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The "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador') IS an ~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 01-05-07 06:16

The "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador') IS an act of Suppression AND of

30 April 2007

{HRI 20070312-A}

(Addition to
{HRI 20070312-V2.3})


The "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador') IS an act of suppression AND of
WANTING TO BE Suppressed:

ONLY Criminally minded individuals do want to suppress others, "for
their own good, of course," and

ONLY Criminally minded individuals do want to BE SUPPRESSED, "in
order to be good" so that they are able to claim and to pretend
in the group, that "they are good,"

when they wear a scarf, then the community "must regard
them as good,"


whereas a woman who does not, "must be imprisoned or even


and the same applies to men who enforce the scarf
or chador on women, such men "are good,"



This is why ALSO some women insist on the use of a head scarf
or 'chador,'

pretending it to be "religious," they camouflage their
demand that "people must be suppressed," they hide it
behind religion: *(5)(11)

ONLY Criminally minded individuals do want to BE SUPPRESSED,
"in order to be good," meaning, in order to be able

to claim and to pretend, that "they are good," "because
they follow the rules - even 'holy' rules."

So religion in actual fact only exists for them,
like for many (deceased or living) dictators too,

to "prove, that they - observing the rituals - are
therefore 'good'" even though they are having a
very criminal mind set.



While it, at first glance, seems to be in particular a domination
based on gender (on being a man or woman), that is merely a method
that is used:




- and thus it targets ALL PEOPLE, brings ALL PEOPLE into

to "provide security" - as a Criminal Mind "defines"


That is, however, the mind-set of criminals only - because any
sane person knows, that both men and women have exactly NOT to
be suppressed in order to develop their nature,

which IS to love people, to love life and to create
beauty in life and to provide joy for each other.

Anything opposed to that, IS the nature of the Criminal
Mind, and of people who have taken to the Criminal mind-
set. *(a)(11)

In the mind of the Criminal, "ALL people are basically
Criminal - and therefore ALL people HAVE TO BE SUPPRESSED

That is of course only true in a Criminal society,
and such an enforcement MAKES the Criminal elements
of the society be in charge, and all decent and
caring people be vilified, arrested, mutilated,
or even tortured to death.


Therefore, the "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador,' etc.) has no place
in ANY civilized society or country or community,

and its use should be discouraged and if possible forbidden with
the above-mentioned, correct reasoning, if it has not already
been forbidden, in all public life.

The same applies to any 'Sharia' law practice or other primitive
tribal customs linked or not linked to some religion.



The purpose of religion is NOT to destroy life - BUT it IS in the
minds of criminal individuals - to "secure life" by stifling and
destroying the most beautiful and the most loving parts of life
itself. *(5)(11)



Indeed exactly the same applies to "Islamic" or Sharia "Law," which,
again, is an instrument that ONLY Criminally minded individuals do
want to use in order to suppress others, "for their own good, of

and ONLY Criminally minded individuals do want to BE SUPPRESSED, "in
order to be good," or in order to be able to claim and pretend, that
"they are good," "because they follow the (even 'holy') rules."



This Human Rights Issue acts on HRI 'Religious Freedom'
{HRI 20030407-3-V1.0.1} *(5) and

adds to the sense of {HRI 20070312-V2.3} which is included


'Islamic Men Forced To Wear Veil, In Order Not To Arouse Women'

12 March 2007
{HRI 20070312-V2.3}

(Version 2.3
on 16 March 2007)

(based on Quote from
{HRI 20060521-V1.4.1-UAA})

(view Summary
by skipping


"Suppression of men is necessary, in order to protect the morality of
women" - obviously - by applying, "what does apply to Islamic women,"
also to Islamic men:

In some Islamic cultures, the girls and women are told to cover
their hair, even their whole body, "because they have to stop
(or to 'not invite') 'the bestial desires of men;' they have to
dominate the 'Sacks'ual behavior of men towards women." (*)

Some people might give you other "reasons" - which are,
however, merely to hide that actual intention:

A destructive intention, which is actually

- and you will understand at some time, THAT
it is actually, and that it is ONLY -

'to please Criminal Minds:' Assuming, and then also
putting into practice, THEIR very false views about
people. *(7)


Now, it is so, that I happen to be a man, and - like the vast
majority of men - I do not at all have any 'bestial desires that
should be curbed' by anyone, also not by women.

But it is Criminal Minds, who do want you to think, that
"all people have bestial desires"

- which is not true at all, except for THEMSELVES:

Criminal Minds always talk about THEMSELVES, when they
talk "about people."



Truly Criminal Minds do form only ONE PERCENT of the
living population on Earth,

in equal amounts both as women and as men, and of
any age, any religion, any caste or social position
or profession or race, any nationality,


and - should you have been indoctrinated
and were "totally convinced" of opposing
concepts, nevertheless - the facts
(which you easily can collect) are

facts that are COMPLETELY REFUTING, that are
disproving, that are going in the teeth of any
concept of "natural or divine justice," or
"Karma" and the like,

concepts that have been introduced
intentionally and enforced, simply by
Criminal Minds,

purposely and very effectively
intending to make it impossible
for you to recognize (them) or to
expect to see (them) there were
you are NOT supposed to see them
at all:

Criminal Minds at very high places
of authority, of highest ability,
of superior education, knowledge
or wealth, their true nature and
intentions masked with stolen
beauty, with charisma,


as the history books profusely tell you, that such
positions ARE used by Criminal Minds, to hide in,

again, completely refuting and disproving
anything like "natural or divine justice," or
"Karma" and the like, any such "Divine or
Cosmic laws," that are thus

- by actual proof, and to your and my
intense regret - but nevertheless
those pretended "laws of life" are

INTENTIONALLY FALSE concepts or expectations,
that you are asked to believe in and thus to
work with and "to expect of life." *(8)



And to the very intelligent and faithful
reader it is obvious, already from those

- combined with the knowledge

you may have restored to yourself
by now, if that knowledge was
taken from you,

that everyone is (and that I am and
that you are) an immortal soul -

putting the available facts together,
makes it obvious,

that a Criminal Mind does not become less of
a Criminal Mind by 'doing good deeds,' nor
does he or she become a worse Criminal Mind,
by 'doing bad deeds,' *(8)

the condition of their soul does
remain as it is,

but his or her Criminal Impulses CAN be
blocked by others, and be prevented from
being executed,

as it is done all the time for you
in order that you and others have
some degree of safety, and




I thought it is about time, that you get used
to having some understanding of Criminal

rather than eternally complaining about
what these do, and about the deceptions
these carry out

and about the atrocities that these will
FOREVER TRY TO INFLICT on you and me and
others whom you love very greatly,

it is about time, that you get
used to having some understanding
of Criminal Minds,


RATHER than your accepting their eternal - and
no doubt 'exceedingly "Divine," "Holy" and
"Cosmic"' - lies about themselves and about
you, their (Hindu, Buddhist, and New Age) lies
"about life," their stupidifying "recipes for
peace" and their blind "insights" "about life
on Earth,"

lies, that are, so they claim,
"applicable to ALL PEOPLE," but

without ever looking or wanting to
really look at people, at the souls,
and at the actual past, at the actual
intentions of people,

and instead, these "wisest of all"
rather do promote their own "comfortable
view of themselves" and of others,

their very, very atrocious lies about you,
about the actually decent, and about the
actually caring, and about the actually

and INSTEAD of looking at you, they
promote their

lies about 'the people,' as a generality or
as a supposed average of what they call "the
people of Earth," of


"people being that evil, that they have
to dwell on Earth, till 'miraculously',"

by some form of entirely non-
existing 'spiritual Darwinism,'

