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Jøden Chronologic på MySpace
Fra : Trond Halvorsen

Dato : 03-05-07 16:41

Etter at jeg åpnet ny konto på MySpace 13. april sendte "Mike" en
friendsrequest, og han forandret profilen sin for noen dager siden til
en gjenkjennelig og han forandret nick til Chronologic. Han har sent
meg en rekke mail, men jeg har ikke svart på en eneste en enda :)

May 2, 2007 1:31 AM
Subject: RE: The blaming game
i am an mk ultra slave

i have no fucking clue whats going on

May 2, 2007 5:57 PM
RE: laurine is a Jew
I work next to this jew named Rosenberg who has this air of
superiority about him. I can tell he was raised on the jewish
supremacist ideas because he talks to everyone like theyre a

they are such dirty rat bastard liars. everything he says is laced
with subconscious sexual metaphors he doesnt realize, and it's
revealing to his true side. it's absolutely disgusting and makes my
skin crawl.

One day he was reading peoples personal information and a my boss put
him in his place and said "thats private, dont read peoples addresses
and backgrounds" and so I said "its funny how many of these I get from
Russia" and he says "Oh I don't look at them, i ignore everything on
the page and just do my job." He wanted to shoot me down by seeming
like he was above the very behavior he engaged in. (kinda like Jewish

He gets back from lunch "Oh I could just jump off a bridge right now."
then a minute later a gorgeous white woman with the biggest breasts
you've ever seen and perfect ass walks in the room and she says "how
are you feeling you look like youre happy." and he says "Oh, I am very
happy right now, thanks." Complete fucking liar. Jews will always lie
to get what they want.

They want to fuck white women and reproduce to get an evolutionary
upgrade for their mongrel "race"

So then I said "Berkeley, i would have figured that city would be more
counter-culture than it is" and he comes back from lunch with a flower
in his hair like a hippie. He is playing mind games with me. He
probably can tell I hate Jews. He even signs his name and then
underlines it every time, like he's that important.

THEN he starts playing the number games with me, because I research
that shit. He's saying with a smirk and this look of evil in his eyes,
"oh it's 1 hour and 15 minutes" (adds to 7, some occult jewish
bullshit) and then 5 mins later, "1 hour and 10 minutes until the end
of the day" (stories tall of the WTC towers and coincidentally my
apartment number).

Trust me, Trond. I can read people very well, especially Jews. they
are pedophilic/fecalphilic/immoral to the core.

These both seem like set ups to me:

Alex Jones arrested by my former governor GW Bush for asking a
question: http://youtube.com/watch?v=aoyn_doplUM

Alex Jones interview with David Gergen:

Notice on the first one how he says "why don't you grab an arm" to the
officer, maybe he wants more dramatic effect? The officers sound like
they're even giving rehearsed lines.

My view, Alex Jones is an Illum plant with orders to spread new age
religion, he's the booming voice of the Wizard of Oz trying to scare
us, but its really just the man behind a curtain. Couple of
interesting facts, Alex is 33 years old (33 degrees of JEWISH
freemasonry) and he is an Aquarius. the NWO begins at 2012 when the
astrological sign of aquarius goes into effect after 25,000 years of
pisces. They are giving subtle hints.

Maybe your theory on paranoid features is right, but... I've got page
views from Beijing, China, a military base for high tech weapons
research in Australia, Washington DC. All in the past week.

Yeah I'm paranoid, but it's good to be paranoid. I am onto something

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Trond "Jesus Christ" Halvorsen
Date: May 2, 2007 6:23 AM

I got a message from laurine:

May 3, 2007 12:06 AM
Subject: No Subject
ahahaha oh man

I was looking for a random video, maybe it was building 7 i think, and
I saw someone say

"thank god trondh and his hateful comments are gone"

You're all over this, good job man

May 3, 2007 6:32 AM
Subject: No Subject
Body: haha sorry

i drank too much and its causing me to think too much about reality

i dont like to incoherently rambling but anyway keep up the good work

May 3, 2007 6:49 AM
Subject: No Subject
I'm actually not going to talk about my job anymore, because I don't
want to lose it. Too much sensitive information. I'm not supposed to
talk about it outside of the office.

