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ET-message to US and her friends irt. the ~
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 10-04-07 09:13

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev
6368 news:ChGSh.9$u65.7@news.get2net.dk

[ ... ]
> ET-Break (to Thailand):
> (2007-04-10, Tuesday, CET 08:01, GMT 06:01)
> - "Give back what you have stolen."
> ET-Break (to US and her friends):
> (2007-04-10, Tuesday, CET 08:06, GMT 06:06)
> - "Just follow me."

Oh ... there was a message from the past:

I opened up my Bible to read Psalm 69 (from www.blr.dk), but first a text
from the Scripture broke away from the rest:

" ... de ondes planer vender han på hovedet."
(Salme 146,9b)

"He ... takes the wicked (own: the evil one) to their ruin."
(Psalm 146,9b)

And then the interrupt came ...

(2007-03-25, Sunday, CET 09:43, GMT 07:43)
- "Nemlig!"

(And now a new following up) ET-Break (irt. this came):
(2007-04-10, Tuesday, CET 09:46, GMT 07:46)
- "Trust me."

And by this they mean also irt. the iranian nuclear-program...

- "Amen."

Fine ...

- "Let's do ... (business/it) ... "

- "Now!"

Action on ?

- "Program ... "

- " ... (to be terminated) ... "

Hmm ...

Own message to the people of Iran:

Input memory (The WTC letter):

1139 news:36XJb.66659$jf4.4293805@news000.worldonline.dk
> Med hensyn til the OUTPUT-date kan vi derfor ikke udelukke, at noget
> lignende vil indtræffe. Derfor anbefales det, at man ikke opholder sig i
> nærheden af brandbare væsker, såsom benzin-stationer, ammunition,
> Atom-kraftanlæg osv.

Use distance perhaps around 30 km (20 miles) or more, please.


Last file-OUTPUT:
6368 news:ChGSh.9$u65.7@news.get2net.dk

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael, the *fool* of Christ.
Info: 6291 news:ZszJh.38$rd6.37@news.get2net.dk
(use http://groups.google.dk/group/no.kultur.folklore.ufo/ ).
(or http://groups.google.dk/groups?q=Mogens+Kall&start=0&scoring=d& ).
File-number: 6369

Jesus-loves-you (10-04-2007)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 10-04-07 09:31

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev
6370 news:qGHSh.18$du6.10@news.get2net.dk

[ ... ]
> Oh ... there was a message from the past:
> I opened up my Bible to read Psalm 69 (from www.blr.dk), but first a text
> from the Scripture broke away from the rest:
> " ... de ondes planer vender han på hovedet."
> (Salme 146,9b)
> "He ... takes the wicked (own: the evil one) to their ruin."
> (Psalm 146,9b)
> And then the interrupt came ...
> ET-Break:
> (2007-03-25, Sunday, CET 09:43, GMT 07:43)
> - "Nemlig!"
> (And now a new following up) ET-Break (irt. this came):
> (2007-04-10, Tuesday, CET 09:46, GMT 07:46)
> - "Trust me."
> And by this they mean also irt. the iranian nuclear-program...
> 09:54
> - "Amen."
> Fine ...
> 09:56
> - "Let's do ... (business/it) ... "
> 09:56
> - "Now!"
> Action on ?
> 09:56
> - "Program ... "
> 09:56
> - " ... (to be terminated) ... "

And then I heard a voice said (from ... I don't know wherefrom):
(2007-04-10, Tuesday, CET 10:22:5x-5, delay 0, GMT 08:22:5x-5)
- "FYR!"

Was this a (meteor)-missil-firing, a blast-off from You, ET ?


Last file-OUTPUT:
6370 news:qGHSh.18$du6.10@news.get2net.dk

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael, the *fool* of Christ.
Info: 6291 news:ZszJh.38$rd6.37@news.get2net.dk
(use http://groups.google.dk/group/no.kultur.folklore.ufo/ ).
(or http://groups.google.dk/groups?q=Mogens+Kall&start=0&scoring=d& ).
File-number: 6370

Jesus-loves-you (10-04-2007)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 10-04-07 10:08

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev
6370 news:7XHSh.20$EB6.9@news.get2net.dk

[ ... ]
> And then I heard a voice said (from ... I don't know wherefrom):
> (2007-04-10, Tuesday, CET 10:22:5x-5, delay 0, GMT 08:22:5x-5)
> - "FYR!"
> Was this a (meteor)-missil-firing, a blast-off from You, ET ?

(2007-04-10, Tuesday, CET 10:35, GMT 08:35)
- "Yea"

Okay ...

From Your warship "USS Nimitz - verschollen ist" ?

Hmm ...

6369 news:qGHSh.18$du6.10@news.get2net.dk
> Own message to the people of Iran:
[ ... ]
> ... Derfor anbefales det, at man ikke opholder sig i
> > nærheden af brandbare væsker, såsom benzin-stationer, ammunition,
> > Atom-kraftanlæg osv.
> Use distance perhaps around 30 km (20 miles) or more, please.

Maybe You only got less that 24 (hours)...

- "Login."

Hmm ...

What's the counter, Sir ?

Hmm ...

Input memory (from Counter-Strike):

6338 news:w7iMh.81$xg.23@news.get2net.dk
> TV2 TTV s160 Ons 21 Mar (2007, CET) 22.10.21
> UK: Ulykke på atom-ubåd - to dræbt

Day number 80 (at the year 2007-03-21)

80-markpointer-memory on:

6011 news:DZsvh.59$ON.21@news.get2net.dk
> 2007-01-25, CET 11:24, day no 025, counter = 80

And ...

=== citat start ===

148 SVT Text Torsdag 29 mar 2007

Nya Zeeland Ett passagerarplan på väg
från Chile till Auckland på Nya Zee-
land var i måndags nära att träffas av
en meteor. Enligt beräkningar var
planet 20 sekunder från att träffas,
men hamnade i stället i glödsvansen.

=== citat slut ====

CET 10:51
- "Received (*1)."

The music from ...
6346 news:8gBMh.69$ho3.15@news.get2net.dk
> ABBA, 1975, Track04, SOS.mp3
.... was on at that time.


Last file-OUTPUT:
6370 news:7XHSh.20$EB6.9@news.get2net.dk

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael, the *fool* of Christ.
Info: 6291 news:ZszJh.38$rd6.37@news.get2net.dk
(use http://groups.google.dk/group/no.kultur.folklore.ufo/ ).
(or http://groups.google.dk/groups?q=Mogens+Kall&start=0&scoring=d& ).
File-number: 6371

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