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How about defining 'Security' first... - '~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 27-04-07 06:49

How about defining 'Security' first...



Criminal Minds Having a Veto in the "Security Council" of the "United
Nations" Organization

14 October 2006
{HRI note 20061014-V1.2.1}

(Version 1.2.1
on 18 Nov 2006)

How Utterly Insane in "bringing about Security(!)" have you agreed to
be or been made to be and act?


Criminal Minds would not welcome United Nations Humanitarian and
Military (Protective) Assistance

- neither in their own country, nor in another country that they
(also) dominate, rob and plunder and repress the people of -

would they now...

UNLESS such a "UNITED NATIONS" Organization, Institute, Council or
Mission is incapacitated, is disabled from acting against (their)

And this is what you have seen in probably ALL UN bodies and
missions, and you see it in ALL the 'UN missions that are NOT

That is NOT remedied by giving all your rights and
ability to act over to the "United Nations" Organization,
of course.

It IS remedied by HAVING an actual, true United Nations
Organization, that does NOT consist and CAN NOT consist
of Criminal Minds having votes - let alone having VETOS.

By definition, Criminals have NOT a vote in a group
unless the group itself is a Criminal group with
Criminal goals and Criminal command structures and
Criminal command enforcement methods.



It has gotten so bad, that the United States of America had to
actually take over practically all the functions that the
"United Nations" Organization was and is supposed to and should
have taken.

And then - OF COURSE - the Criminals shout "Murder!" and
"Illegal!" and whatever else they can shout,

because THEY thought, that they would NOT be

after having thoroughly incapacitated and infected
the "United Nations" Organization with and by means
of 'their' Criminals,

THEY thought, that "THEY would be safe from
prosecution or from being stopped:"


security force) IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD!

allowed to act, not able to investigate,

and if they are reporting at all, then without
consequences for the Criminals,

and without the ability to stop the Crimes and
unable to bring Justice."
*[obvious footnotes omitted in this version]



Indeed, this applies very much to the current "United Nations"

NOT protecting PEOPLE from being harmed by their governments, or
by neighboring governments,

such as all the people from Cuba,
such as all the people from Belarus,
such as all the people from North Korea,
such as all the people from Sudan,
as all the people from Zimbabwe,
as all the people from Iraq,
all the people from Iran,
all the people from Afghanistan,
from Vietnam, from Laos, from Lybia,
from Venezuela, from Lybia

from Syria, from Khazakstan,
from Mongolia, from Tibet, from China,

BUT - INSTEAD of protecting people - you are

asking 'Al Capone' and 'Billy The Kid' to "vote!"

Not enough with that, YOU GRANT THEM A VETO! (How ... !)


You ask THESE to vote on 'measures to stop the murderous thieves
and the violently insane tyrants'

that very clearly belong in prison ONLY, but

who are "heads of state,"

and whom they, 'Al Capone' (Hu Jintao) and 'Billy The Kid'
(Putin) support, supply and get very generously paid by,
at the very great expense of PEOPLE.


Well, THEY

- 'Al Capone' (Hu Jintao) and 'Billy The
Kid' (Putin)
won't pass any resolution against those very well
known, utterly Criminal "heads of state," will
now... -

'Billy The Kid' Putin and 'Al Capone' Hu Jintao, are not
going to destroy their own evil activities, their "bank
robberies," their extortions and their murders, and their
harassment and their torturing and their false arrests and
destruction of the sanity, the mind and the integrity of
*[obvious footnotes omitted in this version]


even though their ambassadors to the "United

(living as these ambassadors are, somewhat away
from the direct Energies of Hate and Lies and
Contempt for people,

that their bosses, 'Billy The Kid' Putin
and 'Al Capone' Hu Jintao, generate and
radiate constantly;

so, if the soul of an ambassador is not evil,
then he is more rational and less hateful when
away from his boss, and thus these, the United
Nations ambassadors BY THEMSELVES)

might be all in favor of protecting and helping
people globally and in any nation, and inside their
own nation too,

BUT NOT SO their bosses.


WHY NOT? Because those bosses mentioned, ARE Criminally

Yes, I know that the people of the Associated
(abbr. AP) have told you a hundred thousand and more
times, that

"Criminal Minds do not exist," and that "Everybody
will do anything, out of greed - and that, in
politics and in life, you must allow for that, agree
with that."

(I tend to not even think of them as
anymore - they are, generally speaking that
an insult to any actual, decent journalist,

so I started to call them Parrots, and am
making jokes concerning their Intelligence

though parrots, of course, do not inflict
trillions of dollars of damage annually onto
the society, by presenting entirely falsely
evaluated and devastatingly left out data,

leaving me to do all the work that no one
else cares enough for people and is strong
enough to do - EVEN though you are still
lacking in protecting me, from evil you do not
dare to imagine exists.)


Those people - the mentioned "heads of state," commit
Crimes BECAUSE they are Criminal in Mind, and NOT "out of
greed" or out of any other "motive," like for

"Expansion, possession, control, influence,
territory, energy and raw
materials" ...really,

don't make me laugh - you can BUY all those
things, isn't it?

