I al stilfærdighed er det en lille fin triumf for ytringsfriheden, at
ikke en imam har gidet gø. Men sig det ikke videre til nogen.
Danish paper publishes more Motoons
Nearly a year and a half since the Jyllands-Posten published its
infamous [
]12 Motoons, and over a year since worldwide tantrums were thrown as a
result, a Danish paper felt confident enough that the climate had
changed, and printed an [
]article about the gently-blasphemous webcomic [
]Jesus and Mo.
According to the [
]cartoonist's blog, the main thrust of the article in Information was
the Charlie Hebdo trial, and the Jesus and Mo cartoons were printed as
a direct challenge to Carsten Juste, editor of the rival daily
Jyllands-Posten. This from the Information [
http://luftskibet.information.dk/redaktionsmodet/mens_vi_venter ]blog:
Thus, Jyllands-Postens editor-in-chief was wrong when he predicted
that nobody would draw the prophet Muhammed after the Muhammed-crisis,
to which he pathetically added "therefore I am deeply ashamed to say:
They have won!".
These cartoons might be of another nature, the context might be
different, or perhaps the entire over-excited conflict has settled
down to a more peaceful level, so that few people will take offense
from these cartoons in the papers.
According to the journalist who wrote the story, Niels Ivar Larsen,
there has been absolutely no uproar.