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Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And [you do no~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 06-06-07 07:15

Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie

27 May 2005
{HRI 20050527-V3.5.2}

(Version 3.5
on 10 June 2005)

(Version 3.5.2
on 16 July 2006)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)


Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, and so,

if someone constantly and with obvious enthusiasm is LYING,
then you know, that you most likely are looking at a Criminal

Now (it is so, that) Criminal Minds reverse everything, so
they of course try to tell others, with the persistence and
the enthusiasm they tell also other lies, that "YOU are

What they try to hide from you, and from anyone, is, that THEY
themselves know very well, that YOU are telling the truth, and
that they know very well that THEY themselves are lying.

The whole issue has nothing to do with data at all, but
only with their intention to lie, for which they do need
some data, or for which they make up some "data."



You will have to know, that truth is 'what happened' - it
is an absolute thing, not "what someone says 'happened'."

Whether anyone reports it, or not - it still happened
and you can be aware, sense or feel that, what
happens, or what did happen:

Such is the nature of life and of perception

- regardless of whether a Criminal Mind
denies it or tries to block your feeling,
or tricks and so distorts your feeling,

your feeling things that are happening or
that have happened.



Criminal Minds do know very well about themselves, that
they ARE lying, and they also know very well about other
Criminal Minds, that these are lying too.

But they Admire themselves - and also each other - for

'how cleverly they are lying;' *(1) and they Admire
themselves and each other, for

'how strongly they give themselves and others the
feeling, the Energy of impressing, of projecting,
that the lies "are the truth";' and they Admire
themselves, and each other, for

'how un-detected by others or how un-opposed by others
they are, in (and by means of) their lying:'

It simply confirms the contempt they hold for
all people and for all of life

- often their contempt is very "Beautifully"
and very "Lovingly" and very scientifically
or "Truthfully" camouflaged, *(a) and the
more it is contemptuous -

but they can (and do) ALSO lie to you about
THAT, for instance, when they are

pretending to "educate you about life,
with science;" *(b) or when they are

pretending "to care about you or others;"
or (even more repulsively) when they are

pretending "to love you;" *(c)




Their purpose - which is a major part of the irreparable nature of
their soul - is

to try and 'smash down' your and anyone's general awareness of
what is going on in life - to break your awareness of what is
going on in people - and thus

to try and destroy a happy connection to life.

After all, THEIR connection to life HAS already been
destroyed irreparably - they only connect in order
to destroy life. *(2)*(d)

Some Criminal Minds "show you" (even in movies, or in
television "documentaries") how your feeling "is not
done by you:"

Some promote, with a very straight and serious
face, that "your feeling is done FOR you - by
your brain."

And so, when they want someone to have
treatment about his feelings, they then
are proceeding to treat THE BRAIN of that
person. Really now... *(b)(7)

That is how disconnected (and disconnecting) these
Criminal Minds are from life. *(3)



It is what they do *(4) - and it is what they ENJOY doing; it is what
they are "proud" of doing to you and to others - to an audience, to a
whole country - to life.

That's THEIR idea of "pride" and "accomplishment:" How to most
effectively destroy your and others' awareness of actual life,
and so to take away your and others' joy of being alive.

And to be very effective, they do so in the name of "restoring
your abilities and awareness and happiness about life." Really...

Others secure a position of being a dictator to their fellow
countrymen. Really...


Again: That is what Criminal Minds *(4) do - and it is what they ENJOY
doing, it is what they are "proud" of doing to you and to others, to
as many people as they can.



Knowing these things, changes your children - or else your grand
children - from 'sitting ducks,' into soaring eagles, into condors

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

Like an ornament of fine gold,
is a wise man's rebuke
to a listening ear.

King Solomon - Proverbs 25:12

See further:

'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
Truth' {HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

'Bach Pulling People Out Of Hell' {HRI 20051021-V3.2}
(21 October 2005 - Version 3.2 on 13 Dec 2005)

'About 'Intense Joy of Beautiful Hate' Living in Criminal Minds'
(29 June 2006 - Version 3.1 on 2 July 2006)


(a) ........... As explained very clearly in 'Trinity of Science,'

what is Evil, consists of Lies and Ugliness and Hate

and these are, in order to be effective,
camouflaged as you know it very well - they are
hidden, by

being made to look as if they are "Good," as if they
are "Truth," as if they are "Beauty" (not Ugliness),
and also, as if they are "Love" (not Hate).