Trond Halvorsen

Trond Halvorsen (03-05-2007)
Fra : Trond Halvorsen

Dato : 03-05-07 16:44

chronologic tok kontakt 22. februar. Og jeg trodde han var ikkejøde i
ca 20 dager.

subject: bravo
Good job man, I have been suspicious of Alex Jones for a LONG time.
Nobody sending out this much information can be trusted.

Are people really so naive to think that the 9/11 Truth movement
wasn't inevitable? I mean look at JFK, they learned a lot from the way
the public reacted to that one. I am confident that the magnitude of
the lie of 9/11 requires there to be gatekeepers in the truth

Alex Jones is always acting over the top, you'd figure he'd calm the
@#$% down to make conspiracy theorists seem rational, but all he does
is give the believers of the official story more fodder.

Videos like this one just make him look like a kook.

Did you know "prison planet" is a Scientology term?

Teegeeack/Earth was subsequently abandoned by the Galactic Confederacy
and remains a pariah "prison planet" to this day, although it has
suffered repeatedly from incursions by alien "Invader Forces" since
that time.

THANK YOU for speaking up on Alex's blog, people act like they
scrutinize all the info they get, but act like complete sheeple to
everything Alex says.

You don't have to add me, but I just wanted to say that what you did
definitely opened some minds.

Trond Halvorsen

Usenet Rulez (03-05-2007)
Fra : Usenet Rulez

Dato : 03-05-07 21:35

Trond Halvorsen <trond-h@chello.no> skrev följande dynga,
news:e20k33p36ethom0jabt91g6mee23slfj4v@4ax.com:, i swnet.politik, den
to 03 maj 2007 05:40:52p :

> Etter at jeg åpnet ny konto på MySpace 13. april sendte "Mike" en
> friendsrequest, og han forandret profilen sin for noen dager siden til
> en gjenkjennelig og han forandret nick til Chronologic. Han har sent
> meg en rekke mail, men jeg har ikke svart på en eneste en enda :)
> May 2, 2007 1:31 AM
> Subject: RE: The blaming game
> i am an mk ultra slave
> i have no fucking clue whats going on
> May 2, 2007 5:57 PM
> RE: laurine is a Jew
> I work next to this jew named Rosenberg who has this air of
> superiority about him. I can tell he was raised on the jewish
> supremacist ideas because he talks to everyone like theyre a
> kindergartener.
> they are such dirty rat bastard liars. everything he says is laced
> with subconscious sexual metaphors he doesnt realize, and it's
> revealing to his true side. it's absolutely disgusting and makes my
> skin crawl.
> One day he was reading peoples personal information and a my boss put
> him in his place and said "thats private, dont read peoples addresses
> and backgrounds" and so I said "its funny how many of these I get from
> Russia" and he says "Oh I don't look at them, i ignore everything on
> the page and just do my job." He wanted to shoot me down by seeming
> like he was above the very behavior he engaged in. (kinda like Jewish
> racism?)
> He gets back from lunch "Oh I could just jump off a bridge right now."
> then a minute later a gorgeous white woman with the biggest breasts
> you've ever seen and perfect ass walks in the room and she says "how
> are you feeling you look like youre happy." and he says "Oh, I am very
> happy right now, thanks." Complete fucking liar. Jews will always lie
> to get what they want.
> They want to fuck white women and reproduce to get an evolutionary
> upgrade for their mongrel "race"
> So then I said "Berkeley, i would have figured that city would be more
> counter-culture than it is" and he comes back from lunch with a flower
> in his hair like a hippie. He is playing mind games with me. He
> probably can tell I hate Jews. He even signs his name and then
> underlines it every time, like he's that important.
> THEN he starts playing the number games with me, because I research
> that shit. He's saying with a smirk and this look of evil in his eyes,
> "oh it's 1 hour and 15 minutes" (adds to 7, some occult jewish
> bullshit) and then 5 mins later, "1 hour and 10 minutes until the end
> of the day" (stories tall of the WTC towers and coincidentally my
> apartment number).
> Trust me, Trond. I can read people very well, especially Jews. they
> are pedophilic/fecalphilic/immoral to the core.
> These both seem like set ups to me:
> Alex Jones arrested by my former governor GW Bush for asking a
> question: http://youtube.com/watch?v=aoyn_doplUM
> Alex Jones interview with David Gergen:
> http://youtube.com/watch?v=32z6Cw21OAk
> Notice on the first one how he says "why don't you grab an arm" to the
> officer, maybe he wants more dramatic effect? The officers sound like
> they're even giving rehearsed lines.
> My view, Alex Jones is an Illum plant with orders to spread new age
> religion, he's the booming voice of the Wizard of Oz trying to scare
> us, but its really just the man behind a curtain. Couple of
> interesting facts, Alex is 33 years old (33 degrees of JEWISH
> freemasonry) and he is an Aquarius. the NWO begins at 2012 when the
> astrological sign of aquarius goes into effect after 25,000 years of
> pisces. They are giving subtle hints.
> Maybe your theory on paranoid features is right, but... I've got page
> views from Beijing, China, a military base for high tech weapons
> research in Australia, Washington DC. All in the past week.
> Yeah I'm paranoid, but it's good to be paranoid. I am onto something
> here.
> ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
> From: Trond "Jesus Christ" Halvorsen
> Date: May 2, 2007 6:23 AM
> I got a message from laurine:
> http://bulletin.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=bulletin.read&messageI
> D=3392674865
> May 3, 2007 12:06 AM
> Subject: No Subject
> ahahaha oh man
> I was looking for a random video, maybe it was building 7 i think, and
> I saw someone say
> "thank god trondh and his hateful comments are gone"
> You're all over this, good job man
> May 3, 2007 6:32 AM
> Subject: No Subject
> Body: haha sorry
> i drank too much and its causing me to think too much about reality
> i dont like to incoherently rambling but anyway keep up the good work
> May 3, 2007 6:49 AM
> Subject: No Subject
> I'm actually not going to talk about my job anymore, because I don't
> want to lose it. Too much sensitive information. I'm not supposed to
> talk about it outside of the office.
> --
> Trond Halvorsen