And you can refer disputes to an
independent body, isn't it?

Or do you have to murder and torture and
deceive - in order to get your bread
the baker and the butter and the eggs
from your farmer or in the supermarket?

No. But Criminal Minds, if they are
allowed to and not stopped, WILL do any
and all things by Criminal means.

They WANT to and ENJOY being Criminal.

The greed etc. etc. might be the EXCUSE that they
tell you, the "REASON," to "make it understood" as
"anybody would do the same," or as "they have to,"
"for the 'benefit' of the country or the group - or
of the software giant or the medical industry."


I certainly have omitted, to mention and to explain this
to you - I abase myself for that grave omission - and so
will explain it to you now:

Are you going to STEAL anything from your

Unless you live in a climate or society, that
is dominated and kept "educated" by Criminal
Minds, the answer certainly is 'NO!'

And even in such a society of Crime, you will
nevertheless try to avoid Crime, if possible.
*[obvious footnotes omitted in this version]


'Billy The Kid' Putin and 'Al Capone' Hu Jintao could have
wonderful and very constructive relations with their
neighboring countries, and with ALL civilized countries,

BUT (despite and contrary to their words - to the
Associated and other Parrots, who relay to you,
these want")





Because that is THEIR nature, THEIR joy, THEIR
desire, to do

("to achieve" - to "get by hard work and
determination" - as THEY call it and as
they "see" it, inside their Criminal Minds,
to "achieve")

as much as they can, IN A CRIMINAL WAY.

I am omitting the many applicable references,
and I continue, by putting this in a context
that certainly only the most faithful and
diligent reader will remember, as having ever
been addressed by me:



The United Nations, its Security Council and its International
Criminal Court and its Human Rights Council, etc., are supposed,

NOT to get a vote of approval FROM such individuals,

BUT the United Nations institutions, councils and
assemblies and missions, are supposed

to impose measures ON such individuals, ON them,

ON 'Billy The Kid' Putin and ON 'Al Capone' Hu Jintao,

isn't it.



THAT is what the United Nations IS for

- any child can tell you that, and any average Chinese citizen
and any average Russian citizen

(and Cuban citizens and Korean citizens and the citizens from
Belarus and the citizens from Georgia and Ukraine, and from
Vietnam and Laos, from Zimbabwe and Sudan, from Iran and
Iraq, etc. etc. etc.) can tell you that,

any child can tell you, that it is in order, that it is the
responsibility of the United Nations

- to REMOVE Putin and to REMOVE Hu Jintao, initially from
the right to VETO any decision that protects humanity -

so that we can have a working United Nations Organization, and

thus we will have peace on Earth, and an abundance of wealth for

and a clean and pleasant environment to live in with very many

No slums, no hunger, no lack of energy, no slavery, no
of supplies, no lack of education, but safety and security
and happiness for everyone,



THEM, as these are opposed to such things - THEY

and they have the eternal problem, that they ENJOY
inflict these things on others, but they do not like
to have these things - the misery and torture -
inflicted onto themselves generally, that other
Criminal Minds would and do inflict on them too,

and also in that way they create or maintain a
constant hell, as they "can understand," that

"others ALSO want to push people down, and to murder
and to torture and to deceive as many people as they
can." *[obvious footnotes omitted in this version]



But to remedy all that and restore the natural state, you would
need an ACTUAL leader of an actual United Nations Organization,

and not one of THOSE South Koreans excelling in
their neighbor into continuously violating all treaties
into continuously destroying the whole population of that
country: the people

of the Northern neighbor of Ban Ki-Moon's Korea.


It is then also not surprising, that none of the Ambassadors to
the "United Nations" Organization have explained WHY they wanted
him, of considerable Criminal acts in support of the Korean
tyrant's activities against humankind,

and none of the Ambassadors to the "United Nations" Organization
have explained WHY they chose not others with obviously much
more abilities and qualities and a 'track record' of actually
CARING about people.
*[obvious footnotes omitted in this version]





Your Energies for connecting to and thus perceiving and understanding
these matters from your OWN viewpoint,

have since long been so thoroughly messed up and so forcefully
by the Criminal Minds *[obvious footnotes omitted in this version]

and kept so also by the Associated Parrots (AP) and by
(those) Acting (as the) French Parrots (abbr. AFP) for the
Criminal Minds - not to mention other sources of Intellect
with the IQ and intentions of parrots

(I translate that for you in terms you are more familiar
with: )

These Criminal Minds have made you THAT Insane(*) and that
much lacking in the ability to see through forceful lies
and to look into and behind "impenetrable" deceptions,

that I have to actually write this to you... and if you have seen
anyone else open his mouth or his fountain pen or hitting his
typewriter ribbon or keyboard, then let me know.



