me that the central banks will continue to inflate the
supply of money (inflation). The Federal Reserve came into power in 1913 and
with the exception of the Great Depression that occurred in the early-1930's,
we have experienced inflation and nothing but inflation every single year! Put simply,
the US money supply has increased every year over the past 70 years! Figure 1
clearly demonstrates that inflation has prevailed for a very long time. Moreover,
most of this inflation has taken place after 1971 when gold was removed from
the monetary system.

Figure 1: The constant inflation program!
Source: www.economagic.com

The point I am making is that under the present monetary system inflation is a constant.
What changes though, are the rates of inflation (money supply growth) in various countries
and the sectors of the economy that benefit from inflation. For instance, during the 1970's,
commodities were the main beneficiaries of inflation and financial assets lost out. However,
in the following two decades, it was financial assets which were the biggest beneficiaries of inflation.
Since 2001, this excess liquidity has (once again) started flowing into commodities as can be seen
from the recent massive gains in tangibles relative to gains made in financial assets such as stocks and bonds.

There is another crucial point I'd like to make. During highly inflationary times (such as now),
the purchasing power of money declines against all asset-classes. In other words, if enough
money is printed, despite a horrendous economy, stocks, bonds, property, commodities as
well as collectibles may all rise at the same time. Such a rise in asset prices due to high inflation
gives the ILLUSION of prosperity. Nothing can be further from the truth however.
Hyperinflation almost always leads to a collapse in the inflating country's currency relative
to other major world currencies. Now, if all the countries decide to print money (inflate)
at the same time, which seems to be happening now, instead of declining against each other,
the various currencies may decline against assets. So as investors, we need to try and figure
out which assets are likely to appreciate the most due to inflation.
------ [ M3 ] --------
The End of M3 - Hiding the Truth About Inflation
Fed kills a key inflation gauge

Nogen bud på hvorfor Danmark forøger DKK beholdningen med 14.7% når nu
EU ligger på 7.3% ?


Er der så, så mærkeligt at vi nu ser en stigning på 16% og 7% for udlanske vare,,,

Jeg har ikke forstand på økonomi, men det kunne man godt mistænke
'Puru Saxena Editor, Money Matters' for at have.

Jan Rasmussen

Per Rønne (18-07-2007)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 18-07-07 08:49

Jan Rasmussen <1@2.3> wrote:

> Nogen bud på hvorfor Danmark forøger DKK beholdningen med 14.7% når nu
> EU ligger på 7.3% ?

Fordi den danske økonomi boomer mere end EUs gennesnit?

I øvrigt har inflationen i Danmark siden Schlüter fik bugt med 70ernes
megainflation [op til 10-12% p.a., hvis jeg ellers husker korrekt]
ligget på en 2% p.a. - altså ganske lavt.



kan man dog se en lidt anden historie. Jeg citerer:

De danske forbrugerpriser steg blot med 1,4 pct. i juni, mens økonomer
adspurgt af RB-Børsen havde forudset en stigning på 1,8 procent.

Hvorfor bekymre sig over inflationen, der jo er kanonlav? På enkelte
markeder er der jo direkte tale om deflation.

Det gælder ikke blot på elektronikmarkedet, men også på ejendomsmarkedet
i Storkøbenhavn og de større provinsbyer. Priserne /falder/.
Per Erik Rønne

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