"they (people) are 'cured,' and according
to some (who are the 'wisest of all'),
that cure occurs only - and at that,
even automatically - after 6000 life
times have passed," *(8)

refusing to look at people, they
accuse "all people," that is, what
THEY call

"the people" - who are not at all 'the people
of Earth,' because people are not uniform or
equal at all, on Earth, but - 'the people' are
consisting of two

completely opposed, and irreconcilably,
irreparably opposed


categories (which, OF COURSE, the Criminal
Minds want you NOT to see, and they want you
to vehemently deny the extreme difference):

The one category, Criminal Minds, are FIGHTING
people, always, and in any way they can,

in order either to dominate, or to exterminate
everyone, or to in that sequence do both -

CHARGE of people, in whatever way works,

like they, Criminal Minds, in old France
wanted you to believe their pretense of

nice idea, a condition that is naturally
Criminal Minds,

but that is not the case, on Earth, at
all, as anyone knows who lost his head
on the guillotine "and thus kept it cool
enough" to experience, that 'LIBERTY,

and right now (unless you are a
Criminal Mind, or unless you are
a spiritual slave to one or more
Criminal Minds, yourself, then
you probably will not want to,

you can name a whole string of
Criminal Minds WHO ARE HEADS OF

the most dangerous
ones being Putin and
Hu Jintao, currently,

being dangerous especially then,
and in those societies, where they
are NOT restrained by the press
and by judges and by public
prosecutors and

also not by the many free,
responsible individuals and
their various institutions
in the society,

when they are NOT stopped by the
general population, and by the
people of other governments, too,

these heads of state will try to
PREVENT freedom and to PREVENT
justice and to PREVENT peace,

and indeed they do support and do
try to get and keep in place also
other severely Criminal heads of
other states,

as the diligent reader is well aware,

of what these Criminal Minds want with
their "equality," and with their "giving
back the power to 'the people',"

like in "socialism" or "communism"
or in other forms of worshiping
the most severely Criminal Minds,
and of "putting the nation in the
care of Criminals,"

like anywhere, where Criminal

for instance 'Che' Guevara
or Mao Zedong, or Korea's
Kim very Ill Sung or his son
Kim very Long Ill, or where
Russia's Stalin, etc.,

are celebrated and worshiped as
"fighters for the well-being of
people," or as "returning the
power to the people,"

in order to justify a dictatorial
society, that the Criminal Minds PRETEND
is "(of or for) the people,"

by which the Criminal Minds do not
at all mean what they SAY it is,
"of and for the people," but THEY
mean to have "government"

like a mafia does try to
have the society as much
as possible dominated

by THEIR "people," by the Criminal

- because Criminal Minds FOR THEM
ARE "the people" -

who are violently opposed to
all normal people, and who
are only

making up about one percent of the
whole population, one percent

who wish to "govern" - meaning, to
DOMINATE or even exterminate -
ninety-nine percent of the (very
stupid) population, you and me,
that is, included,

Putin wants to DOMINATE
people, which he, being
a Criminal Mind, firmly
believes IS "government,"
while ENJOYING to be evil,

Chavez wants to DOMINATE
people, destroy all their
sense of responsibility,
and reverse their sense
of good and evil and of
caring for people and of
owning things, and

the "Islamic" Osama bin
Laden is an extreme case,
he wants to DOMINATE people
own life and that of as
many others as possible,

like a modern-day
Heinrich Himmler,
needing, of course,
other Criminal Minds
and spiritually
enslaved people, to
carry it out,

a 'devil incarnate'
that the Islamic
people SHOULD be
stoning, rather than
'throwing stones at
a pillar in Mecca'
or even at people
"accused" of feeling
and also expressing
their strong love in
a very natural way,
'sacks'ually that is,
for each other,

and OF COURSE they, Criminal
Minds, have to cover their
actual intentions in either
"religious" lies or else in
"nationalistic" or other
"political" lies, that the
journalists will push into
our throats and inflict upon
our eyes as "the reasons"
and "the motives," that are

given solely to cover up THE
to EXTERMINATE life, our
life, and so

we are kept intensely stupid and
we are continuously and actively
made ignorant, again and again,
of the basic fact of life on

(as I tried to explain to you in
a work of true philosophy, a
masterpiece of collecting and
integrating the facts of history
indeed with an intense love for
people, as no one has ever done
before but that should have been
done, a milestone of thinking,

'The Nature of War' *(10)

with which I was explaining to
you, that war exists and exists
ONLY, because)


"the people" are not 'the people' at all - if
you permit that simple kind of wording - BUT
'the people' are consisting of two violently,
bitterly and forever OPPOSED categories,

which "the wisest of all" and "the very
Divine" and "the perfect or Enlightened"
or "the spiritually advanced Holinesses"
either hide the truth of, or they make
the reversal of the truth seem "true,"

and often their whole "philosophy"
exists only IN ORDER TO hide, to
'reverse' and

they DENY the truth of and certainly
they DESTROY the truth of (the fact,
that the society does consist of these
two and violently opposed categories of


The former (first) category - Criminal Minds -

living on Earth "cures" Criminal Minds,
according to Criminal Minds who want to
be accepted as "the wisest" and even as
"most divine,"

they say or imply, that 'living on
Earth "cures" Criminal Minds,'

of course, these claim also,
that "there are no Criminal
Minds, only 'un-evolved
souls', 'who still are
materialistic' or who 'do
not yet know the difference
between good and evil,'

they say or imply, that 'living on
Earth "cures" "the people",'

especially if "the people" follow
'four noble paths with eight folds
in it' - to be "cured"

from something that can not be cured in
them at all, and that they do not want
to be cured from, and that nobody ever
has cured them from, not since all
eternity *(8)

(indeed,in practical terms, it is
since eternity, that the damage
has been inflicted permanently
into their soul - having become
a Criminal Mind, having been made
to ENJOY evil, and to fiercely
protect that what for THEM IS
joy - *(8))


and on the other hand, there is the vast
majority, the latter (the second) category,
you and me included

- "to be 'cured'," again according to
"the wisest and most divine," to be
cured, but from something WE do not
have, but, which anyway "will be
cured," "will be cured automatically,"

"in 6000 life times," or "in one
fell swoop," (suddenly, in one


and both categories, "the people," "by living
on Earth," are "to be cured" from something,

THAT ONLY one category, the first category
- the severely Criminal one percent of the
population - DOES suffer from BUT suffers

as a condition of their soul, and

that WE, the remaining ninety-nine percent,

as a condition of our soul,

even when we are at times immersed in the
ENERGIES (ideas, feelings, intentions) of
those one percent, the first category, the
Criminal Minds.

The ENERGIES are not the soul, however,

though also that fact has yet to be
discovered by the "very Divine" and the
"very Enlightened and other Holinesses,"
from the New Age which is just a front
for Buddhism and Hinduism. *(8)

But Criminal Minds want to convince and
"educate" everyone, that "people are all

"except for those telling you they
are Divine and Holy, and superior,
Enlightened" - or "evolved far
beyond us, spiritually," some
even "by 8000 years" or some other
fancy number,

meaning with it actually, that "YOU are
the Criminal Mind," "you may be cured,
or at least live pleasantly, IF you are
doing as you are told, AND feeling that
AND 'perceiving' that, what you are told
and expected to (feel and 'perceive'),"

meaning with it actually, that "THEY" -
the Criminal Minds - not only "are the
normal people," but "are superior to

- as you see it in all dictatorships and
in all dictatorial "sciences" and in
all dictatorial "religions," and even
in "art" from Criminal Minds.





Towards most men - to me, and, if you happen to be a man, also
towards you - it is just a straightforward insult, when a woman
wants to show you or is forced to show you, that "she has to
control your 'bestial desires'."

