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Lave automatisk thumps af billeder?
Fra : Jan Hansen

Dato : 02-03-07 20:41

Jeg har følgende upload kode, hvordan laver automatisk jeg thumps, af
billider jeg uploader?

Mvh jan
Author : Mohammed Ahmed(M@@king) \\
Version : 1.1 \\
Date Created: Oct 11 2004 \\
---------------------------- \\
Last Update: August 21 2005 \\
---------------------------- \\
Country : Palestine \\
City : Gaza \\
E-mail : m@maaking.com \\
MSN : m@maaking.com \\
AOL-IM : maa2pal \\
WWW : http://www.maaking.com \\
Mobile/SMS : 00972-599-622235 \\
---Description -----------------------------------------------------
The Super Global Variable $_FILES is used in PHP 4.x.x.
$_FILES['filetoupload']['size'] ==> Get the Size of the File in Bytes.
$_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name'] ==> Returns the Temporary Name of the
$_FILES['filetoupload']['name'] ==> Returns the Actual Name of the File.
$_FILES['filetoupload']['type'] ==> Returns the Type of the File.

So if I uploaded the file 'test.doc', the $_FILES['filetoupload']['name']
would be 'phptut.doc' and $_FILES['filetoupload']['type'] would be

// $_FILES['filetoupload'] is the value of //
// file field from the form. <input type="file" name="filetoupload"> //
##---------------------------1 - Setup
// this is the upload dir where files will go.
//Don't remove the /
//Chmod it (777)
$upload_dir = "wabbit/my_gallery/images/"; //change to whatever you
//51200 bytes = 50KB
$size_bytes = 10485760; //File Size in bytes (change this value to fit
your need)
$extlimit = "yes"; //Do you want to limit the extensions of files
uploaded (yes/no)
$limitedext = array(".jpg",".jpeg"); //Extensions you want files uploaded
limited to. also you can use:
##---------------------------2 - check for directory and writable
//check if the directory exists or not.
if (!is_dir("$upload_dir")) {
die ("Error: The directory <b>($upload_dir)</b> doesn't exist");
//check if the directory is writable.
if (!is_writeable("$upload_dir")){
die ("Error: The directory <b>($upload_dir)</b> is NOT writable,
Please CHMOD (777)");

##---------------------------3-1 - code begins here
// if you clicked the (Upload File) button. "If you submitted the form"
then upload the file.
//begin of uploadform.

// $filename will hold the value of the file name submetted from
the form.
$file_tmp = $_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name'];
$file_name = $_FILES['filetoupload']['name'];
//Get the Size of the File
$file_size = $_FILES['filetoupload']['size'];

//check if no file selected.
if (!is_uploaded_file($file_tmp)){
echo "Du har ikke valgt et billede. <br>»<a
exit(); //exit the script and don't do anything else.

//Make sure that file size is correct
if ($file_size > $size_bytes){
echo "Billedet er for stort. Max <b>". $size_bytes / 1024/1024
.."</b> MB. <br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">Tilbage</a>";
//check file extension
$ext = strrchr($file_name,'.');
if (($extlimit == "yes") &&
(!in_array(strtolower($ext),$limitedext))) {
echo("Billet er af forkert type ");

// Check if file is Already EXISTS.
echo "Der findes allerede et billede der hedder
<b>$file_name</b> . <br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">Tilbage</a>";

//to remove spaces from file name we have to replace it with "_".
$file_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $file_name);
//Move the File to the Directory of your choice
//move_uploaded_file('filename','destination') Moves afile to a
new location.
if (move_uploaded_file($file_tmp,$upload_dir.$file_name)) {
//tell the user that the file has been uploaded and make
him alink.
echo "Billede (<a
href=\"$upload_dir$file_name\">$file_name</a>) er kommet op. <br>»<a
// print error if there was a problem moving file.
echo "Billedet kunne ikke sendes <br>»<a

##---------------------------3-2 - code to display the form
//end of if($uploadform).
// If the form has not been submitted, display it!
//begin of else

// get the all extensions from the array
if (($i<>count($limitedext)-1))$commas=", ";else $commas="";
$all_ext .= $value.$commas;

//print the form
echo "<br><h3>Find dit billede der skal sendes</h3>"
."- Billed typer $all_ext</b> <br>"
."- Max Fil st&oslash;relse = ". $size_bytes / 1024/1024 . " MB"
."<form method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"
."<input type=\"file\" name=\"filetoupload\"><br>"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\"
."<input type=\"Submit\" name=\"uploadform\" value=\"Upload
}//end of else



Ukendt (07-03-2007)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 07-03-07 10:01

Hvor du skal sætte dette ind er op til dig, men here goes:

Bemærk funktionen er hevet ud af et bibliotek så der kan være andre
ting der skal tages højde så prøv dig frem !

