On 2 Feb., 00:38, "Bo Warming" <b...@bwng.dk> wrote:
> "Patruljen" <Patrul...@yahoo.dk> wrote in message
> news:1170371765.003279.257880@k78g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
> Ilse Koch,1906 - 1967. Ilse Koch var i sandhed et særpræget eksemplar
> af menneskeracen. Hun var også kendt som "Die Hexe", eller "Tæven fra
> Buchenwald". Hun var gift med Karl Koch, som blev kommandant i
> Buchenwald. Hun var en attraktiv rødhåret kvinde, som yndede at ride
> rundt i lejren med en pisk, som hun flittigt brugte på fangerne; og
> enhver fange med en god tatovering, som kom under hendes øjne, var en
> død mand. Hun fremstillede bl.a. bogbind, lampeskærme og handsker af
> tatoveret menneskehud. Hun blev fængslet i 1947 og fundet skyldig i
> mord, men hendes dom blev reduceret til 4 år. I 1951 blev hun idømt
> livsvarigt fængsel; og i 1967 begik hun selvmord i fængslet ved at
> hænge sig i et lagen.
> Er der overhovedet noget af ovenstående, der passer ?
> Der var en fangevogter der lavede lampeskærm af allerede tyfusdøde
> fangers hud - og da tyskerne opdagede det, straffede DE ham hårdt,
> allerede før 1944
> De kvindelige fangevogter blev sføli sladret særligt om og kaldt
> bitches, men sladder er ofte løgn
She is infamous for taking souvenirs from the skin of murdered inmates
with distinctive tattoos. She may or may not have possessed lampshades
made from human skin, however her family dinner table is reputed to
have been decorated with shrunken human heads [1]. She was variously
known as "the Witch of Buchenwald" ("Die Hexe von Buchenwald") and
"the Bitch of Buchenwald" ("Buchenwälder Schlampe") by the inmates
because of her sadistic cruelty and lasciviousness toward prisoners.
Ilse Koch would specially select prisoners with distinctive tattoos on
her rides around the camp. These prisoners would be killed and their
skin tanned and stored for later use by the SS guards.
Her taste for collecting lampshades made from the tattooed skins was
described by a witness at The Nuremberg Trials after the war:
"The finished products (i.e. tattooed skin detached from corpses) were
turned over to Koch's wife, who had them fashioned into lampshades and
other ornamental household articles .."
In the book Sidelights on the Koch Affair by Stefan Heymann the author
pointed out that the fact, that the Kochs had lamps made of human skin
did not distinguish them from the other SS officers. They had the same
artworks made for their family homes:
"It is more interesting that Frau Koch had a lady's handbag made out
of the same material. She was just as proud of it as a South Sea
island woman would have been about her cannibal trophies .. "
Ilse Koch was tried by an American military tribunal in 1947, found
guilty of murder
Hvordan forløb retsagen Hr. Krogh ?
Venlig hilsen Bruun