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Bigami ulovligt - polygami lovligt
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 30-05-07 09:06

Også i UK taler man nu om muslimsk polygami, - det lader til at de fleste
europæiske lande tillader det, men går stille med dørene, indtil nogen
forlanger fakta på bordet.
Men man KAN ikke bare stoppe folks århundredgamle kultur, vi kommer til at
leve med sharia i mange former, det kan ikke være anderledes.

From The Times May 28, 2007

Polygamous marriage is flourishing as the Government admits for the first
time that nearly a thousand men are living legally with multiple wives in

Although the families are entitled to claim social security for each wife,
no one has counted how many of them are on benefits.

Ministers appear to be ignoring the separate practice of unauthorised
polygamy, which is said to have become commonplace in some Muslim
communities. The Ministry of Justice admits that it has no estimates of
numbers for these unions, which are often presided over by an Islamic


The Government has long reassured Parliament that its policy is to prevent
the formation of multiple marriages by refusing to allow second wives entry
into the country. Under British law, husbands and wives can have only one
spouse at a time. Multiple simultaneous marriages constitute bigamy, a
criminal offence.

Britain does recognise polygamous marriages that have taken place in
countries where the custom is legal, such as Pakistan, Nigeria and India.
The Home Office said that multiple wives in polygamous marriages may be
allowed into the country as students or tourists.

Officials are advised to let extra wives into Britain even if they suspect
that a husband is trying to cheat the system by getting bogus divorces.

“Entry clearance may not be withheld from a second wife where the husband
has divorced his previous wife and the divorce is thought to be one of
convenience,” an immigration rulebook advises.

“This is so, even if the husband is still living with the previous wife and
to issue the entry clearance would lead to the formation of a polygamous

Opposition politicians are concerned about the burden being placed by
polygamy on the social security and tax systems.

A husband may claim housing benefit for each wife even if she is abroad, for
up to 52 weeks, as long as the absence is temporary and for pressing
reasons. In a draft Commons reply released under the Freedom of Information
Act, officials explained another way in which the system made it easy to
receive handouts.

“A polygamous marriage is the only circumstance in which an adult dependency
increase is payable in income-related benefits,” it stated. “In any other
circumstances an adult ‘dependent’ would have to make a separate claim.”

To calculate the amount of income support that is payable to an extra wife,
officials subtract the rate paid to an individual from that paid to a
couple. This produces the amount that a cohabiting spouse is deemed to need
in social security benefits. If a man lives with two valid wives, his
household is paid the rate for a couple, plus an amount for the extra
spouse, the documents show.


“I’ve not been able to find out from the Government what the extent of the
problem is,” Mr Malins said. “It’s a very serious issue.”

The practice is said to have become commonplace, at least among Kashmiris, a
group that accounts for most of the 747,000 Pakistanis in Britain.

Per Rønne (30-05-2007)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 30-05-07 11:03

Knud Larsen <mafishmaskela@yahoo.invalid> wrote:

> Polygamous marriage is flourishing as the Government admits for the first
> time that nearly a thousand men are living legally with multiple wives in
> Britain.
> Although the families are entitled to claim social security for each wife,
> no one has counted how many of them are on benefits.

Ja, der er nogle der kan stikke hovedet i busken. En del af prisen for
at have et valgsystem som det britiske.
Per Erik Rønne

Per Vadmand (30-05-2007)
Fra : Per Vadmand

Dato : 30-05-07 11:17

"Per Rønne" wrote:

> Ja, der er nogle der kan stikke hovedet i busken. En del af prisen for
> at have et valgsystem som det britiske.

Hvad har de to ting med hinanden at gøre? Jeg ser ikke forbindelsen.

Per V.

CEPOS: Concentration of Extraordinarily Preposterous Organized

Knud Larsen (30-05-2007)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 30-05-07 11:52

"Per Vadmand" <perve@post.tele.dk> wrote in message
> "Per Rønne" wrote:
>> Ja, der er nogle der kan stikke hovedet i busken. En del af prisen for
>> at have et valgsystem som det britiske.
> Hvad har de to ting med hinanden at gøre? Jeg ser ikke forbindelsen.

Heller ikke her?

Per Rønne (30-05-2007)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 30-05-07 12:03

Per Vadmand <perve@post.tele.dk> wrote:

> "Per Rønne" wrote:
> > Ja, der er nogle der kan stikke hovedet i busken. En del af prisen for
> > at have et valgsystem som det britiske.
> Hvad har de to ting med hinanden at gøre? Jeg ser ikke forbindelsen.

I et system som det britiske kan politiske rørelser i befolkningen kun i
meget begrænset omfang slå igennem parlamentarisk.

Helt anderledes med Danmark, hvad der klart kan ses af de to sidste
tilfælde: DF og NA.
Per Erik Rønne

Per Vadmand (30-05-2007)
Fra : Per Vadmand

Dato : 30-05-07 14:37

"Per Rønne" wrote:

> I et system som det britiske kan politiske rørelser i befolkningen
> kun i meget begrænset omfang slå igennem parlamentarisk.
> Helt anderledes med Danmark, hvad der klart kan ses af de to sidste
> tilfælde: DF og NA.

Nå, det var DET, du mente. Jeg troede, det var en eller anden forbindelse
mellem polygami og topartisystemer ...

Per V.

CEPOS: Concentration of Extraordinarily Preposterous Organized

Bo Warming (30-05-2007)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 30-05-07 15:37

"Per Vadmand" <perve@post.tele.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> "Per Rønne" wrote:
>> I et system som det britiske kan politiske rørelser i befolkningen
>> kun i meget begrænset omfang slå igennem parlamentarisk.
>> Helt anderledes med Danmark, hvad der klart kan ses af de to sidste
>> tilfælde: DF og NA.
> Nå, det var DET, du mente. Jeg troede, det var en eller anden forbindelse
> mellem polygami og topartisystemer ...

Drop smileyen
Een mand een kone
er klart i tråd med
een mand een stemme
og Muhamed var fordelingspolitisk socialist da han forbød at have haremmer
med mere end een kone, så der blev flere mænd der kunne få en kone

Da han så fandt en lægger småpige og havde ramt 4-loftet mht koner, gik han
bare ud i ørken og fik en åbenbaring hvor ærkeenglen erklærede at Gud syns
profeter skal have lov til mere end 4 koner

Det trick brugte han i mange sammenhænge og det er aldrig blevet kritiseret
af de ikke-vantro.

Jo i Afghanistan traf jeg en akademiker der var muslim og på tomandshånd
kunne grine af Muhamedsocialismens undtagelsesparagraf.

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