Lige først de globale variabler der bliver refereret til:

   Opertivsystemets folder adskiller
   Sti til der hvor den originale fil ligger UDEN filnavn
   Predifineret tekst til at sætte foran thumbnail filnavnet.
    f.eks. $ThumbnailPreString="thumb_";
   Thumbnail folder, BEMÆRK, dette er IKKE en sti, men navnet på
   en folder, f.eks. kan man lægge sine thumbnails i en seperat
   underfolder i hvert galleri $ThumbnailDir="thumb";
   Thumbnail bredde
   Thumbnail højde

function MakeThumbnail($Image, $Album)
   global $OS, $AlbumRoot, $ThumbnailPreString, $ThumbnailDir,
$TNwidth, $TNhight;
   $Size = getimagesize($AlbumRoot.$OS.$Album.$OS.$Image);
   if ($Size[2]==2) {
      if ($Size[0] > $Size[1]) {
         $TempTNwidth = $TNwidth;
         $TempTNhight =
         $HighOffset = ceil(($TNhight-$TempTNhight)/2);
      else {
         $TempTNhight = $TNhight;
         $TempTNwidth =
         $WidthOffset =
      $OldImage =
      $NewImage = @imagecreatetruecolor($TNwidth, $TNhight);

$colors=imagecolorsforindex($OldImage, imagecolorat($OldImage, 20,
20)); // **** new ****
$BackgroundColor= imagecolorallocate($NewImage, $colors['red'],
$colors['green'], $colors['blue']); // **** new ****
imagefill($NewImage, 0, 0, $BackgroundColor); // **** new ****

@imagecopyresampled($NewImage, $OldImage, $WidthOffset,
$HighOffset, 0, 0, $TempTNwidth, $TempTNhight, $Size[0], $Size[1]);

      $Result= @ImageJPEG($NewImage,

imagecolordeallocate($NewImage, $BackgroundColor); // **** new
imagedestroy($NewImage); // **** new ****
imagedestroy($OldImage); // **** new ****
return $Result;
   else {
      return false;

   Olrik Larsen
On Fri, 2 Mar 2007 20:41:26 +0100, "Jan Hansen" <jan.h@rnet.dk> wrote:

