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(rev 3.3) The Energetic Carrot and Stick f~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 23-04-07 08:16

The Energetic Carrot and Stick from Criminal Minds - "Life as a Game"

13 April 2007

{FPP 20070413-V3.3}
{HRI 20070413-V3.3}

(Version 3.3
on 20 Apr 2007)

(suitable for foreign
language students)


Life is something that exists to be very intensely enjoyed
and (it is something) which you naturally enjoy with as many
people as possible,

with people, most of whom you love very deeply - as you
will remember IF you see and feel and sense (life and
people) -

joy that requires, indeed, that YOU LOOK AT WHAT IS REALLY
THERE. *(1)


Criminal Minds intend to REVERSE that (your looking and
sensing) and they have largely succeeded in doing so,

they try to REPLACE the most required ingredient of


that you see and feel and sense people
and their creations, their desires and
efforts to make you and others enjoy

which Criminal Minds do not want,

THEY want you to REPLACE life with Euphoria:

a non-looking, PRETENDED aliveness, and a
pretended Beauty stolen from others, and a
pretended feeling of "knowing what is there,"

as a substitute for life,

which is in fact their 'carrot:' Euphoria,

to NOT feel any Ugliness or Lies or
Unconsciousness or Hate or Pain,

which are in fact their 'sticks,' in

to make you want to strive for and to swallow
the 'carrot' of Euphoria.


That is their "game of life," and you can recognize large
sections of science, of religion and of politics, which
they have destroyed in this way, which the faithful reader
of the Human Rights Issues is well aware of.



Again: Life IS something that exists to be very intensely
enjoyed and which you naturally enjoy with as many
people as possible,

with people, most of whom you love very
deeply - as you will remember IF you look
at and feel and sense (life) -

a joy that demands, however, that YOU LOOK AT, SENSE AND

No carrots, no sticks are necessary to make you
enjoy life and to study life and to create life,

(your children do not need any carrots or
sticks, IF they can understand and recognize
Criminal Minds and also the servants of these,
Destructive Cowards)




But it is this, that Criminal Minds will try
to prevent, and they have largely succeeded,
in many areas of science, of politics, and of

to make you NOT look at or sense what
and who is really there and - with great
success indeed - they are proceeding

to thus give you a PRETENSE of "feeling
alive," and

to make it seem that you create and
follow your "own" emotions, and

to provide you with the "certainty,"
that you "know and understand" what is
going on.

('Read' - meaning: 'Understand the
text with some examples,' like -
Oprah Winfrey and Larry King and
Frank Sinatra, for instance,

all of them using pretended
Beauty stolen from others,
and using it for

MAKING you NOT look at or sense
what and who is really there,

but they are giving you the

"you are informed about, do
participate in, and are
feeling life," and that "you
are looking at people,"

a pretense that is of
course NOT Beautiful,
at all, but that is
quite repulsive, Ugly,

and you do also FEEL
the Ugliness of it,
WHEN you start to look
behind all their lies

- of course, IF you
would come out of
the Euphoria, that
they intend you to
be in and to remain
in, and that they
inflict on you.)






Criminal Minds - while they can not wholly destroy it - like to make
life into a "Game," a PRETENSE OF LIFE, with their 'carrots' and
their 'sticks' to regulate it:

The 'carrot' (reward, the pleasant experience you are supposed
to work towards, and that you would try to get) is


(Euphoria: see a., below, and see 1. below that)



and the 'stick' (the thing that is applied and that you are
supposed to avoid) is


(Ugliness: see b., below, and see 2. below that)


or, if that does not work to keep you going towards the carrot
of Euphoria, then the next stick applied, is


(Unconsciousness: see 3. below)


or if that does not keep you from perceiving and sensing what
actually IS there, and if that does not turn you back to the
carrot of Euphoria, THEN the stick used, is

Pain and Hate, utter destruction.

(Pain and Hate: see 4. below)





So the choice is not difficult, isn't it,

a "choice you can't refuse,"

as the mafiosi would think, and these would try to
enforce it on you, in this way, too,

because THEY think, that "EVERYONE either is a
Criminal Mind, or else, that ALL people are
Destructive Cowards" from whom

they easily can Energetically (and at times, even in
plain words) demand the following:


- 'Always do perceive and sense and feel those things, that Criminal
Minds WANT you to perceive,'


- 'never perceive, or sense, or feel, or look at, or remember THAT,
what Criminal Minds do NOT want you to.'



SIMPLE, isn't it. And THAT, is what some people like you to call
"the Game of Life."





You know, as a faithful reader, that I do not see life like that,
I know that life is not a 'game' at all, but is something there
to be very intensely enjoyed with as many people as possible, most
of whom you love very deeply - as you will remember.