So you will have to look, to sense and to feel
what is BEHIND that, behind what is offered as
"Truth" or as "Beauty" or also, as "Love."

(b) .............................. So, scientists, or movie producers
or actors or writers - we won't say
any names today, except for Carl
Sagan and Deepak Chopra and William
Arntz, now, today - those who deny
the existence and function and use
of feeling perception, those who
deny that WHILE they loudly pretend
to teach you exactly about that,
those are then, most likely,
Criminal Minds:

They are constantly and with great
enthusiasm lying about the most
basic things of life, about

basic things of your life.

Truth is what happened, it is
an absolute thing - no matter
how famous the scientist who
denies it, even if he did or
does devote his entire life
and his reputation, to making
you and the whole 'scientific
community' agree to his (or
her) lies about life. *(12)

Yes, they even have the intense
urge to do their lying publicly, so
as "to 'educate' and 'enlighten'
the minds of all people." Really...

They do however have a strange
"definition" of "truth," which
is according to them:

"Whatever they or others manage
to make people agree as truth,
as 'having happened,' is 'the

(c) ........................ Most repulsively they are pretending,
when they demand of you, that 'you must
give your love to Criminal Minds,' and

when they demand of you, or "teach" you,
that you must "unconditionally" surrender
your Energy of love ...to THEM.

They don't say that so bluntly of
course, else you would not do it:

They camouflage it as "being Good"
- 'you should give your supporting
Energy of Love "to everyone",'

but they mean 'to give it to THEM,'
to a Criminal Mind that is, and
unconditionally indeed. *(6)

Which is the surest way not
only to get yourself, but
also for you to get others
destroyed by Criminal Minds,

but THEY say, that doing so
is "necessary for developing
your consciousness and
your abilities." Really...

(d) ...... A factor by which Criminal Minds do support and enforce
each other's desire to be evil, is, that Criminal Minds
want Admiration:

To make themselves "feel good"

- "feel good" no matter what their condition is

and no matter what Ugliness and what Evil
they have done, and do, and will do to others
and also to themselves, or that they know
for sure will at some time also be done to

Indeed, they crave for feeling Admiration from other
Criminal Minds as well.


And (any, and so also those other) Criminal Minds do Admire
THOSE the most (they are "proud" about the "achievements"
of those)

who do the MOST cleverly camouflaged, and the MOST
intensely damaging, and the MOST permanently Evil
things to others -

which things, by the way, are done inevitably
on a spiritual level - though you may see only,
or may be directly aware only of the physical
results or material aspects of such actions of
theirs. *(1)


And then there are the Destructive Cowards, who ALSO want
to be Admired by a Criminal Mind,

in order that this Criminal Mind makes him or her
"feel good," feel Admired, feel "loved," which they
want to feel

so that they then indeed do NOT feel, do NOT sense and are
NOT aware of REALITY,

of what really HAS happened, and of what really IS
happening, of what really IS going on all the time

- that is, of the Extreme Ugliness and the
Nauseating Evil of that individual, the
continuous and biting, cutting Hate from that
Criminal Mind,

which it is indeed extremely unpleasant to be aware
of - and

which you then rather are NOT aware of, and which you then
rather do NOT feel, and prefer NOT anymore to have any
alive knowledge about

- especially of course, when you are living
together with one.


Again, truth is an absolute thing, and the only means
by which people can deny what exists, is, to pretend
(or to accept the pretense, that) reality is
different than it is.

That is, by the way, the whole basis and
origin of Hinduism and Buddhism, and of
the New Age cults, that are all based on

To deny

- in whatever clever words and by
whatever clever techniques of
blotting out or altering
perception of life itself, to
deny and disconnect from -

the reality of what and who DOES exist,
of what DID happen, of truth,

and to define it as anything else,
but never as that what really did
happen and who caused it. *(5)


So they rather accept the pretense and the lies of the
Criminal Mind "as true,"

as "the truth," as "the truth about life, that they
now finally 'found out' and 'were allowed - by the
Criminal Mind - to experience' who 'opened their mind
to "understanding" the "true" nature of life',"

and this "finding out 'the truth' of life," indeed
makes them "feel VERY, VERY good," and the moment it
occurs, that feeling then serves as "proof of having
found 'the truth',"

a feeling of a highly unaware "Enlightenment,"
that may last for a few months at the most.