>Jeg har følgende upload kode, hvordan laver automatisk jeg thumps, af
>billider jeg uploader?
>Mvh jan
>Author : Mohammed Ahmed(M@@king) \\
>Version : 1.1 \\
>Date Created: Oct 11 2004 \\
>---------------------------- \\
>Last Update: August 21 2005 \\
>---------------------------- \\
>Country : Palestine \\
>City : Gaza \\
>E-mail : m@maaking.com \\
>MSN : m@maaking.com \\
>AOL-IM : maa2pal \\
>WWW : http://www.maaking.com \\
>Mobile/SMS : 00972-599-622235 \\
> \\
>---Description -----------------------------------------------------
>The Super Global Variable $_FILES is used in PHP 4.x.x.
>$_FILES['filetoupload']['size'] ==> Get the Size of the File in Bytes.
>$_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name'] ==> Returns the Temporary Name of the
>$_FILES['filetoupload']['name'] ==> Returns the Actual Name of the File.
>$_FILES['filetoupload']['type'] ==> Returns the Type of the File.
>So if I uploaded the file 'test.doc', the $_FILES['filetoupload']['name']
>would be 'phptut.doc' and $_FILES['filetoupload']['type'] would be
>// $_FILES['filetoupload'] is the value of //
>// file field from the form. <input type="file" name="filetoupload"> //
>##---------------------------1 - Setup
> // this is the upload dir where files will go.
> //Don't remove the /
> //Chmod it (777)
> $upload_dir = "wabbit/my_gallery/images/"; //change to whatever you
> //51200 bytes = 50KB
> $size_bytes = 10485760; //File Size in bytes (change this value to fit
>your need)
> $extlimit = "yes"; //Do you want to limit the extensions of files
>uploaded (yes/no)
> $limitedext = array(".jpg",".jpeg"); //Extensions you want files uploaded
>limited to. also you can use:
>##---------------------------2 - check for directory and writable
> //check if the directory exists or not.
> if (!is_dir("$upload_dir")) {
> die ("Error: The directory <b>($upload_dir)</b> doesn't exist");
> }
> //check if the directory is writable.
> if (!is_writeable("$upload_dir")){
> die ("Error: The directory <b>($upload_dir)</b> is NOT writable,
>Please CHMOD (777)");
> }
>##---------------------------3-1 - code begins here
> if(isset($_POST['uploadform'])){
> // if you clicked the (Upload File) button. "If you submitted the form"
>then upload the file.
> //begin of uploadform.
> // $filename will hold the value of the file name submetted from
>the form.
> $file_tmp = $_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name'];
> $file_name = $_FILES['filetoupload']['name'];
> //Get the Size of the File
> $file_size = $_FILES['filetoupload']['size'];
> //check if no file selected.
> if (!is_uploaded_file($file_tmp)){
> echo "Du har ikke valgt et billede. <br>»<a
> exit(); //exit the script and don't do anything else.
> }
> //Make sure that file size is correct
> if ($file_size > $size_bytes){
> echo "Billedet er for stort. Max <b>". $size_bytes / 1024/1024
>."</b> MB. <br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">Tilbage</a>";
> exit();
> }
> //check file extension
> $ext = strrchr($file_name,'.');
> if (($extlimit == "yes") &&
>(!in_array(strtolower($ext),$limitedext))) {
> echo("Billet er af forkert type ");
> exit();
> }
> // Check if file is Already EXISTS.
> if(file_exists($upload_dir.$file_name)){
> echo "Der findes allerede et billede der hedder
><b>$file_name</b> . <br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">Tilbage</a>";
> exit();
> }
> //to remove spaces from file name we have to replace it with "_".
> $file_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $file_name);
> //Move the File to the Directory of your choice
> //move_uploaded_file('filename','destination') Moves afile to a
>new location.
> if (move_uploaded_file($file_tmp,$upload_dir.$file_name)) {
> //tell the user that the file has been uploaded and make
>him alink.
> echo "Billede (<a
>href=\"$upload_dir$file_name\">$file_name</a>) er kommet op. <br>»<a
> exit();
> }else{
> // print error if there was a problem moving file.
> echo "Billedet kunne ikke sendes <br>»<a
> exit();
> }
>##---------------------------3-2 - code to display the form
> //end of if($uploadform).
> // If the form has not been submitted, display it!
> }else{
> //begin of else
> // get the all extensions from the array
> for($i=0;$i<count($limitedext);$i++){
> if (($i<>count($limitedext)-1))$commas=", ";else $commas="";
> list($key,$value)=each($limitedext);
> $all_ext .= $value.$commas;
> }
> //print the form
> echo "<br><h3>Find dit billede der skal sendes</h3>"
> ."- Billed typer $all_ext</b> <br>"
> ."- Max Fil st&oslash;relse = ". $size_bytes / 1024/1024 . " MB"
> ."<form method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"
> ."<input type=\"file\" name=\"filetoupload\"><br>"
> ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\"
> ."<input type=\"Submit\" name=\"uploadform\" value=\"Upload
> ."</form>";
> }//end of else

Jan Hansen (07-03-2007)
Fra : Jan Hansen

Dato : 07-03-07 22:51


Vil prøve at arbejde med det, men det blir nok først og en uges tid, da jeg
skal på ski.