Thus I am completely opposed to Criminal Minds and all their Buddhist,
Hindu and New Age lies about life

- in fact, I am vehemently opposed to ANY lies about life -

which you surely will find out at one time or another, in case you do
not remember me.



Some people know these things instinctively,

by the very simple fact, that their intentions are so much
directed towards protecting and enhancing the joy that
life with people and for people is, that

they try automatically to do the REVERSE of what Criminal Minds

and what Destructive Cowards, "pleasing Criminal Minds,"

want to make people do.

Brave and responsible people try by THEMSELVES to think and feel and
sense what actually IS going on,

and doing that - of course - happens to be the REVERSE of
what they and all people are compelled Energetically by
Criminal Minds and by Destructive Cowards, to feel "that
they should feel,"

inflicted feelings, that are supposed to lead to

what "one is supposed to do and to think,"

and what indeed the Destructive Coward,

the New Agers, Buddhists, Hindu adepts
and Green politicians, "instinctively
feel they SHOULD DO:"

FOLLOWING the pressure of the Energies, which
contain and forcefully intend the thoughts and
feelings from Criminal Minds

which is what a Destructive Coward not
only senses and is tuned-in to 'listen
to,' but that he or she, automatically,
in order to feel comfortable and to feel
"right" (not unlike a drug addict, or a
hypnotized person, what he or she) ALSO

executes and tries to make others think and do
as well,

with as a typical example the 'Green'
political parties and 'Animal' rights

'Green Peace' does exactly NOT
expose Criminal Minds, but instead
divert the attention to very false
targets, often looking AWAY from
the suffering inflicted on PEOPLE,
and so

(as you know from the Human
Rights Issue 'The Nature of

they do exactly PREVENT actual

and so you will have to look
for Criminal Minds INSIDE
the 'Green' organizations,

where the pretense of "caring for
nature" is a SUBSTITUTE for looking
at life and people, AS THESE ARE.

Of course, nature and animals are
destroyed only by Criminal Minds
and by those dominated by such,

so any normal politics naturally
INCLUDES the protection of nature
and animals as a matter of course.

We found out about those who DO comply with the intentions
of Criminal Minds (and who even REFUSE TO OPPOSE) the
intentions and ideas projected or inflicted by Criminal

Thus you got the First Law of Human Rights, and so you also got
the Second Law of Human Rights, recently.



Now those who instinctively did and do act rightly, find here the
very mechanism exposed and explained, that is

underlying their intuitively correct efforts,

clarified for their and your understanding, and thus

for greatly refining and enhancing their methods of repairing and
enhancing life.

Quite a neat discovery, isn't it? (cont. below)

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



As I wrote in the first issue - marked 'note 20070413' - in practice,
the mechanism may produce the following life situations:


You know, the kind of violent, compulsive vomiting, that goes on even
when your stomach is already totally empty?

If you have never done that, then you probably have not even had an
inkling of facing some very intense Criminal Mind, as l. ron hubbard
(the one of 'Scientology' infamy) is, for instance. *(2)(3)(4)


Criminal Minds will deny this, they want you to believe, that
what these do to your body and to your soul, "does not exist,"
"can not be done."

So they can hit your body and your soul with impunity,
(without being punished)

and they do so without being even detected or looked for,

largely aided by medical "science:" *(6)

the Criminal Minds amongst whom maintain, that the
very type of Energy of any living body itself,

which is that, what MAKES YOUR body BE AND
REMAIN alive,

"does not exist" - the very Energy without which your
body would be a rotting corpse, "does not exist."

That is, how VERY, VERY stupid you (not you
and I, of course, but others) have been made
and are being kept (and probably agreed to be
so kept) by Criminal Minds - including by the
mentioned l. ron hubbard.



If it does not happen subconsciously

(subconsciously: Energies are Energies, whether you see them or
not, they are still there, also if you can't read or write, or
are blind or deaf, but)

it goes CONSCIOUSLY as follows: *(5)

a. You penetrated his atrocious, extreme lies about himself and about
others, as in 1., below, (in this example - or her and herself, if
it is from a woman)

b. You are then able to begin to get a glimpse of his very EXTREME
UGLINESS - and the moment you start to get a glimpse of that, your
body will revolt at sensing his Energies, as in 2., below. (In
this example - her, of course, if it is from a woman.)



THEIR layers of Energy to be penetrated, are arranged around their
soul, layered from outside to inside as follows:


1. Euphoria Energy (disables your looking at them)

"all is fine, nothing is wrong" - also known as Drug
Energy - pretended aliveness, pretended reality,
pretended or 'Negative Awareness,'

opaque White clouds, pretended own Beauty Energy stolen
from others, impersonation, stage magic,

New Age and Buddhism, Zen, drug use.