The faithful reader understands, that I am
talking about absolute truth,

according to which it is an insult to an
honest man, to treat him as one would treat
a malicious thief,

and according to the same absolute truth, it
is an insult in particular to honest and
caring people, to NOT respect, that a serial
murderer, like Putin or Hu Jintao or Jiang
Zemin, IS such an individual as he ACTUALLY

REGARDLESS of whether he is or
is NOT (or is not publicly)
recognized as such,

because truth IS absolute:

Of course, what is there, is there, also
when it is not seen or not understood as
to what it is

- but Criminal Minds OF COURSE
oppose that -

and, it is also detrimental to yourself and to
people who depend on you, when you do NOT

(when you do not look and see correctly,
when you do not recognize)

the condition and intentions of people who
are Criminal Minds. *(2)



On top of that insult, the girls and women are taught - either
directly, or by implying it - the ATROCIOUS LIE, that

"most men are evil," AND THE LIE, that

"a person who is close family, 'BY DEFINITION' is NOT evil,"

and that it is women, who "must control men's bestial

and that men must be dominated also by the manner in which
women dress - in this case, by women covering anything

"that could remind men of ''Sacks',' yes, even when
it could remind men of the Beauty of women ...which
would again unleash his bestial desires"

- a very repulsive and very destructive lie, as
promoted by Criminal Minds who do, of course,
only TALK ABOUT THEMSELVES when they claim to be
talking "about others."




The practice of hiding the body's beauty from sight, is a
straightforward denial of the spiritual nature of life, (*)
in this way too:

YOU FEEL people, because you are a spirit, a soul, and
because others are a spirit, a soul - and this has
nothing at all to do with the clothing worn,

unless you are in a culture where 'Sacks' (the
spiritual Energy of 'Sacks') is heavily denied to
exist, and thus

where the senses are supposed to be those of the
eyes and ears and smell and touch only:

WITHOUT feeling or seeing the soul of another
- which means -

without Love, without Understanding, without Responsibility or
Care for another. *(3)



A normal man or boy FEELS how women or girls feel, and equally,
a normal woman or girl does FEEL how men or boys feel

- and that has nothing at all to do, of course, with
whether these are dressed or not, or whether they are
in another room, or whether they are married or not:

You still FEEL them, simply by the fact of your being
alive, and by the fact of their being alive; spiritual
Energy knows no distance, and no walls.


But DENYING that, is the behavior of animals - and even animals
usually are not that stupid - to refuse to know, that they are
entirely spiritual (Energetic) in nature, but

by DENYING that, you would also be refusing to act in accordance
with your own nature - which IS entirely spiritual:

People are souls, and they feel and think as souls, which
IS done spiritually, of course.





If you DENY that, that people are souls and that life consists
entirely of feelings (if you know that you FEEL thoughts and
perceptions and intentions and memories - but if you deny all

then normal men, of decent nature, are indeed told to behave
like animals, also towards women:

They may start to prevent women from showing their Beauty
in public, and (to prevent women) from using their many
(other) talents to enhance and enliven and protect the
society; and instead,

they may develop customs of locking their wives up in
their houses, and to forbid women to take part in social
life, to BE alive:

to decide ONESELF with whom to talk and whom not,

and - most important of all - to decide about one's
OWN feelings and with whom to share these and where
and when, which - the most precious thing in all of
life -


when Criminal Minds start to claim, that (except for them-
selves of course) "everyone has bestial desires" which
must be blocked, prevented, supervised and lied about,

and "therefore, to maintain and guard their own decency, women
have to block the 'bestial desires' of men."




Which is - if you like - the automatic and indeed the historic
'retaliation,' 'backlash' or 'back firing' from enforcing the
ugly lie, the very destructive lie, on men and women and on
children, that

"women must be dominated" - "else they will be evil to

And as there is already that heavy agreement on
being dominated, on "people have to be dominated,
else they will be evil"

- while exactly the OPPOSITE is true:

When people are NOT dominated, THEN they are
NOT evil,

when free, THEN they create and exert their
care and their love and their responsibility
for others, already, yes, ESPECIALLY as
children -

but if there is already a solid, social
agreement, that

"all people must be dominated," "must do
as they are told," and "children must
'learn' that, as soon as possible,"

then (not only the women, but) the men are ALSO
easily dominated,

which you see in such countries and societies,

the men are acting like sheep, dressed and
talking and behaving all alike, as if they
are spineless sheep, conforming to whoever
is dominating,

and they are showing, and eager to show in
public, by their dress and hairdo (their hair
style), even by hiding their own Beauty, that

"they do as they are told,"

which is the "definition" of "morality"
of the Destructive Coward, as described



If you trace these customs back in history, you will find some
Criminal Minds, who - being Criminal Minds - intended to destroy
the religion they were part of *(6) and

who intended to prevent people from feeling and from expressing and
from sharing

the tremendous, tremendous love people naturally and natively
have for each other.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

Edited and Quoted from:

(*) ' 'Sacks' In Any Religion (definition of 'Sacks')'
{HRI 20060521-V1.4.1-UAA}
(21 May 2006 - Version 1.4.1-UAA on 9 Oct 2006)

See also:

'Plato On Making Love - And Defining Loneliness' *(3)

'About 'Sacks'ual Orientation' *(4)

'Islamic Women Allowed Four Husbands (For Equal Rights)'
- Edited Quote from {HRI 20070226-V4.2}
(11 March 2007 - Version 3.0 on 12 March 2007)

(a) Any sane person knows, that both men AND women have exactly NOT
to be suppressed, in order to develop their nature,

which IS to love people, to love life and to create beauty
in life and to provide joy for each other.

Anything opposed to that, is the nature of the Criminal
Mind, and of people who have taken to (have been
overwhelmed by) the Criminal mind-set

from which Christianity suffered considerably in its
Dark Ages.


(1) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(2) 'Rights of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Nov 2005)

(3) 'Plato On Making Love - And Defining Loneliness'
{HRI 20041114-V2.0.2}
(14 November 2004 - Version 2.0.2 on 29 June 2005)
{HRI 20041114-V2.0-UAA}

(4) 'About 'Sacks'ual Orientation'
{HRI 20050619}
(19 June 2005)

(5) 'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-3-V1.0.1}
(7 April 2003 - Issue 3 - Version 1.0.1 on 6 Oct 2006)


(6) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Introduction: Life
{HRI 20010829-pi1-V1.1.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 1 Version 1.1.1 on 11 Sept 2006)

(p2) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Introduction: Our
{HRI 20010829-pi2-V1.2}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 2 Version 1.2 on 12 Sept 2006)

(p3) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - The Denial'
{HRI 20010829-pi3-V1.2}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 3 Version 1.2 on 13 Sept 2006)

(p4) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Some Fine Particle Physics' {HRI 20010829-pi4-V3.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 4 Version 3.0 on 14 Sept 2006)

(p5) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- The Nature Of The Physical Universe' {HRI 20010829-pi5-V3.2.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 5 Version 3.2.1 on 18 Sept 2006)

(p6) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Opposing The Nature Of The Creation' {HRI 20010829-pi6-V4.3.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 6 Version 4.3.1 on 27 Sept 2006)

(p7) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Life Energy Particles And Your Body' {HRI 20010829-pi7-V2.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 7 Version 2.1 on 28 Sep 2006)

(p8) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Life Energy Particles
- Perception And Motion' {HRI 20010829-pi8-V1.3.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 8 Version 1.3.1 on 9 Oct 2006)

(p9) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Life Energy Particles
- Perception At A Distance' {HRI 20010829-pi9-V3.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 9 Version 3.0 on 11 Oct 2006)

(p10)'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Content Of Life Energy
Particles - Mechanics of Deception {HRI 20010829-pi10-V2.3}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 10 Version 2.3 on 22 Oct 2006)

(p11)'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Certainty of Perception'
{HRI 20010829-pi11-V2.0}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 11 Version 2.0 on 30 Oct 2006)


(7) 'Obviously The Second Law of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060924}
(24 September 2006)

(8) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

(9) 'The First Law of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060601-V2.2.2}
(1 June 2006 - Version 2.2.2 on 8 Sept 2006)

(10) 'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.6.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.6.1 on 19 Oct 2006)

(11) 'True Love Loves - 'Sacks' In Any Religion, and Definition
of 'Sacks' '
{HRI 20060521-V2.0.2-UAA}
(21 May 2006 - Version 2.0.2-UAA on 26 March 2007)



Copyright 2006, 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
(address unreadable for Internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

L-W@yahoo.de (01-05-2007)
Fra : L-W@yahoo.de

Dato : 01-05-07 07:49

Und Abram zog herauf aus Ägypten, er und sein Weib und alles, was er
und Lot mit ihm, nach dem Süden. * 2 Und Abram war sehr reich an Vieh, an
Silber und an Gold. 3 Und er ging auf seinen Zügen vom Süden bis Bethel,
bis zu dem Orte, wo im Anfang sein Zelt gewesen war, zwischen Bethel und
Ai, 4 zu der Stätte des Altars, den er zuvor daselbst gemacht hatte. Und
Abram rief daselbst den Namen Jehovas an.