mvh Jan
"Oldorf" skrev i meddelelsen
> Hvor du skal sætte dette ind er op til dig, men here goes:
> Bemærk funktionen er hevet ud af et bibliotek så der kan være andre
> ting der skal tages højde så prøv dig frem !
> Lige først de globale variabler der bliver refereret til:
> $OS="/";
> Opertivsystemets folder adskiller
> $AlbumRoot="/www/photo/galleri1";
> Sti til der hvor den originale fil ligger UDEN filnavn
> $ThumbnailPreString="";
> Predifineret tekst til at sætte foran thumbnail filnavnet.
> f.eks. $ThumbnailPreString="thumb_";
> $ThumbnailDir="thumb";
> Thumbnail folder, BEMÆRK, dette er IKKE en sti, men navnet på
> en folder, f.eks. kan man lægge sine thumbnails i en seperat
> underfolder i hvert galleri $ThumbnailDir="thumb";
> $TNwidth=80;
> Thumbnail bredde
> $TNhight=80;
> Thumbnail højde
> function MakeThumbnail($Image, $Album)
> {
> global $OS, $AlbumRoot, $ThumbnailPreString, $ThumbnailDir,
> $TNwidth, $TNhight;
> @ChangeMode($Album);
> $Size = getimagesize($AlbumRoot.$OS.$Album.$OS.$Image);
> if ($Size[2]==2) {
> if ($Size[0] > $Size[1]) {
> $TempTNwidth = $TNwidth;
> $TempTNhight =
> ceil($Size[1]/($Size[0]/$TNwidth));
> $HighOffset = ceil(($TNhight-$TempTNhight)/2);
> }
> else {
> $TempTNhight = $TNhight;
> $TempTNwidth =
> ceil($Size[0]/($Size[1]/$TNhight));
> $WidthOffset =
> ceil(($TNwidth-$TempTNwidth)/2);
> }
> $OldImage =
> @ImageCreateFromJPEG($AlbumRoot.$OS.$Album.$OS.$Image);
> $NewImage = @imagecreatetruecolor($TNwidth, $TNhight);
> $colors=imagecolorsforindex($OldImage, imagecolorat($OldImage, 20,
> 20)); // **** new ****
> $BackgroundColor= imagecolorallocate($NewImage, $colors['red'],
> $colors['green'], $colors['blue']); // **** new ****
> imagefill($NewImage, 0, 0, $BackgroundColor); // **** new ****
> @imagecopyresampled($NewImage, $OldImage, $WidthOffset,
> $HighOffset, 0, 0, $TempTNwidth, $TempTNhight, $Size[0], $Size[1]);
> $Result= @ImageJPEG($NewImage,
> $AlbumRoot.$OS.$Album.$OS.$ThumbnailDir.$OS.$ThumbnailPreString.$Image,
> 100);
> imagecolordeallocate($NewImage, $BackgroundColor); // **** new
> ****
> imagedestroy($NewImage); // **** new ****
> imagedestroy($OldImage); // **** new ****
> return $Result;
> }
> else {
> return false;
> }
> }
> ___________________________________________________________
> mvh
> Olrik Larsen
> omd[]tra-tanr[]dk
> _____________________
> On Fri, 2 Mar 2007 20:41:26 +0100, "Jan Hansen" <jan.h@rnet.dk> wrote:
>>Jeg har følgende upload kode, hvordan laver automatisk jeg thumps, af
>>billider jeg uploader?
>>Mvh jan
>>Author : Mohammed Ahmed(M@@king) \\
>>Version : 1.1 \\
>>Date Created: Oct 11 2004 \\
>>---------------------------- \\
>>Last Update: August 21 2005 \\
>>---------------------------- \\
>>Country : Palestine \\
>>City : Gaza \\
>>E-mail : m@maaking.com \\
>>MSN : m@maaking.com \\
>>AOL-IM : maa2pal \\
>>WWW : http://www.maaking.com \\
>>Mobile/SMS : 00972-599-622235 \\
>> \\
>>---Description -----------------------------------------------------
>>The Super Global Variable $_FILES is used in PHP 4.x.x.
>>$_FILES['filetoupload']['size'] ==> Get the Size of the File in Bytes.
>>$_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name'] ==> Returns the Temporary Name of the
>>$_FILES['filetoupload']['name'] ==> Returns the Actual Name of the File.
>>$_FILES['filetoupload']['type'] ==> Returns the Type of the File.
>>So if I uploaded the file 'test.doc', the $_FILES['filetoupload']['name']
>>would be 'phptut.doc' and $_FILES['filetoupload']['type'] would be
>>// $_FILES['filetoupload'] is the value of //
>>// file field from the form. <input type="file" name="filetoupload"> //
>>##---------------------------1 - Setup
>> // this is the upload dir where files will go.
>> //Don't remove the /
>> //Chmod it (777)
>> $upload_dir = "wabbit/my_gallery/images/"; //change to whatever you
>> //51200 bytes = 50KB
>> $size_bytes = 10485760; //File Size in bytes (change this value to fit
