Please improve my English on this matter of taboos
Selfcare concerning incontinence: urinating during the night
It often happens, that old people wake during the night and need going to
the toilet, and they fall while going to or from their bed (perhaps breaking
the bone of the leg right under their hips)
Among the many good improvements concering incontinence, that have been
marketed recently, the following deserve increased openness and discussion,
among old age home pensioners and other patients in or out of institutions.
It may ease life and increase safety for very many Europeans in all age
Anybody should have within reach from their bed, one or more tools for
collecting urine.
A glass jar for marmalade with metal cover to be screwed on, may be a good
Some medical employees may think that hospitals already have such tools, but
they are usually too large and clumsy, and in an age of mobile telephones
and throw-away packings, we should help the weak old group getting handy
light small beakers made by thin plastic, soft and strong.
Different individuals may need slightly different design and size. The
municipal authorities deliver throwaway paper diapers and uridomes and many
other solutions, and the selection should be enlarged and - most important -
the subject should be freely discussed and not a matter of taboos.
Both of my parents died shortly after falling on the hard floor of their
bathroom in the middle of the night and they could have lived longer and
better, had the help suggested here been in place.
In fact very many people would benefit from reaching out for the right
beaker, when waking up in their bed with a full bladder and then staying in
their bed. Then you should move the "mobile toilet" under your blanket and
under your crutch and piss and without even changing the position of your
body, you may slip back into the realm of dreams at your safe, soft bed