2. Ugliness Energy (repels your Energy for looking, or for wanting to
be aware and alive)

Energy made to be repulsive like a very bad smell, causing
you (and via you, your body) nausea, vomiting, sneezing,

Brown colors, shows a desire for ugliness and perversion,

"Life is Ugly and Painful - You must suffer it to reach
Euphoria" - Hinduism, masochism, sadism, fascism.


3. Unconsciousness Energy (prevents awareness, knocks you
unconscious or asleep)

makes it impossible to see the source or person who
creates and inflicts it, if you are wholly enclosed by it,

hiding places, clandestine, safe from detection,

Darkness, night, 'create your own reality,' autism, being

hypnotism to hide and alter truth, dictatorship,
communism: 'we care for you, you do not have to know or

Being met with the Unconsciousness Energy, you would stop
looking, stop sensing, perceiving, feeling what is there

(and certainly, in many cases and with many people you did
stop looking beyond the Unconsciousness or Black Energies)

and people then call Criminal Minds 'Black Souls,' Prince of
Darkness, etc., etc..

But UNCONSCIOUSNESS IS JUST AN ENERGY, and you can plow, smash
and bore through it, past it, behind it, around it, just like
you can with any other Energy - these are Particles,

Fine Particles, Life Energy Particles, as I defined them
for you in the 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics.'


(4) And so we arrive at what you already knew from various cultures,
and also from the feelings (and the colors as well) that are
traditionally associated with 'Hell' or with Evil symbolized:

4. Pain and Hate Energy (causes pains in your body, causes your body
to get sick and develop diseases, and conveys the feelings of
pain, or hate, directly to you as well)

destruction, wrenching or forcing life out of alignment,
destroys, maligns and reverses proper functioning in life,

destroys Love, destroys Life - extermination, genocide,
murder and 'Sacks' to obtain the Energies of the victims,

destroying all life, developing Atom bombs, preventing
protection, attacking people who try to protect themselves
and others,

the color is indeed Red, as you know - and in particular,
Red which is mixed with or surrounded by Black.

These are not at all photons, photons belong to the
physics of Small Particles, of nuclear physics, but

Life Energy Particles belong to the world of Fine
Particle Physics, have entirely different qualities
and follow wholly different laws - the laws of the
phenomena of Fine Particle Physics - of course.

Back to the subject:

The color

of the Altered Life Energy Particles intending
to bring about and thus containing pain and

is indeed Red, as you know - and in particular,

the feelings (and the colors as well) that are traditionally
associated with 'Hell' or with Evil symbolized, are Red with

Red that usually is mixed with or surrounded by Black.




And THAT - Red - is the 'color' (or 'colour') of the soul of a
Criminal Mind:

radiating Pure and Intense Hate and Pain, but which is hidden

or it is "protected," as THEY themselves feel it to be and
which makes it impossible to heal them, their intense Hate
for people and for life, and their desire to inflict Pain,
is hidden

by the other layers mentioned.

And THAT - the core of the Criminal Mind's soul - which is the
intense Hate and Contempt for Life

which desires to inflict Pain and disorder, malfunction
and destruction on Life,

IS the DRIVING FORCE and motivation of the Criminal Mind, it is

WHY THEY - why a Genghis Khan and a Napoleon Bonaparte
and a Heinrich Himmler and a Pol Pot - WANT TO GET IN and


(1) 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
{FPP 20070331-V2.5}
{HRI 20070331-V2.5}
(31 March 2007 - V2.5 on 15 Apr 2007)

(2) 'Expertise Summary on the Subversive Group called 'Scientology' '
(7 July 2005 - updated 12 July 2005)

(3) 'Example Of A Subversive Group - Understanding 'Scientology'
Excellently, In Fresh, Easy Words'
{HRI 20040922-V3.9.6}
(22 September 2004 - Version 3.9.6 on 17 July 2005)
(full text:)
(22 September 2004 - Version 3.9.5 on 12 July 2005)
full text:

(4) 'Example of a Criminal Mind - Tom Cruise (DeVette)'
{HRI 20040920-V2.5.1}
(20 September 2004 - Version 2.5.1 on 30 Nov 2005 -
ref. updated 9 May 2006)
(in full:)

(5) '(rev 2.0) How to get rid of l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology'
- {HRI 20070331-V2.0} ... Major Discoveries'

(6) 'Medical Doctors Can Seriously Damage Your Health'
(15 February 2006) (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)
(8 February 2006) (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)



Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
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