And they rather, OF COURSE, accept the feelings of "Love"
(of Admiration), that the Criminal Mind provides

as if those feelings for you, are the Criminal Mind's
"genuine feelings:"

You rather wanting to believe, isn't it, that you are
LOVED for being kind and friendly, and LOVED for
having the courage and care to be yourself towards

- rather than the truth, the REALITY, which IS
going on, which is that you are Hated most
intensely, and with deadly intentions by

by Criminal Minds, and at times by
Destructive Cowards, who most intensely
Hate you

FOR your being kind and friendly, and FOR you
being very much yourself -

you rather wanting to believe, that you are respected
and admired FOR being sincere and loving and FOR
being beautiful, isn't it, and you of course expect
that too,

rather than the truth, the REALITY (that what
IS going on) which is, that you are being Hated
most deeply by Criminal Minds FOR being sincere
and FOR being loving and FOR being beautiful

- but they can of course not tell you
that so openly,

so they find things that they can
"accuse you of," maybe some 'rules you
broke,' or such,

or that "you are 'catching attention',"
as they call it somewhere - there, in
a country where

'rules are more important than
people;' *(8)

or (they try to accuse you of all kind
of strange things) when you are simply
enjoying others with your Beauty

when you please the eye of others
by showing your Beauty,

rather than ('doing what you are
supposed to do' - which is agreeing
with "the society," with a bunch of
Criminal Minds, that is, you agree
to 'being Ugly on demand,' by NOT
having to defend your Beauty, but
rather "being comfortable," by)

wearing very ugly working trousers
(called 'Blue Jeans'), (that you
should wear 'in order to feel

"in order 'not to offend people' -
to not offend them by showing who
and what you are, with any Beauty
that they themselves may have



So you may find out, that Criminal Minds are secretly
or not so secretly being furious

NOT ONLY about the fact that you ARE kind and
friendly and beautiful,

but that you ALSO show and live it, that you
are ALSO ACTING kindly and friendly and

they are furious about your acting responsibly, that

It is something, that you most likely
have experienced,

at some stage in your childhood,
for instance,

when some Criminal Mind managed to make
you stop being yourself.

And in order to make it the harder
for you, to remedy the spiritual
damage, they enforce the blame on

as if it is "something wrong
in you" - which it is not at
all - but they have to make
you believe that,

in order to make the harm
permanent, and indeed, to
ruin the rest of your life.


And Criminal Minds have helpers, Destructive Cowards
who simply carry out the wishes of a Criminal Mind,

in return for their "being loved" (being
Admired) BY a Criminal Mind, and for "being
protected," BY a Criminal Mind, and

for being made unaware of reality (and thus
they are mind-controlled) BY a Criminal Mind.


Destructive Cowards rather accept the feelings of very Ugly
"love" (that is, of Admiration, given as "love") and

Destructive Cowards rather accept pretense "as true" and
"as genuine,"

(what is made to feel "beautiful" and "true" but
which is even MORE Ugly and MORE repulsive

BECAUSE it is pretended and intended to hide,
to make completely unseen, the most vicious and
the most abhorrent motives),

Destructive Cowards rather accept lies that seemingly are
"pleasant" and "caring,"

accepting the lies of a Criminal Mind as "truth" and
as "sincerity,"

Destructive Cowards rather act upon THOSE,

IN ORDER TO GET ADMIRATION, in order to "feel

IN ORDER to rather feel and act as if the
Criminal Mind "is a good and nice and loving,
or at least a well-meaning person,"

RATHER than to be honest and decent to you and to others,

rather than to act on truth, rather than to act

on what they do know (what a Destructive Coward does
know) very well to be true about you or about others,

rather than to act truthfully,

on what they know very well, that you or others did
for them. *(10)(10a)


They prefer then to "feel as true," that what they do know
very well to be complete and malicious lies about you and
about others (and lies about themselves too of course),
from Criminal Minds,

and despite that knowledge, they NEVERTHELESS act upon
the lies

- which you experience and describe correctly as
their being very mean to you or to others.

