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Dismantling Putin - {HRI 20070319-V1.3}
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 28-03-07 10:13

Dismantling Putin

19 March 2007

{HRI 20070319-V1.3}
{FFP draft 20070319-V1.3}

(Version 1.3
on 23 March 2007)


Putin is creating and very fiercely radiating, PUBLICLY, the Energy
that "he is NOT a Criminal,"

and he radiates that about other Criminal Minds too, about his close
associates, his "friends,"

including about the well-published hit man Lugovoi, whom Putin
ordered, to murder the caring and decent, loving Russian person,
known as Litvinenko by his last life time. *([poisoned])



At the same time, Putin creates and radiates another very Evil Energy,
this time about decent and caring people, that "THESE ARE Criminals"

- which he, Putin, also publicly states about some very loving
and caring and honest, capable people, like about Khodorkovsky
(imprisoned by Putin) and about Litvinenko (murdered by Putin)
to mention only a few of the many, very obvious and well-
published cases.



This makes Putin of course very much "loved" by Criminal Minds (it
makes him have "friendship" with other Criminal Minds, such as
with his 'political police' chief Patrushev, and with the two
Sergeis, Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Ivanov, *([Mazarin])

and with various Criminal heads of state as well.



That Energy, that Putin creates, is very, very precious to Criminal
Minds, because

it provides them with an 'invisibility' mask - the Energy
prevents them from being seen and felt as what and who they
really are, and it hides from view what they really do feel
and do intend,

that you would not already assume from their known words
and from their known actions, of course.



It is an ENERGY he, Putin, (continuously) creates and radiates, very

that "He is NOT a Criminal,"

an Energy, that he of course HAS to create and HAS to radiate

to prevent you or others from feeling, from sensing and from
being reminded (from remembering), that

he, Putin, IS a very severely Criminal Mind, and a serial
murderer, as everyone knows nowadays,

BUT THE ENERGY he radiates, does prevent people from STAYING
AWARE of it, and it prevents people from acting upon what they
already knew about him:

That is how Energy works.



That is of course very much appreciated by ALL Criminal Minds,

who ALSO want to stay "invisible" as to their true nature and
their true intentions for people.



Others who equally fiercely do create, and HAVE to create that

in order to be able to fiercely radiate, that

"they are NOT Criminal Minds,"

are for instance Castro and Chavez, radiating it as fiercely as
was for instance Hu Jintao doing too, before I punctured his
Energetic bubble *([Hu Jintao's Black Magic against Taiwan's
president]) with which he deceives people's perception of
himself, of his true nature and his true intentions.


But also Criminal Minds who are far less free in - and
much more restrained by - their social environments,

like Germany's Schroeder and France's Chirac and
Spain's Zapatero,

not to mention America's Henry Kissinger and Bill

they all do radiate that same type of Energy, with slight
variations and in different strengths

(Henry Kissinger is an extremely Evil, very, very
devious individual, with very intense contempt for
all people)



they all - according to their abilities - create and fiercely radiate
the Energy, that shows you, that "THEY are NOT Criminals,"

in order to hide, with some success, that they ARE Criminal




You see, if they were NOT Criminal Minds

- like China's Wen Jibao is NOT a Criminal Mind -

then they do not have to create such 'denial,' such Energy to make
you very blind, because a normal person,

living on Earth, where only one percent of the population IS
severely Criminal - in such an environment, where Criminal Minds
are NOT dominating all of life - of course there, a normal

does NOT have to hide, that he is - Wen Jibao does not have to hide,
that he is - a good person:


On the contrary, good people, including you and me, have to
fight off those Energies projected BY Criminal Minds at us:

Evil Energies by which these - Criminal Minds - do radiate
and try to enforce

- ALL PERCEPTION, and thinking and remembering
IS DONE WITH Life Energy - and so

they project Evil Energy which blocks and falsifies your
normal perception,

so that you or others can not see a good person, a
friend, as he or she normally would be sensed and
estimated or judged by you, and found attractive,
for instance, but

so that you "perceive" or "judge" good and caring people,

such as, in our example, Khodorkovsky and Litvinenko
or also "all Americans," or you and me, "judged"
or sensed and felt indeed very falsely,

falsely as "being evil" and as "Enemies" of the society.



