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The First International Law (FIL) - {HRI ~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 25-05-07 09:54

The First International Law

24 November 2002
{HRI 20021124-V2.0}
(issued 10 December 2002)

(Version 2.0
on 23 Sept 2003)

Criminal Minds are NOT allowed to govern a people,
a country or state, or federation of states;
that IS the First International Law. {I-01}

It is an INTERNATIONAL Law, because, quite
obviously, the population of the region,
country, state, or federation, failed to
prevent a Criminal Mind from acquiring
such a position of leadership. {I-01-A}

Individuals or groups that can not or do not
want to understand this Law, or who find this
Law unnecessary, are either themselves
Criminal Minds, or they are Destructive Cowards
who protect and hide Criminal Minds. {I-01-B}

Examining and determining whether a head of state,
- regardless of how he came to power -
IS a Criminal Mind, or,
- which amounts to the same condition -
whether he is a puppet to a Criminal Mind,
(that examination and determination) is done
by the World Council, or
- lacking such -
by the United Nations Assembly members. {I-02}

The Councillors
- or lacking these, the members of
the United Nations Assembly -
will act and must show that they act according
to a proper understanding of the matter, as
put forth in:

1. Definition Of Intelligence
2. Definition Of Insane
3. Defining Love And Hate
4. Standard Responses Of Criminal Minds
5. Intentional Omission Of Truth
6. The Bush Effect
7. Fine Particle Physics
8. The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love And Beauty
9. Definition Of Schizophrenic
10. Religious Freedom
11. Course In Human Rights Philosophy
12. Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds
{I-02-A} (see Comment #3 for full titles)

In other words, they do not have the right
to be uneducated, or to make irrational
decisions, or to have unspoken motives; and
they must accordingly motivate their decision,
and they must do so publicly. {I-02-B}

They must not use religious or political
arguments or agendas, nor must they falsely
accuse others of that, to hide their intention
to undermine
- with an intention falsely to invoke, or
on the other hand, with an intention
falsely to prevent -
the natural use of the First International Law.

International peace-keeping forces can and must
be mandated and ordered by the World Councillors

- or lacking these, by the United Nations
Assembly members acting rationally and in
the interest of all people and not for the
economic or political or religious interest
of a group at the expense of others -

to carry out the decision, if lesser methods of
enforcement fail to bring about an immediate result.

Due to the nature of the Criminal Mind, there
is to be applied 'no tolerance,' and there are
no deadlines to be set nor observed, once a
decision has been made public; the decision is
valid and enforcable immediately, and by everyone.

It is further self-understood and natural to
decent and caring people, that the well-being of
people, the halting of harm inflicted upon them or
about to be inflicted upon the population concerned,
overrides any economic considerations, overrides
any political structures or group interests, or
their laws, protocols and rules, and overrides any
religious or historic customs. {I-03-B}

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

Comment #1:
The understanding and detection of Criminal Minds now has been
adequately discovered and well described, and so this natural
law can be implemented, following a sufficient amount of people
to have been informed of its existence, as well as people
having been enabled to understand and to identify those who
want to prevent the knowledge, the understanding or the
carrying out of the First International Law.

Comment #2:
To have this knowledge, and thus naturally following it, will
save thousands of trillions of dollars, and will, for the whole
population of Earth, avoid endless and severe suffering, and
herald a new era of prosperity and freedom and health.

This is knowledge of such utmost importance, that no military
commander, no diplomat, and no politician could do without:
To identify actual enemies and actual friends correctly, and
to have an understanding of what they are doing and to predict
what they will do.

Comment #3:
The following list will bring about sufficient understanding of
the Criminal Mind.

The articles are placed in the order from easy to more difficult
understanding. They are written with non-English readers in mind.

For the rest, your curiosity and your desire to care for others
- as you yourself always wanted to, that is, without being
deceived or blinded, without being misguided or diverted or
stopped - your now undiverted and unstopped care for others may
and will guide you.

1. Definition Of Intelligence
2. Definition Of Insane
3. Defining Love And Hate
4. Standard Responses Of Criminal Minds
5. Intentional Omission Of Truth
6. The Bush Effect
7. Fine Particle Physics
8. The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love And Beauty
9. Definition Of Schizophrenic
10. Religious Freedom
11. Course In Human Rights Philosophy
12. Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds

Full title and location of knowledge:

[most of these issues have been updated considerably
- see elsewhere for newer versions]

1. 'Definition Of Intelligence - From Plato' (7 September 2003)


2. 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (5 Feb 2003)


3. 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life' V2.0i
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)


4. 'Standard Responses Of Criminal Minds' (9 May 2003)


5. 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'
(19 August 2002 - Version 1.2)


6. 'The Bush Effect' (5 Mar 2003)


7. 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Persistent, Violent
Psychotics' (27 Feb 2003)


8. 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
(7 Mar 2003 - issued 19 April 2003) {HRI 20030307-pi-1}


9. 'Definition Of Schizophrenic' (25 Nov 2002)


10. 'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
(7 Apr 2003 - Issue 3) {HRI 20030407-3-V1.0}


11. 'A Course In Human Rights Philosophy' (19 Jan 2003)


12. 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds' (16 July 2003)


Further References:

[most of these issues have been updated considerably
- see elsewhere for newer versions]

- 'Understanding Of Those Who Harm Life
- Criminal Minds Radiate Lies' (11 June 2003) (second part)

- 'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies - As They Are Created
And Projected By Criminal Minds' (11 June 2003)

- 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO Causes It - Is The Question'
(10 June 2003)

- 'On Those Who Want Awareness Not Understood'
(16 April 2003 - Version 1.0) {HRI 20030416-V1.0}

- 'Definition Of Religion - (for Human Rights enforcement)'
(7 Apr 2003 - Issue 2) {HRI 20030407-2-V1.0}

- 'Definitions Of 'Political' And 'Religious' Agenda' (7 Apr 2003)

- 'The First International Law' (Version 1.1) (24 Nov 2002)

- 'Writing Technique - Non-fiction - Facing Life' (17 Mar 2003)

- 'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire'
(1 February 2002 - issued 20 Feb 2003)

- 'Living In The Present - Definition' (2 Jan 2003)

- 'Tolerance Defined In Holland (The Netherlands)' (25 Dec 2002)

- 'Your Spark Of Life Into The Darkness' (on Christmas Day 2002)

- 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing it' (20 Dec 2002)

- 'Theory Of Repairing Criminal Minds' (13 Dec 2002)

- 'Current Understanding of Mental Illness - Consequences'
(9 Dec 2002)

- 'De-cloaking Criminal Minds - Their Use Of The Double-Lie'
(14 Oct 2002, posted 25 Oct 2002)

- 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth (Version 1.0)
(29 August 2001)

- 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind' (18 Oct 2002)

- 'A Poem of Love and Adventure' (17 July 2002)

Copyright 2002, 2003 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
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