I do not want to be better than you - I DO want, that you are better,
in defending yourself and others who love you,

which of course includes, that you become better also in
defending me - who loves you more than possibly anyone else
you know -

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(0) 'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.6.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.6.1 on 19 Oct 2006)

(*) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.2.1}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2.1 on 9 Aug 2006)

(**) 'Definition Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040410-V1.2}
(10 April 2004 - Version 1.2 on 16 Apr 2004)

(***)'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-3-V1.0.1}
(7 April 2003 - Issue 3 - Version 1.0.1 on 6 Oct 2006)


(as applicable)



Copyright 2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
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Jörg Draeger (27-04-2007)
Fra : Jörg Draeger

Dato : 27-04-07 08:38

Und Gott segnete Noah und seine Söhne und sprach zu ihnen: Seid fruchtbar
und mehret euch und füllet die Erde; 2 und die Furcht und der Schrecken vor
euch sei auf allem Getier der Erde und auf allem Gevögel des Himmels!
Alles, was sich auf dem Erdboden regt, und alle Fische des Meeres, in eure
Hände sind sie gegeben: 3 alles, was sich regt, was da lebt, soll euch zur
Speise sein; wie das grüne Kraut gebe ich es euch alles. 4 Nur das Fleisch
mit seiner Seele, seinem Blute, sollt ihr nicht essen; 5 und wahrlich, euer
Blut, nach euren Seelen, werde ich fordern; * von jedem Tiere * werde ich
es fordern, und von der Hand des Menschen, von der Hand eines jeden, seines
Bruders, werde ich die Seele des Menschen fordern. 6 Wer Menschenblut
vergießt, durch den Menschen soll sein Blut vergossen werden; denn im Bilde
Gottes hat er den Menschen gemacht. 7 Ihr nun, seid fruchtbar und mehret
euch, wimmelt auf der Erde und mehret euch auf ihr!

8 Und Gott sprach zu Noah und zu seinen Söhnen mit ihm und sagte: 9 Und
ich, siehe, ich errichte meinen Bund mit euch und mit eurem Samen nach
euch; 10 und mit jedem lebendigen Wesen, das bei euch ist, an Gevögel, an
Vieh und an allem Getier der Erde bei euch, was irgend von allem Getier der
Erde aus der Arche gegangen ist. 11 Und ich errichte meinen Bund mit euch;
und nicht mehr soll alles Fleisch ausgerottet werden durch die Wasser der
Flut, und keine Flut soll mehr sein, die Erde zu verderben.

12 Und Gott sprach: Dies ist das Zeichen des Bundes, den ich stifte
zwischen mir und euch und jeder lebendigen Seele, die bei euch ist, auf
ewige Geschlechter hin: 13 Meinen Bogen setze ich in die Wolken, und er
soll das Zeichen des Bundes sein zwischen mir und der Erde. 14 Und es wird
geschehen, wenn ich Wolken über die Erde führe, so soll der Bogen in den
Wolken erscheinen, 15 und ich werde meines Bundes gedenken, der zwischen
mir und euch ist und jedem lebendigen Wesen, von allem Fleische; und nicht
mehr sollen die Wasser zu einer Flut werden, alles Fleisch zu verderben. 16
Und der Bogen wird in den Wolken sein; und ich werde ihn ansehen, um zu
gedenken des ewigen Bundes zwischen Gott und jedem lebendigen Wesen von
allem Fleische, das auf Erden ist. 17 Und Gott sprach zu Noah: Das ist das
Zeichen des Bundes, den ich errichtet habe zwischen mir und allem Fleische,
das auf Erden ist.

18 Und die Söhne Noahs, die aus der Arche gingen, waren Sem und Ham und
Japhet; und Ham ist der Vater Kanaans. 19 Diese drei sind die Söhne Noahs
und von diesen aus ist die ganze Erde bevölkert worden. * 20 Und Noah fing
an ein Ackermann zu werden * und pflanzte einen Weinberg. 21 Und er trank
von dem Weine und ward trunken, und er entblößte sich in seinem Zelte. 22
Und Ham, der Vater Kanaans, sah die Blöße seines Vaters und berichtete es
seinen beiden Brüdern draußen. 23 Da nahmen Sem und Japhet das Obergewand
und legten es beide auf ihre Schultern und gingen rücklings und bedeckten
die Blöße ihres Vaters; und ihre Angesichter waren abgewandt, und sie sahen
die Blöße ihres Vaters nicht.

24 Und Noah erwachte von seinem Weine und erfuhr, was sein jüngster Sohn
ihm getan hatte. 25 Und er sprach: Verflucht sei Kanaan! Ein Knecht der
Knechte sei er seinen Brüdern! 26 Und er sprach: Gepriesen * sei Jehova,
der Gott Sems; und Kanaan sei sein * Knecht! 27 Weit mache es Gott dem
Japhet, und er wohne in den Zelten Sems; und Kanaan sei sein * Knecht!

28 Und Noah lebte nach der Flut 350 Jahre; 29 und alle Tage Noahs
waren 950
Jahre, und er starb.

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