You have to fight off and to remove or 'peel' off from your face, and
from your body,

those Energies projected by Criminal Minds, by which these try
to make other people "see and feel" YOU as "the evil Enemy,"


as you know this Energy 'shouted' (radiated while loudly
voicing it also, shouted) by commonly known Criminal heads
of state, as recently shouted by Putin on the Munich NATO
conference *([Putin in Munich]), but

as you know it also from North Korea's Kim Jong Il, and
from Iran's Ahmadinejad and his "government," and from
Venezuela's Chavez and Cuba's Castro.




So, with this knowledge of Fine Particle Physics (FPP),
*([Understanding Psychosis with FPP])

you can penetrate the mask of Putin, and of other very severely
Criminal Minds - and on the other hand,

you can, with this knowledge (and an understanding of it) remove the
harmful, perception-preventing and memory-blocking Energies,

that such Criminals project onto and into your face and body,
and around your body,

to make YOU unrecognizable to people,

or worse, Energy projected at you, that contains, that "you are the
evil Enemy - to be arrested and detained 'in order to protect the



Also here, Criminal Minds - including Putin - have everything in
reverse, or they try to make things be "in reverse," to make things
seem to be the reversal of what it actually is,

REVERSING 'who is very abnormal and evil' and 'who is normal and
very good:'

Truth is absolute, you see, so these things are as they
are, an evil person is an evil person, and a good person
is a good person, no matter WHAT anybody says or "proves,"

and things can not ACTUALLY be reversed,

but the PERCEPTION and memory of things can be
blocked and distorted, can be made Unconscious, can
be shrouded in the Black Energy of Unconsciousness,
seemingly imperceptible and "not existing,"

and indeed, things that did happen, and how they
happened and with what intention things were done by
whom, which, by the way, IS the correct definition
of truth,

and Truth can also not be erased, it can only temporarily
be blocked and distorted - because the possibility always
remains, for you to look through the blocking Energies and
through the distoring Energies, at what is there.




Now, when people in Russia are stopped by Moscow's traffic
police in order to let Mr. Putin, above all other traffic,
be given his "right of way,"

then people either submit to the Energy of Putin

who radiates, and who lets the traffic police radiate,
that "he, Putin, is NOT a Criminal,"

or, on the other hand, PEOPLE FEEL the absolute truth,

which is there, which IS present, there,

the absolute truth exists, that, in this
traffic situation, it IS so,

that decent, caring and honest people are told to make way
for one very severe Criminal;

and so they sense, that 'something is very awfully wrong'

- when they see, that all traffic is stopped in
order to let a serial murderer, an Enemy of
Russia (that is, Putin) be given and getting
priority above all other people, or

- when they see, that a severe Criminal is given
all the protection and resources possible, but
they themselves get none or very little.



Which necessitates Putin, to create and even more fiercely to radiate,
EVEN MORE of the Energy,

that "he is NOT a Criminal," and also the Energy containing and

that "his 'opponents'" - meaning decent and honest, caring and
responsible people - "ARE 'Criminal,' are 'Enemies of the
Russian society',"

and "are people who fail to keep 'state secrets' secret,"

meaning, that the hidden Crimes of Putin and of his
political police, the FSB, are "of course, state


He, Putin, IS the Enemy of anyone,

including of the Russians and of the Russian society, and
of the European Society - and of the countries of the
Middle East, as well.




And the same applies indeed also to Castro, to Chavez, and to China's
Hu Jintao, etc..

Castro, Chavez and Hu Jintao are somewhat under control now,

the Criminal Mind Putin is not yet under sufficient control and
exposure of his methods of deception and treachery,

supported as he still is, by various Europeans of a
similar Criminally Minded nature,

by Germany's Steinmeier and by Spain's Zapatero, by
Italy's Prodi still to some extent, and by several
European journalists in Moscow, to name a few.




THEY create the Energy, that serves to HIDE or mask Criminal Minds,

but WE create the Energy that EXPOSES Criminal Minds, that makes
these felt and sensed and recognized, *([Zero Tolerance for Criminal

which ENERGY - to give some examples - shows its value (the
Energy to sense or expose Criminal Minds, is very valuable
to have)

when you have to pass through a dark alley in a slum, but

also, when you are a member of the European Council, of course.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


'The First Law of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060601-V2.2.2}
(1 June 2006 - Version 2.2.2 on 8 Sept 2006)

'If You Want Peace, Then Do Understand And Face Evil
- A Short Course In Human Rights Philosophy'
{HRI 20041225-V1.02}
(25 December 2004 - Christmas Day)





Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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