Torleif Krantz AKA TKiGBG 37b5ffa1.96534866@news.telia.net>
"Akta dig du för att fortsätta smutskasta folk. Annars PUL'as du snart.
Då blir det verkligt allvar."

Trond Halvorsen (04-05-2007)
Fra : Trond Halvorsen

Dato : 04-05-07 23:18

On Thu, 03 May 2007 17:40:52 +0200, Trond Halvorsen
<trond-h@chello.no> wrote:

>Etter at jeg åpnet ny konto på MySpace 13. april sendte "Mike" en
>friendsrequest, og han forandret profilen sin for noen dager siden til
>en gjenkjennelig og han forandret nick til Chronologic. Han har sent
>meg en rekke mail, men jeg har ikke svart på en eneste en enda :)

Jeg la opp en bulletin om ham og da fikk jeg 18 mail fra ham, så da så
jeg meg tvunge til å blokkere idioten. I sin iver etter å late som han
ikke er jøde og skal forske litt sammen med meg, slipper det ut litt
nyttig informasjon innimellom løgnene. Men nå ble det litt for mye.

I oppslaget hadde jeg skrevet:

Subject: Some Jew...

Some Jew keeps sending me emails trying to convince me that the
NWO-Bohemian Grove-Zionist ghost carried out 9/11, still after I have
told him a hundred times that Larry Jew Silverstein took full
resposnibility for it. He even claimed that Alex Jew Jones had sneaked
in to one of their churches and gathered information about their next
terror attack.

And he sent me this now:


Symbol is a swastika superimposed over a celtic cross, which are both
ancient pagan symbols. I have a lot of hope that there is something
being done to stop the Zionists.

I've drawn something similar when speaking on the phone without
suspecting that a Jesus Ghost Christ would materialize in front of me.

NATO was created by Jews. How are these stupid lines going to make any

Trond Halvorsen

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