5 Und auch Lot, der mit Abram zog, hatte Kleinvieh und Rinder und Zelte. 6
Und das Land ertrug es nicht, daß sie beisammen wohnten; denn ihre Habe war
groß, und sie konnten nicht beisammen wohnen. 7 Und es gab Zank zwischen
den Hirten von Abrams Vieh und den Hirten von Lots Vieh. Und die Kanaaniter
und die Perisiter wohnten damals im Lande. 8 Da sprach Abram zu Lot: Laß
doch kein Gezänk sein zwischen mir und dir und zwischen meinen Hirten und
deinen Hirten; denn wir sind Brüder! 9 Ist nicht das ganze Land vor dir?
Trenne dich doch von mir! Willst du * zur Linken, so will ich mich zur
Rechten wenden, und willst du * zur Rechten, so will ich mich zur Linken

10 Und Lot hob seine Augen auf und sah die ganze Ebene * des Jordan, daß
sie ganz bewässert war (bevor Jehova Sodom und Gomorra zerstört hatte)
gleich dem Garten Jehovas, wie das Land Ägypten, bis nach Zoar hin. 11 Und
Lot erwählte sich die ganze Ebene des Jordan, und Lot zog ostwärts; und sie
trennten sich voneinander. 12 Abram wohnte im Lande Kanaan, und Lot wohnte
in den Städten der Ebene und schlug Zelte auf bis nach Sodom. 13 Und die
Leute von Sodom waren böse und große Sünder vor Jehova.

14 Und Jehova sprach zu Abram, nachdem Lot sich von ihm getrennt hatte:
Hebe doch deine Augen auf und schaue von dem Orte, wo du bist, gegen Norden
und gegen Süden und gegen Osten und gegen Westen! 15 Denn das ganze Land,
das du siehst, dir will ich es geben und deinem Samen auf ewig. 16 Und ich
will deinen Samen machen wie den Staub der Erde, so daß, wenn jemand den
Staub der Erde zu zählen vermag, auch dein Same gezählt werden wird. 17
Mache dich auf und durchwandle das Land nach seiner Länge und nach seiner
Breite; denn dir will ich es geben. 18 Und Abram schlug Zelte auf, und kam
und wohnte unter den Terebinthen Mamres, die bei Hebron sind; und er baute
daselbst Jehova einen Altar.

m1962zm (01-05-2007)
Fra : m1962zm

Dato : 01-05-07 07:57

<L-W@yahoo.de> schreef in bericht
> Und Abram zog herauf aus Ägypten, er und sein Weib und alles, was er
> hatte,

Nu weer duits dan deens dan engels wat is dat hier voor een zooitje !


F@ber (01-05-2007)
Fra : F@ber

Dato : 01-05-07 11:46

"m1962zm" <m1962zm@gmaildotcom> schreef in bericht
> <L-W@yahoo.de> schreef in bericht
> news:1k0wjrd8zd4c9$.1beeuvz33zumr.dlg@40tude.net...
>> Und Abram zog herauf aus Ägypten, er und sein Weib und alles, was er
>> hatte,
> Nu weer duits dan deens dan engels wat is dat hier voor een zooitje !


over niet al te lange tijd zal dit geen probleem meer zijn als Arabisch in
Europa de voertaal is geworden.

Malik (01-05-2007)
Fra : Malik

Dato : 01-05-07 10:58

F@ber wrote:
> "m1962zm" <m1962zm@gmaildotcom> schreef in bericht
> news:4636e4b2$0$738$3a628fcd@textreader.nntp.hccnet.nl...
>> <L-W@yahoo.de> schreef in bericht
>> news:1k0wjrd8zd4c9$.1beeuvz33zumr.dlg@40tude.net...
>>> Und Abram zog herauf aus Ägypten, er und sein Weib und alles, was er
>>> hatte,
>> Nu weer duits dan deens dan engels wat is dat hier voor een zooitje !
> Salaam,

Salam alaikum!

> over niet al te lange tijd zal dit geen probleem meer zijn als Arabisch in
> Europa de voertaal is geworden.


m1962zm (01-05-2007)
Fra : m1962zm

Dato : 01-05-07 18:25

"Malik" <malik@nospam.kom> schreef in bericht
> F@ber wrote:
>> "m1962zm" <m1962zm@gmaildotcom> schreef in bericht
>> news:4636e4b2$0$738$3a628fcd@textreader.nntp.hccnet.nl...
>>> <L-W@yahoo.de> schreef in bericht
>>> news:1k0wjrd8zd4c9$.1beeuvz33zumr.dlg@40tude.net...
>>>> Und Abram zog herauf aus Ägypten, er und sein Weib und alles, was
>>>> er
>>>> hatte,
>>> Nu weer duits dan deens dan engels wat is dat hier voor een zooitje
>>> !
>> Salaam,
> Salam alaikum!

Pak 'm in je handen en bekaikum !


Anneke.A (01-05-2007)
Fra : Anneke.A

Dato : 01-05-07 09:41

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <AmbassadorForMankind@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> The "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador') IS an act of Suppression AND of

The correct term would have to be oppressed not suppressed. The rest reads
as a gutless sadomasochistic political manifesto.


WinstonSmith_101@hot~ (01-05-2007)
Fra : WinstonSmith_101@hot~

Dato : 01-05-07 09:43

On May 1, 10:40 am, "Anneke.A" <andri...@planet.nl> wrote:
> "Koos Nolst Trenite" <AmbassadorForMank...@hotmail.com> wrote in messagenews:1177996567.498629.23440@y80g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
> > The "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador') IS an act of Suppression AND of
> The correct term would have to be oppressed not suppressed. The rest reads
> as a gutless sadomasochistic political manifesto.
> A

Help Help. I'm being suppressed!

In any case. Women without proper Burka covering are like uncovered
meat. They obviously want to be raped.

Anneke.A (01-05-2007)
Fra : Anneke.A

Dato : 01-05-07 10:33

<WinstonSmith_101@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> On May 1, 10:40 am, "Anneke.A" <andri...@planet.nl> wrote:
> > "Koos Nolst Trenite" <AmbassadorForMank...@hotmail.com> wrote in
> >
> > > The "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador') IS an act of Suppression AND of
> >
> > The correct term would have to be oppressed not suppressed. The rest
> > as a gutless sadomasochistic political manifesto.
> >
> > A
> Help Help. I'm being suppressed!
> In any case. Women without proper Burka covering are like uncovered
> meat. They obviously want to be raped.

Gutless was not understood?


Leonardo Been (01-05-2007)
Fra : Leonardo Been

Dato : 01-05-07 09:56

'My Pearls not for Pigs'

6 August 2006
(Revision 2.4)

(Version 2.4
on 30 Apr 2007)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)


The "respondent(s)" - to whom this applies (in the proverb,
they are referred to as 'pigs') - is (are) already covered in

'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030509-V4.2.1}
(9 May 2003 - Version 4.2.1 on 30 Sept 2006)

and further, in

'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie'
{HRI 20050527-V3.5.2}
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.5.2 on 16 Jul 2006)

and they are understood most thoroughly, in

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
{FPP 20070331-V2.6} {HRI 20070331-V2.6}
(31 March 2007 - V2.6 on 27 Apr 2007)



Anybody, who DENIES the existence and relevance of
Criminal Minds (of Sociopaths), is most likely one
himself (or herself)

regardless of what religious, or political or
scientific orientation he (or she) may pretend
to adhere to, or on the other hand, may be lacking

Criminal Minds can be and are found in ANY
religion, any nationality, any race, any age,
any gender, any profession, and at any level
of education or wealth, or the lack of these.