And while they are so destroying themselves,

exactly as the Criminal Mind wants it,

they are destroying your life too,

but they may feel it - highly irrationally indeed -
as if they are "protecting their own feelings from
being hurt:"

Your being there, makes them experience or feel
again what is true

- and so they want to feel that AS IF "you are
destroying them by your presence," as if "you
are evil," "as if you are hindering them from
'being happy' and from 'having "their own"
emotions'," or

they may spout similar lies at you or at
others about you, and

they may act like a wild animal would - with
that difference, that they also talk -

to justify their betrayal, to maintain
their desire to be a Destructive Coward,
and to experience the "joy" of being

Destructive Cowards, of *(10a))

intentionally being mean and ugly in order
"to protect their 'own' feelings."

All that suddenly ends, when they decide to
not be a Destructive Coward anymore

(for as long as it lasts, depending also
on the force of mental pressure exerted
by Criminal Minds on them, and

on their own desire to face and oppose
ALL Criminal Minds - it is no use, of
course, if they oppose all other Criminal
Minds but are and want to remain fully
dominated by even just one Criminal
Mind). *(10)(10a)


Their preference, their choice, makes them think and feel
and act as Criminals, as Destructive Cowards,

whenever they desire to 'NOT FEEL Extreme Ugliness
and Hate,'

which however are - you may like to know -
continuously generated and projected ALL THE
TIME, by Criminal Minds, from behind their
masks, *(1)

whether you see and feel that or not.

You feel those Energies projected almost
constantly on and in your body, though,

accompanied by the lie - convincingly
projected with it - that "it is caused by
your body," or "caused by yourself,"
"you did not get enough sleep."


And then you go to a medical doctor who has
been licensed to agree with the lie, and who
earns his living from agreeing with that lie,
and then

"everyone is happy"


"nobody makes any trouble."


Only you are sick for some time, or
dying, or maybe in constant pain, or
needing constant medical care.

But "everyone is happy" and "nobody makes
any trouble."

Criminal Minds call that "STABILITY."



People become Destructive Cowards - some even become drug
addicts - BECAUSE they want to 'NOT FEEL' (the Extreme
Ugliness and the violent Hate, that is hidden inside)
Criminal Minds. *(2)

And of course, a Criminal Mind demands that of people
too, that "one desires to 'NOT FEEL' a Criminal Mind"

that you prefer - or are compelled by a Criminal
Mind to 'have as "your own" desire' - the desire to
not experience reality and even not to know reality,
and that, instead of that,

you must "enjoy" 'the feeling of BEING ADMIRED:'

Admired for being a blind and spineless,
immoral and un-knowing idiot - Admired

by a Criminal Mind or by a group of Criminal
Minds or by the group of a Criminal Mind.


And wanting and accepting Admiration from a Criminal Mind,
inevitably includes accepting and feeling ALL their lies as
"true." *(11)(10a) Really...


These are (the) major factors, by which Evil is perpetuated
despite your efforts to detect and identify and curb its


[Check for updated and newly added HRI's]

(1) See the upcoming 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Impulses' -
which was based on
'Only 'Zero Tolerance For Criminal Minds' Can Tolerate Them'
{HRI 20040205-V3.0-beta-1-p1}
(Preview 1 of Version 3.0 PART ONE, on 26 Oct 2004)

(2) 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life'
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

(3) 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth' (Version 1.0)
(29 August 2001 - Issued 4 Oct 2002)

(4) 'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108} (8 January 2004)

(5) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(6) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity' {HRI 20031110-V3.2}
(10 November 2003 - Version 3.2 on 22 May 2005)

(7) 'Current Understanding of Mental Illness - Consequences'
(9 Dec 2002)

(8) 'If Pilate Had Provided King Solomon's Justice...'
{HRI 20041102-V1.3}
(2 November 2004 - Version 1.3 on 2 Apr 2005)

(9) 'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire' {HRI 20020201}
(1 February 2002 - issued 20 Feb 2003)

(10) 'Definition Of Schizophrenic' (25 Nov 2002)

(10a)'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V2.1.2}
(10 June 2005 - Version 2.1.2 on 2 Aug 2005)

(11) 'Major Cause Of Insanity or Suffering: Seeking Understanding,
Friendship or Guidance From Criminal Minds' (25 April 2004)

(12) 'Leonardo Da Vinci - About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness,
Time, And Earth's Past And Future'
{HRI 20040829-V3.4.3}
(29 August 2004 - Version 3.4.3 on 18 May 2006)



Copyright 2005, 2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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