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Chronologic skjønte det til slutt
Fra : Trond Halvorsen

Dato : 10-05-07 20:01

chronologic som sendte 22. februar:

subject: bravo
Good job man, I have been suspicious of Alex Jones for a LONG time.
Nobody sending out this much information can be trusted.

Are people really so naive to think that the 9/11 Truth movement
wasn't inevitable? I mean look at JFK, they learned a lot from the way
the public reacted to that one. I am confident that the magnitude of
the lie of 9/11 requires there to be gatekeepers in the truth

Alex Jones is always acting over the top, you'd figure he'd calm the
@#$% down to make conspiracy theorists seem rational, but all he does
is give the believers of the official story more fodder.

Videos like this one just make him look like a kook.

Did you know "prison planet" is a Scientology term?

Teegeeack/Earth was subsequently abandoned by the Galactic Confederacy
and remains a pariah "prison planet" to this day, although it has
suffered repeatedly from incursions by alien "Invader Forces" since
that time.

THANK YOU for speaking up on Alex's blog, people act like they
scrutinize all the info they get, but act like complete sheeple to
everything Alex says.

You don't have to add me, but I just wanted to say that what you did
definitely opened some minds.

....har blitt blokkert et par ganger. Han sendte meg 18 email på kort
tid sist, men han sendte en email fra en annen konto:

Date: May 4, 2007 2:53 AM

Don't waste your Nordic blood on some bs conspiracy job the government
of Norway paid you to do.

Så da tok jeg meg tid til å se på link og svare:

Do you really believe this crap yourself, or has someone told you to
forward these lies, like Jews have been told to lie about 9/11 and

If you really believe those unscientific statements on that page, you
need to read B.F. Skinner "Science and Human Behavior".

I have. Skinner is a scientist who can explain human behavior without
referring to any ghosts, like gods and psyche. He defines the laws of

All children cry when they hurt. Crying makes the brain produce
endorphine, which is a painkiller like morphine.

Anger is taught to us by the environment and is inherited through the
environment through millions of years. Dogs learn fear and anger just
like humans do.

I have studied and experimented with puppies growing up when I was in
Thailand. You can create them however you want by different ways of

Everyone can exercise their bodies soft, strong, fat or thin. Fat
people can get thin. Thin people can get fat.

Nothing is decided. We are created by our environment. All the words I
speak, all the sounds I can make with my mouth are taught to me by the

the difference between dogs and humans are only physical. The
construction of our vocal cord and mouth makes us able to creat many
more sounds and communicate much better.

Everyone can learn to do good on an IQ-test. Everyone can learn to
ride a bike. Everyone learn the language they grow up in just as
quickly. The color of the skin makes no difference whatsoever.

When I'm in Thailand I stay much in the sun to get a tan. It doesn't
change anything but the color of the skin.

Jews are not a race. Judaism is a set of beliefs, or lies if you
prefer. Anyone can be a stupid Jew if they want. But who wants to
believe there are ghosts under the bed?

It's stupid as hell.

Og da har jeg ikke hørt mer fra ham, så da skjønte han tilslutt at det
var jødene som var de jævla idiotene likevel, og at Silverstein bare
har lurt ham til å tro at han er smart.

Trond Halvorsen

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