At least one percent of the living population on
Earth consists of very severely Criminal Minds.

Examples: Kim Long Ill, Kim Ill Sung,
Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, Mao Zedong,
Vladimir Putin, Patrushev,
Ahmadinejad, Kahmenei, Kohmeini,
Haniyeh, Yasser Arafat,
Castro and Chavez, Gaddafi,

are Criminal Minds

- regardless of whether you like to see that.

(Stalin, Ghengis Khan, Pol Pot and
Hitler, for instance, are generally
known as Criminal Minds.)




The "respondent(s)" tries(try) to have the matter I write about,
not read, not understood, or not discussed,

in some cases, they pretend the very opposite by
the method of claiming (by giving "advice"), that
what I write, "is not in a readable format or
layout," and also "is too long," and, that
(therefore) "nobody will read it,"

a PRETENSE and a claim, that in fact - as it
turned out to be, in each case - IS a standard
response of Criminal Minds;

THEY feel irritated exactly BY the
CLARITY of the layout or format,

much in the same way as some feel
"irritated" by the clarity of
Bach's music,

because it OPPOSES confusion,

and of course, THEY feel irritated by
ANY length of what I write and say, yes,

even by my presence and by my looking at

much in the same way as some
contemporaries of Mozart wanted
to have him away or get rid of

His Beauty EXPOSES their
Ugliness, makes it visible,

much like honesty does
inevitably reveal treachery;


further, the attentive reader will have
noticed, that the layout precisely is
intended and thus allows the reader

to spend as little or as much time as he or
she desires to spend on reading,

by seeing and understanding, that the indented
text gives more and more EXPANSION or detail
of the subject;

all of which the "respondent(s)" does
(do) not mention,


and basically, the "respondent(s)" mentioned or implied, are
describing themselves only, or are outing themselves as being
Criminal Minds (as Sociopaths)

- if they were not already known as such.


In this case, he (or she, as the case may be) wants, that
the nature of the subject, and anyone addressed - but in
particular he (or she) himself -

is NOT (or not at all correctly) UNDERSTOOD BY OTHERS, IS
NOT (or not at all properly) FELT BY OTHERS,

they try to prevent the subject from being looked at and
discussed by people who WOULD be interested in having a correct
feeling for the subject, as it is

read and felt and understood by those for whom indeed

Koos Nolst Trenite, or "Cause Trinity" as they call him in English
language areas, who is arguably the most intelligent, beautiful,
caring and loving, and most truthful philosopher known, wrote:

