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Israels forsvarschef går i vanære,
Fra : Jesper

Dato : 17-01-07 23:53


Hizbollah fester efter forsvarschefs farvel
17. jan. 2007 22.07 Udland Opdat.: 17. jan. 2007 22.11

I den libanesiske hovedstad Beirut fejrer Hizbollah-militsen, at Israels
forsvarschef trådte tilbage tidligere i dag.

Hizbollah har fejret det med fyrværkeri, og i en erklæring siger
militsen, at forsvarschef Dan Halutz' afgang er en naturlig følge af den
israelske hærs nederlag i Libanon.

- Den første sejr var, da vore kæmpere holdt ud i 33 dage mod den
største hær i Mellemøsten. Den anden var opsigelsen fra Halutz efter
hans nederlag i Libanon, siger talsmanden for Hizbollah.

Dan Halutz trak sig fra posten som forsvarschef efter stærk kritik over
krigen sidste år mod Hizbollah i Libanon. Kritikerne siger, at Israel
intet fik ud af den.

§ 9 Ved aftalens ophør skal bygningen afleveres i ren- og
ryddeliggjort stand.
- Midlertidig aftale om benyttelse af
Jagtvej 69 fra 1982

@ (18-01-2007)
Fra : @

Dato : 18-01-07 16:11

On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 23:53:12 +0100, spambuster@users.toughguy.net
(Jesper) wrote:

>Hizbollah fester efter forsvarschefs farvel
>17. jan. 2007 22.07 Udland Opdat.: 17. jan. 2007 22.11
>I den libanesiske hovedstad Beirut fejrer Hizbollah-militsen, at Israels
>forsvarschef trådte tilbage tidligere i dag.
>Hizbollah har fejret det med fyrværkeri, og i en erklæring siger
>militsen, at forsvarschef Dan Halutz' afgang er en naturlig følge af den
>israelske hærs nederlag i Libanon.

nåe ja

araberne vandt også 6 dageskrigen i 1967

>- Den første sejr var, da vore kæmpere holdt ud i 33 dage mod den
>største hær i Mellemøsten.

holdt ud !!!!

mig bekendt fløj israelerne rundt og bombede det de mente skulle

>Den anden var opsigelsen fra Halutz efter
>hans nederlag i Libanon, siger talsmanden for Hizbollah.
>Dan Halutz trak sig fra posten som forsvarschef efter stærk kritik over
>krigen sidste år mod Hizbollah i Libanon. Kritikerne siger, at Israel
>intet fik ud af den.

så synes jeg virkelig Hizbollah skal tage og prøve igen

på et eller andet tidspunkt håber jeg israelerne blive så trætte af
deres forbyrderiske naboer at de simpelthen nakker dem alle til hobe

A free press can of course be good or bad, but, most certainly,
without freedom it will never be anything but bad
/Albert Camus/

Joakim (20-01-2007)
Fra : Joakim

Dato : 20-01-07 09:35

"Jesper" <spambuster@users.toughguy.net> skrev i en meddelelse

Tilsyneladende fester Hizbollah alene i så fald:

Arab world salutes Halutz

Arab talkbacks show admiration for army chief's decision, slam

Dan Halutz's resignation caught the Arab world by surprise,
particularly after the question of whether Hizbullah won the last war
or not was ostensibly decided among the Arab public. The prevailing
view today, six months after the war, is that Hizbullah did not win,
and wasn't defeated. This view is largely prevalent among leaders,
among the large Sunni institutions, and among the more educated strata
of Arab society in general.

Then all of a sudden Dan Halutz's resignation came along and
ostensibly reopened the discourse in wake of what appears to be
Israel's ongoing quandary. This debate of course impacts the level of
deterrence Israel creates and the questions pertaining to perceived
power and weakness in the Middle East.

Formal responses are not expected to be made by key Arab leaders, who
would have preferred this war had never taken place, because it
strengthened their sworn enemies, so to speak - the Shiites and
political Islam. Deep in their hearts, they had hoped that Israel
would strike a heavy blow at these forces, and in so doing cut them
down to size. This didn't happen, and therefore they would do well not
to refer to the war in general or to Halutz's resignation

Hizbullah and the Islamic organizations were quick to announce
Wednesday that Halutz's resignation presents clear evidence of their
victory. However, it is this bragging that actually demonstrates the
extent of their demise in local opinion polls, so much so that they
were forced to take pride in such a belated resignation.

Lesson for entire Arab world

On the Arab Internet, visited by millions of surfers, Halutz's
resignation set the stage for another development with Hizbullah
regarding the arguments pertaining to its victory, and not for anti-
Israeli celebration. There were, however, surfers who expressed their
satisfaction at the resignation, but the lion's share of surfers
visiting key news sites expressed surprising readiness for soul

"Arab logic is commendable," wrote a surfer from a Cairo neighborhood.
"The Israelis distanced Hizbullah from its borders, killed 1,200 of
its combatants, destroyed its infrastructure and positioned the Israel
Defense Force in the north. Is this deemed a victory?"

Another surfer wrote a long article in which he explained why it is
Israel that won the war, later adding: "Ask the Lebanese people who
lost this war. They know the truth all too well." A third surfer,
apparently from Yemen, wrote that Hizbullah's popularity plummeted to
almost zero in his country.

"Only Hizbullah claims that this was a divine victory," said another

However, an even greater surprise appeared on the Arab Internet: The
majority of surfers didn't ridicule Halutz. On the contrary, they
expressed understanding and support for his actions. Many wrote that
this is a lesson that should be learned by the entire Arab world and
that when mistakes are made they should be rectified. Another surfer
wrote that the ability to recognize faults is a virtue, and another
from Egypt noted: "If only the Arab leadership would learn from

"Well done to democracy and democratic states," wrote a surfer, "when
will they realize here too that a failed leadership must go?" Another
wrote: "What's the connection between Halutz's resignation and
Hizbullah's claim of victory. Is anyone willing to explain that?" And
another response: "It's about time we learned about responsibility
from our enemies, no one is above the law and national interest is
above any personal interest. If only this was the situation in the
Arab world."

Another surfer wrote: "I respect democracy that is implemented during
difficult times." Another views it as a true Israeli achievement. "If
only our failed leaders would learn that when they make mistakes, they
have to step down."

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