carlos wrote:
|| What are the common denominators in this insanity that we call the
|| 21st Century.
|| There's some very strange things going on.
|| A cynical person might be inclined to think that some 'Power Club'
|| (or several disparate power bases) have the mutual objective of
|| pruning back the power of the 'West' or the 'Anglo-Saxon' dominated
|| world, or worse.
|| Why would the 'Jewish controlled' European Union give billions of
|| Euros to the Palestinians?
|| Why would U.S. interest groups be keen on seeing Turkey join the
|| E.U.?
|| Why would any European be keen on seeing Turkey join the E.U.?
|| Why are nationalists persecuted in European countries, why is
|| nationalism bad?
Militarily it has strategic importance to the USA, and it would mean close
ties with a muslim country.
As far as I am concerned it is not in Europe. I would prefer that we got
out, the sooner the better.
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