On May 1, 7:16 am, Koos Nolst Trenite
<AmbassadorForMank...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> The "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador') IS an act of Suppression AND of
> 30 April 2007
> {HRI 20070312-A}
> (Addition to
> {HRI 20070312-V2.3})
> '
> The "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador') IS an act of suppression AND of
> WANTING TO BE Suppressed:
> ONLY Criminally minded individuals do want to suppress others, "for
> their own good, of course," and
> ONLY Criminally minded individuals do want to BE SUPPRESSED, "in
> order to be good" so that they are able to claim and to pretend
> in the group, that "they are good,"
> when they wear a scarf, then the community "must regard
> them as good,"
> whereas a woman who does not, "must be imprisoned or even
> killed,"
> and the same applies to men who enforce the scarf
> or chador on women, such men "are good,"
> '
> This is why ALSO some women insist on the use of a head scarf
> or 'chador,'
> pretending it to be "religious," they camouflage their
> demand that "people must be suppressed," they hide it
> behind religion: *(5)(11)
> ONLY Criminally minded individuals do want to BE SUPPRESSED,
> "in order to be good," meaning, in order to be able
> to claim and to pretend, that "they are good," "because
> they follow the rules - even 'holy' rules."
> So religion in actual fact only exists for them,
> like for many (deceased or living) dictators too,
> to "prove, that they - observing the rituals - are
> therefore 'good'" even though they are having a
> very criminal mind set.
> '
> '
> While it, at first glance, seems to be in particular a domination
> based on gender (on being a man or woman), that is merely a method
> that is used:
> '
> - and thus it targets ALL PEOPLE, brings ALL PEOPLE into
> submission,
> to "provide security" - as a Criminal Mind "defines"
> "security."
> '
> That is, however, the mind-set of criminals only - because any
> sane person knows, that both men and women have exactly NOT to
> be suppressed in order to develop their nature,
> which IS to love people, to love life and to create
> beauty in life and to provide joy for each other.
> Anything opposed to that, IS the nature of the Criminal
> Mind, and of people who have taken to the Criminal mind-
> set. *(a)(11)
> In the mind of the Criminal, "ALL people are basically
> Criminal - and therefore ALL people HAVE TO BE SUPPRESSED
> That is of course only true in a Criminal society,
> and such an enforcement MAKES the Criminal elements
> of the society be in charge, and all decent and
> caring people be vilified, arrested, mutilated,
> or even tortured to death.
> '
> Therefore, the "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador,' etc.) has no place
> in ANY civilized society or country or community,
> and its use should be discouraged and if possible forbidden with
> the above-mentioned, correct reasoning, if it has not already
> been forbidden, in all public life.
> The same applies to any 'Sharia' law practice or other primitive
> tribal customs linked or not linked to some religion.
> '
> '
> The purpose of religion is NOT to destroy life - BUT it IS in the
> minds of criminal individuals - to "secure life" by stifling and
> destroying the most beautiful and the most loving parts of life
> itself. *(5)(11)
> '
> '
> Indeed exactly the same applies to "Islamic" or Sharia "Law," which,
> again, is an instrument that ONLY Criminally minded individuals do
> want to use in order to suppress others, "for their own good, of
> course,"
> and ONLY Criminally minded individuals do want to BE SUPPRESSED, "in
> order to be good," or in order to be able to claim and pretend, that
> "they are good," "because they follow the (even 'holy') rules."
> '
> '
> This Human Rights Issue acts on HRI 'Religious Freedom'
> {HRI 20030407-3-V1.0.1} *(5) and
> adds to the sense of {HRI 20070312-V2.3} which is included
> below:
> '
> 'Islamic Men Forced To Wear Veil, In Order Not To Arouse Women'
> 12 March 2007
> {HRI 20070312-V2.3}
> (Version 2.3
> on 16 March 2007)
> (based on Quote from
> {HRI 20060521-V1.4.1-UAA})
> (view Summary
> by skipping
> indentation)
> '
> "Suppression of men is necessary, in order to protect the morality of
> women" - obviously - by applying, "what does apply to Islamic women,"
> also to Islamic men:
> In some Islamic cultures, the girls and women are told to cover
> their hair, even their whole body, "because they have to stop
> (or to 'not invite') 'the bestial desires of men;' they have to
> dominate the 'Sacks'ual behavior of men towards women." (*)
> Some people might give you other "reasons" - which are,
> however, merely to hide that actual intention:
> A destructive intention, which is actually
> - and you will understand at some time, THAT
> it is actually, and that it is ONLY -
> 'to please Criminal Minds:' Assuming, and then also
> putting into practice, THEIR very false views about
> people. *(7)
> '
> Now, it is so, that I happen to be a man, and - like the vast
> majority of men - I do not at all have any 'bestial desires that
> should be curbed' by anyone, also not by women.
> But it is Criminal Minds, who do want you to think, that
> "all people have bestial desires"
> - which is not true at all, except for THEMSELVES:
> Criminal Minds always talk about THEMSELVES, when they
> talk "about people."
> '
> '
> Truly Criminal Minds do form only ONE PERCENT of the
> living population on Earth,
> in equal amounts both as women and as men, and of
> any age, any religion, any caste or social position
> or profession or race, any nationality,
> '
> and - should you have been indoctrinated
> and were "totally convinced" of opposing
> concepts, nevertheless - the facts
> (which you easily can collect) are
> facts that are COMPLETELY REFUTING, that are
> disproving, that are going in the teeth of any
> concept of "natural or divine justice," or
> "Karma" and the like,
> concepts that have been introduced
> intentionally and enforced, simply by
> Criminal Minds,
> purposely and very effectively
> intending to make it impossible
> for you to recognize (them) or to
> expect to see (them) there were
> you are NOT supposed to see them
> at all:
> Criminal Minds at very high places
> of authority, of highest ability,
> of superior education, knowledge
> or wealth, their true nature and
> intentions masked with stolen
> beauty, with charisma,
> '
> as the history books profusely tell you, that such
> positions ARE used by Criminal Minds, to hide in,
> again, completely refuting and disproving
> anything like "natural or divine justice," or
> "Karma" and the like, any such "Divine or
> Cosmic laws," that are thus
> - by actual proof, and to your and my
> intense regret - but nevertheless
> those pretended "laws of life" are
> INTENTIONALLY FALSE concepts or expectations,
> that you are asked to believe in and thus to
> work with and "to expect of life." *(8)
> '
> '
> And to the very intelligent and faithful
> reader it is obvious, already from those
> facts
> - combined with the knowledge
> you may have restored to yourself
> by now, if that knowledge was
> taken from you,
> that everyone is (and that I am and
> that you are) an immortal soul -
> putting the available facts together,
> makes it obvious,
> that a Criminal Mind does not become less of
> a Criminal Mind by 'doing good deeds,' nor
> does he or she become a worse Criminal Mind,
> by 'doing bad deeds,' *(8)
> the condition of their soul does
> remain as it is,
> but his or her Criminal Impulses CAN be
> blocked by others, and be prevented from
> being executed,
> as it is done all the time for you
> in order that you and others have
> some degree of safety, and
> '
> '
> '
> I thought it is about time, that you get used
> to having some understanding of Criminal
> Minds,
> rather than eternally complaining about
> what these do, and about the deceptions
> these carry out
> and about the atrocities that these will
> FOREVER TRY TO INFLICT on you and me and
> others whom you love very greatly,
> it is about time, that you get
> used to having some understanding
> of Criminal Minds,
> '
> RATHER than your accepting their eternal - and
> no doubt 'exceedingly "Divine," "Holy" and
> "Cosmic"' - lies about themselves and about
> you, their (Hindu, Buddhist, and New Age) lies
> "about life," their stupidifying "recipes for
> peace" and their blind "insights" "about life
> on Earth,"
> lies, that are, so they claim,
> "applicable to ALL PEOPLE," but
> without ever looking or wanting to
> really look at people, at the souls,
> and at the actual past, at the actual
> intentions of people,
> and instead, these "wisest of all"
> rather do promote their own "comfortable
> view of themselves" and of others,
> their very, very atrocious lies about you,
> about the actually decent, and about the
> actually caring, and about the actually
> courageous,
> and INSTEAD of looking at you, they
> promote their
> lies about 'the people,' as a generality or
> as a supposed average of what they call "the
> people of Earth," of
> '
> "people being that evil, that they have
> to dwell on Earth, till 'miraculously',"
> by some form of entirely non-
> existing 'spiritual Darwinism,'
> "they (people) are 'cured,' and according
> to some (who are the 'wisest of all'),
> that cure occurs only - and at that,
> even automatically - after 6000 life
> times have passed," *(8)
> refusing to look at people, they
> accuse "all people," that is, what
> THEY call
> "the people" - who are not at all 'the people
> of Earth,' because people are not uniform or
> equal at all, on Earth, but - 'the people' are
> consisting of two
> completely opposed, and irreconcilably,
> irreparably opposed
> '
> categories (which, OF COURSE, the Criminal
> Minds want you NOT to see, and they want you
> to vehemently deny the extreme difference):
> The one category, Criminal Minds, are FIGHTING
> people, always, and in any way they can,
> in order either to dominate, or to exterminate
> everyone, or to in that sequence do both -
> CHARGE of people, in whatever way works,
> like they, Criminal Minds, in old France
> wanted you to believe their pretense of
> nice idea, a condition that is naturally
> Criminal Minds,
> but that is not the case, on Earth, at
> all, as anyone knows who lost his head
> on the guillotine "and thus kept it cool
> enough" to experience, that 'LIBERTY,
> FRATERNITY AND EQUALITY,' is a pretense,
> a TRICK,
> and right now (unless you are a
> Criminal Mind, or unless you are
