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Fra : BigBother

Dato : 25-06-07 20:49


Ifølge Machiavelli's bog "Fyrsten" fra 1532 skal en effektiv politisk leder
besidde følgende kvaliteter:

- a willingness to imitate the behavior of great men, e.g. those of Ancient
Rome in particular, the book being written in the Renaissance
- the ability to illustrate how government is necessary to the well-being of
the populace, e.g. perhaps by demonstrating - the consequences of yielding
to mob rule by temporarily relaxing one's grip
- a dedication to the art of war - if only for the state's actual survival
- an understanding that apparent cruelties and vice may be essential to
maintaining stability and power
- prudence with respect to disbursement of one's own wealth
- making efforts to appear religious to sway the "vulgar." Machiavelli
extols King Ferdinand of Spain for using the cloak of religion to invade
Italy numerous times - he praises the tactic yet hates the invasion of Italy
by other monarchs.

It seems that Machiavelli disregards the connection between ethics and
politics, which disturbed many of his contemporaries. Machiavelli actually
departs from the classical conception of virtue in altering the connection
between ethics and politics by altering the conception of virtue for a
prince. The prince should endeavor to be seen as compassionate, trustworthy,
sympathetic, honest, and religious. But in reality, the duties of the prince
very rarely allow him to actually be any of these things.

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