>>your need)
>> $extlimit = "yes"; //Do you want to limit the extensions of files
>>uploaded (yes/no)
>> $limitedext = array(".jpg",".jpeg"); //Extensions you want files
>> uploaded
>>limited to. also you can use:
>>##---------------------------2 - check for directory and writable
>> //check if the directory exists or not.
>> if (!is_dir("$upload_dir")) {
>> die ("Error: The directory <b>($upload_dir)</b> doesn't exist");
>> }
>> //check if the directory is writable.
>> if (!is_writeable("$upload_dir")){
>> die ("Error: The directory <b>($upload_dir)</b> is NOT writable,
>>Please CHMOD (777)");
>> }
>>##---------------------------3-1 - code begins here
>> if(isset($_POST['uploadform'])){
>> // if you clicked the (Upload File) button. "If you submitted the form"
>>then upload the file.
>> //begin of uploadform.
>> // $filename will hold the value of the file name submetted
>> from
>>the form.
>> $file_tmp = $_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name'];
>> $file_name = $_FILES['filetoupload']['name'];
>> //Get the Size of the File
>> $file_size = $_FILES['filetoupload']['size'];
>> //check if no file selected.
>> if (!is_uploaded_file($file_tmp)){
>> echo "Du har ikke valgt et billede. <br>»<a
>> exit(); //exit the script and don't do anything else.
>> }
>> //Make sure that file size is correct
>> if ($file_size > $size_bytes){
>> echo "Billedet er for stort. Max <b>". $size_bytes /
>> 1024/1024
>>."</b> MB. <br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">Tilbage</a>";
>> exit();
>> }
>> //check file extension
>> $ext = strrchr($file_name,'.');
>> if (($extlimit == "yes") &&
>>(!in_array(strtolower($ext),$limitedext))) {
>> echo("Billet er af forkert type ");
>> exit();
>> }
>> // Check if file is Already EXISTS.
>> if(file_exists($upload_dir.$file_name)){
>> echo "Der findes allerede et billede der hedder
>><b>$file_name</b> . <br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">Tilbage</a>";
>> exit();
>> }
>> //to remove spaces from file name we have to replace it with
>> "_".
>> $file_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $file_name);
>> //Move the File to the Directory of your choice
>> //move_uploaded_file('filename','destination') Moves afile to a
>>new location.
>> if (move_uploaded_file($file_tmp,$upload_dir.$file_name)) {
>> //tell the user that the file has been uploaded and make
>>him alink.
>> echo "Billede (<a
>>href=\"$upload_dir$file_name\">$file_name</a>) er kommet op. <br>»<a
>> exit();
>> }else{
>> // print error if there was a problem moving file.
>> echo "Billedet kunne ikke sendes <br>»<a
>> exit();
>> }
>>##---------------------------3-2 - code to display the form
>> //end of if($uploadform).
>> // If the form has not been submitted, display it!
>> }else{
>> //begin of else
>> // get the all extensions from the array
>> for($i=0;$i<count($limitedext);$i++){
>> if (($i<>count($limitedext)-1))$commas=", ";else $commas="";
>> list($key,$value)=each($limitedext);
>> $all_ext .= $value.$commas;
>> }
>> //print the form
>> echo "<br><h3>Find dit billede der skal sendes</h3>"
>> ."- Billed typer $all_ext</b> <br>"
>> ."- Max Fil st&oslash;relse = ". $size_bytes / 1024/1024 . "
>> MB"
>> ."<form method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"
>> ."<input type=\"file\" name=\"filetoupload\"><br>"
>> ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\"
>> ."<input type=\"Submit\" name=\"uploadform\" value=\"Upload
>> ."</form>";
>> }//end of else

Ukendt (08-03-2007)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 08-03-07 16:02

Uh najs ! Go tur ;)

   Olrik Larsen
On Wed, 7 Mar 2007 22:50:48 +0100, "Jan Hansen" <jan.h@rnet.dk> wrote:

>Vil prøve at arbejde med det, men det blir nok først og en uges tid, da jeg
>skal på ski.
>mvh Jan
>"Oldorf" skrev i meddelelsen

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