> a spiritual slave to one or more
> Criminal Minds, yourself, then
> you probably will not want to,
> but)
> you can name a whole string of
> Criminal Minds WHO ARE HEADS OF
> the most dangerous
> ones being Putin and
> Hu Jintao, currently,
> being dangerous especially then,
> and in those societies, where they
> are NOT restrained by the press
> and by judges and by public
> prosecutors and
> also not by the many free,
> responsible individuals and
> their various institutions
> in the society,
> when they are NOT stopped by the
> general population, and by the
> people of other governments, too,
> then
> these heads of state will try to
> PREVENT freedom and to PREVENT
> justice and to PREVENT peace,
> and indeed they do support and do
> try to get and keep in place also
> other severely Criminal heads of
> other states,
> as the diligent reader is well aware,
> of what these Criminal Minds want with
> their "equality," and with their "giving
> back the power to 'the people',"
> like in "socialism" or "communism"
> or in other forms of worshiping
> the most severely Criminal Minds,
> and of "putting the nation in the
> care of Criminals,"
> like anywhere, where Criminal
> Minds,
> for instance 'Che' Guevara
> or Mao Zedong, or Korea's
> Kim very Ill Sung or his son
> Kim very Long Ill, or where
> Russia's Stalin, etc.,
> are celebrated and worshiped as
> "fighters for the well-being of
> people," or as "returning the
> power to the people,"
> in order to justify a dictatorial
> society, that the Criminal Minds PRETEND
> is "(of or for) the people,"
> by which the Criminal Minds do not
> at all mean what they SAY it is,
> "of and for the people," but THEY
> mean to have "government"
> like a mafia does try to
> have the society as much
> as possible dominated
> by THEIR "people," by the Criminal
> Minds
> - because Criminal Minds FOR THEM
> ARE "the people" -
> who are violently opposed to
> all normal people, and who
> are only
> making up about one percent of the
> whole population, one percent
> who wish to "govern" - meaning, to
> DOMINATE or even exterminate -
> ninety-nine percent of the (very
> stupid) population, you and me,
> that is, included,
> Putin wants to DOMINATE
> people, which he, being
> a Criminal Mind, firmly
> believes IS "government,"
> while ENJOYING to be evil,
> and
> Chavez wants to DOMINATE
> people, destroy all their
> sense of responsibility,
> and reverse their sense
> of good and evil and of
> caring for people and of
> owning things, and
> the "Islamic" Osama bin
> Laden is an extreme case,
> he wants to DOMINATE people
> into EXTERMINATING their
> own life and that of as
> many others as possible,
> like a modern-day
> Heinrich Himmler,
> needing, of course,
> other Criminal Minds
> and spiritually
> enslaved people, to
> carry it out,
> a 'devil incarnate'
> that the Islamic
> people SHOULD be
> stoning, rather than
> 'throwing stones at
> a pillar in Mecca'
> or even at people
> "accused" of feeling
> and also expressing
> their strong love in
> a very natural way,
> 'sacks'ually that is,
> for each other,
> and OF COURSE they, Criminal
> Minds, have to cover their
> actual intentions in either
> "religious" lies or else in
> "nationalistic" or other
> "political" lies, that the
> journalists will push into
> our throats and inflict upon
> our eyes as "the reasons"
> and "the motives," that are
> however
> given solely to cover up THE
> to EXTERMINATE life, our
> life, and so
> we are kept intensely stupid and
> we are continuously and actively
> made ignorant, again and again,
> of the basic fact of life on
> Earth:
> '
> (as I tried to explain to you in
> a work of true philosophy, a
> masterpiece of collecting and
> integrating the facts of history
> indeed with an intense love for
> people, as no one has ever done
> before but that should have been
> done, a milestone of thinking,
> called
> 'The Nature of War' *(10)
> with which I was explaining to
> you, that war exists and exists
> ONLY, because)
> '
> "the people" are not 'the people' at all - if
> you permit that simple kind of wording - BUT
> 'the people' are consisting of two violently,
> bitterly and forever OPPOSED categories,
> which "the wisest of all" and "the very
> Divine" and "the perfect or Enlightened"
> or "the spiritually advanced Holinesses"
> either hide the truth of, or they make
> the reversal of the truth seem "true,"
> and often their whole "philosophy"
> exists only IN ORDER TO hide, to
> 'reverse' and
> they DENY the truth of and certainly
> they DESTROY the truth of (the fact,
> that the society does consist of these
> two and violently opposed categories of
> people):
> '
> The former (first) category - Criminal Minds -
> living on Earth "cures" Criminal Minds,
> according to Criminal Minds who want to
> be accepted as "the wisest" and even as
> "most divine,"
> they say or imply, that 'living on
> Earth "cures" Criminal Minds,'
> of course, these claim also,
> that "there are no Criminal
> Minds, only 'un-evolved
> souls', 'who still are
> materialistic' or who 'do
> not yet know the difference
> between good and evil,'
> etc.,"
> they say or imply, that 'living on
> Earth "cures" "the people",'
> especially if "the people" follow
> 'four noble paths with eight folds
> in it' - to be "cured"
> from something that can not be cured in
> them at all, and that they do not want
> to be cured from, and that nobody ever
> has cured them from, not since all
> eternity *(8)
> (indeed,in practical terms, it is
> since eternity, that the damage
> has been inflicted permanently
> into their soul - having become
> a Criminal Mind, having been made
> to ENJOY evil, and to fiercely
> protect that what for THEM IS
> joy - *(8))
> '
> and on the other hand, there is the vast
> majority, the latter (the second) category,
> you and me included
> - "to be 'cured'," again according to
> "the wisest and most divine," to be
> cured, but from something WE do not
> have, but, which anyway "will be
> cured," "will be cured automatically,"
> even,
> "in 6000 life times," or "in one
> fell swoop," (suddenly, in one
> time)
> '
> and both categories, "the people," "by living
> on Earth," are "to be cured" from something,
> THAT ONLY one category, the first category
> - the severely Criminal one percent of the
> population - DOES suffer from BUT suffers
> as a condition of their soul, and
> that WE, the remaining ninety-nine percent,
> as a condition of our soul,
> even when we are at times immersed in the
> ENERGIES (ideas, feelings, intentions) of
> those one percent, the first category, the
> Criminal Minds.
> The ENERGIES are not the soul, however,
> though also that fact has yet to be
> discovered by the "very Divine" and the
> "very Enlightened and other Holinesses,"
> from the New Age which is just a front
> for Buddhism and Hinduism. *(8)
> But Criminal Minds want to convince and
> "educate" everyone, that "people are all
> equal,"
> "except for those telling you they
> are Divine and Holy, and superior,
> Enlightened" - or "evolved far
> beyond us, spiritually," some
> even "by 8000 years" or some other
> fancy number,
> meaning with it actually, that "YOU are
> the Criminal Mind," "you may be cured,
> or at least live pleasantly, IF you are
> doing as you are told, AND feeling that
> AND 'perceiving' that, what you are told
> and expected to (feel and 'perceive'),"
> meaning with it actually, that "THEY" -
> the Criminal Minds - not only "are the
> normal people," but "are superior to
> everyone"
> - as you see it in all dictatorships and
> in all dictatorial "sciences" and in
> all dictatorial "religions," and even
> in "art" from Criminal Minds.
> '
> '
> '
> '
> Towards most men - to me, and, if you happen to be a man, also
> towards you - it is just a straightforward insult, when a woman
> wants to show you or is forced to show you, that "she has to
> control your 'bestial desires'."
> The faithful reader understands, that I am
> talking about absolute truth,
> according to which it is an insult to an
> honest man, to treat him as one would treat
> a malicious thief,
> and according to the same absolute truth, it
> is an insult in particular to honest and
> caring people, to NOT respect, that a serial
> murderer, like Putin or Hu Jintao or Jiang
> Zemin, IS such an individual as he ACTUALLY
> is,
> REGARDLESS of whether he is or
> is NOT (or is not publicly)
> recognized as such,
> because truth IS absolute:
> Of course, what is there, is there, also
> when it is not seen or not understood as
> to what it is
> - but Criminal Minds OF COURSE
> oppose that -
> and, it is also detrimental to yourself and to
> people who depend on you, when you do NOT
> respect
> (when you do not look and see correctly,
> when you do not recognize)
> the condition and intentions of people who
> are Criminal Minds. *(2)
> '
> '
> On top of that insult, the girls and women are taught - either
> directly, or by implying it - the ATROCIOUS LIE, that
> "most men are evil," AND THE LIE, that
> "a person who is close family, 'BY DEFINITION' is NOT evil,"
> and that it is women, who "must control men's bestial
> desires,"
> and that men must be dominated also by the manner in which
> women dress - in this case, by women covering anything
> "that could remind men of ''Sacks',' yes, even when
> it could remind men of the Beauty of women ...which
> would again unleash his bestial desires"
> - a very repulsive and very destructive lie, as
> promoted by Criminal Minds who do, of course,
> only TALK ABOUT THEMSELVES when they claim to be
> talking "about others."
> '
> '
> '
> The practice of hiding the body's beauty from sight, is a
> straightforward denial of the spiritual nature of life, (*)
> in this way too:
> YOU FEEL people, because you are a spirit, a soul, and
> because others are a spirit, a soul - and this has
> nothing at all to do with the clothing worn,
> unless you are in a culture where 'Sacks' (the
> spiritual Energy of 'Sacks') is heavily denied to
> exist, and thus
> where the senses are supposed to be those of the
> eyes and ears and smell and touch only:
> WITHOUT feeling or seeing the soul of another
> - which means -
> without Love, without Understanding, without Responsibility or
> Care for another. *(3)
> '
> '
> A normal man or boy FEELS how women or girls feel, and equally,
> a normal woman or girl does FEEL how men or boys feel
> - and that has nothing at all to do, of course, with
> whether these are dressed or not, or whether they are
> in another room, or whether they are married or not:
> You still FEEL them, simply by the fact of your being
> alive, and by the fact of their being alive; spiritual
> Energy knows no distance, and no walls.
> '
> But DENYING that, is the behavior of animals - and even animals
> usually are not that stupid - to refuse to know, that they are
> entirely spiritual (Energetic) in nature, but
> by DENYING that, you would also be refusing to act in accordance
> with your own nature - which IS entirely spiritual:
> People are souls, and they feel and think as souls, which
> IS done spiritually, of course.
> '
> '
> '
> '
> If you DENY that, that people are souls and that life consists
> entirely of feelings (if you know that you FEEL thoughts and
> perceptions and intentions and memories - but if you deny all
> that)
> then normal men, of decent nature, are indeed told to behave
> like animals, also towards women:
> They may start to prevent women from showing their Beauty
> in public, and (to prevent women) from using their many
> (other) talents to enhance and enliven and protect the
> society; and instead,
> they may develop customs of locking their wives up in
> their houses, and to forbid women to take part in social
> life, to BE alive:
> to decide ONESELF with whom to talk and whom not,
> and - most important of all - to decide about one's
> OWN feelings and with whom to share these and where
> and when, which - the most precious thing in all of
> life -
> when Criminal Minds start to claim, that (except for them-
> selves of course) "everyone has bestial desires" which
> must be blocked, prevented, supervised and lied about,
> and "therefore, to maintain and guard their own decency, women
> have to block the 'bestial desires' of men."
> '
> '
> '
> Which is - if you like - the automatic and indeed the historic
> 'retaliation,' 'backlash' or 'back firing' from enforcing the
> ugly lie, the very destructive lie, on men and women and on
> children, that
> "women must be dominated" - "else they will be evil to
> men."
> And as there is already that heavy agreement on
> being dominated, on "people have to be dominated,
> else they will be evil"
> - while exactly the OPPOSITE is true:
> When people are NOT dominated, THEN they are
> NOT evil,
> when free, THEN they create and exert their
> care and their love and their responsibility
> for others, already, yes, ESPECIALLY as
> children -
> but if there is already a solid, social
> agreement, that
> "all people must be dominated," "must do
> as they are told," and "children must
> 'learn' that, as soon as possible,"
> then (not only the women, but) the men are ALSO
> easily dominated,
> which you see in such countries and societies,
> the men are acting like sheep, dressed and
> talking and behaving all alike, as if they
> are spineless sheep, conforming to whoever
> is dominating,
> and they are showing, and eager to show in
> public, by their dress and hairdo (their hair
> style), even by hiding their own Beauty, that
> "they do as they are told,"
> which is the "definition" of "morality"
> of the Destructive Coward, as described
> elsewhere.
> '
> '
> If you trace these customs back in history, you will find some
> Criminal Minds, who - being Criminal Minds - intended to destroy
> the religion they were part of *(6) and
> who intended to prevent people from feeling and from expressing and
> from sharing
> the tremendous, tremendous love people naturally and natively
> have for each other.
> '
> Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
> human rights philosopher and poet
> 'Men of all nations came
> to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
> sent by all the kings of the world,
> who had heard of his wisdom.'
> 1 Kings 4:34
> ______________________
> Edited and Quoted from:
> (*) ' 'Sacks' In Any Religion (definition of 'Sacks')'
> {HRI 20060521-V1.4.1-UAA}
> (21 May 2006 - Version 1.4.1-UAA on 9 Oct 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/misc.education/msg/673b717cde49ed54
> '
> ________
> See also:
> 'Plato On Making Love - And Defining Loneliness' *(3)
> 'About 'Sacks'ual Orientation' *(4)
> 'Islamic Women Allowed Four Husbands (For Equal Rights)'
> - Edited Quote from {HRI 20070226-V4.2}
> (11 March 2007 - Version 3.0 on 12 March 2007)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.men/msg/93410f41975030b1
> '
> ________
> Textnote:
> (a) Any sane person knows, that both men AND women have exactly NOT
> to be suppressed, in order to develop their nature,
> which IS to love people, to love life and to create beauty
> in life and to provide joy for each other.
> Anything opposed to that, is the nature of the Criminal
> Mind, and of people who have taken to (have been
> overwhelmed by) the Criminal mind-set
> from which Christianity suffered considerably in its
> Dark Ages.
> _________
> Footnotes:
> (1) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
> {HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
> (7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/4129fa4f1a67840e
> (2) 'Rights of Criminal Minds'
> {HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
> (8 January 2004 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Nov 2005)http://groups.google.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/2d74f7c389973d14
> (3) 'Plato On Making Love - And Defining Loneliness'
> {HRI 20041114-V2.0.2}
> (14 November 2004 - Version 2.0.2 on 29 June 2005)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/a8326be589085802
> {HRI 20041114-V2.0-UAA}http://groups.google.com/group/misc.education/msg/ebdd8f227dd037e2
> (4) 'About 'Sacks'ual Orientation'
> {HRI 20050619}
> (19 June 2005)http://groups.google.com/group/sci.anthropology/msg/8b802829a1da95d8
> (5) 'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
> {HRI 20030407-3-V1.0.1}
> (7 April 2003 - Issue 3 - Version 1.0.1 on 6 Oct 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/9308443aa2e9bf31
> '
> (6) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Introduction: Life
> Forms'
> {HRI 20010829-pi1-V1.1.1}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 1 Version 1.1.1 on 11 Sept 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/sci.med/msg/88a7a7b2d830d5e6
> (p2) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Introduction: Our
> Planet'
> {HRI 20010829-pi2-V1.2}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 2 Version 1.2 on 12 Sept 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/sci.med/msg/06119c3448d82941
> (p3) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - The Denial'
> {HRI 20010829-pi3-V1.2}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 3 Version 1.2 on 13 Sept 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/sci.med/msg/2c7d720f49c84375
> (p4) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
> - Some Fine Particle Physics' {HRI 20010829-pi4-V3.0}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 4 Version 3.0 on 14 Sept 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/sci.med/msg/c99ab8c8bdd57a1c
> (p5) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
> - The Nature Of The Physical Universe' {HRI 20010829-pi5-V3.2.1}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 5 Version 3.2.1 on 18 Sept 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.japan/msg/f433f1aa6f29a904
> (p6) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
> - Opposing The Nature Of The Creation' {HRI 20010829-pi6-V4.3.1}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 6 Version 4.3.1 on 27 Sept 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.japan/msg/2978c2606a0953c0
> (p7) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
> - Life Energy Particles And Your Body' {HRI 20010829-pi7-V2.1}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 7 Version 2.1 on 28 Sep 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.japan/msg/bd8c8b7f79027767
> (p8) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Life Energy Particles
> - Perception And Motion' {HRI 20010829-pi8-V1.3.1}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 8 Version 1.3.1 on 9 Oct 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.japan/msg/50b5bc5307f3fdf1
> (p9) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Life Energy Particles
> - Perception At A Distance' {HRI 20010829-pi9-V3.0}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 9 Version 3.0 on 11 Oct 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.japan/msg/507d3a77159c02fe
> (p10)'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Content Of Life Energy
> Particles - Mechanics of Deception {HRI 20010829-pi10-V2.3}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 10 Version 2.3 on 22 Oct 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.japan/msg/6e9224264ec0595c
> (p11)'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - Certainty of Perception'
> {HRI 20010829-pi11-V2.0}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 11 Version 2.0 on 30 Oct 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.japan/msg/1d8d3f2a78ab95fe
> '
> (7) 'Obviously The Second Law of Human Rights'
> {HRI 20060924}
> (24 September 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/114acdcfb40a7962
> (8) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
> {HRI 20060816-V5.0}
> (16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.japan/msg/ccbd175e3fca1cdc
> (9) 'The First Law of Human Rights'
> {HRI 20060601-V2.2.2}
> (1 June 2006 - Version 2.2.2 on 8 Sept 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.japan/msg/3b9985c64f1287f1
> (10) 'The Nature of War'
> {HRI 20051027-V1.6.1}
> (27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.6.1 on 19 Oct 2006)http://groups.google.com/group/Koos-Nolst-Trenite/msg/c2aec579d9970be6
> (11) 'True Love Loves - 'Sacks' In Any Religion, and Definition
> of 'Sacks' '
> {HRI 20060521-V2.0.2-UAA}
> (21 May 2006 - Version 2.0.2-UAA on 26 March 2007)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.usa/msg/5c94910c64f57cdf
> '
> ____________
> Verification:
> http://www.angelfire.com/space/platoworld
> Copyright 2006, 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it.
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
> encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
> (address unreadable for Internet robots
> - replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

Orac (01-05-2007)
Fra : Orac

Dato : 01-05-07 15:14

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <AmbassadorForMankind@hotmail.com> schreef in bericht
> The "Islamic" Head Scarf ('Chador') IS an act of Suppression


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