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UNITE! Info #165en: 1/4 The big "greenhous~
Fra : Rolf Martens

Dato : 11-12-06 19:16

UNITE! Info #165en: 1/4 The big "greenhouse" hoax (1)
[Posted: 22.02.02]

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As indicated by the number "(1)" last in the subject line
above, this Info is the first in a planned sub-series on the
big "greenhouse" hoax. It also continues a debate on this
which started in Swedish recently on NG 'swnet.politik'.

Contents of this Info are:

I. What is the struggle concerning "greenhouse" or "harm-
ful manmade global warming" really about, and why is
it important? (Political explanation - RM)
In part 1/4

II. Non-Marxist opposition to the "greenhouse" propaganda
and to the anti-industrial and mass murder measures
"justified" by it, of willedly making oil, natural gas
and coal more expensive and "replacing" these energy
raw materials with wind "power", firewood or nothing
In part 1/4

III. Briefly on a debate in Swedish, and: Is "greenhouse"
an argument for nuclear energy?
In part 2/4

IV. The article "An Oceanograhper Looks at the Non-Science
of Global Warming", by Robert E. Stevenson, Ph.D, re-
produced from the magazine "21st Century Science &
Technology", issue of Winter 1996-1997
In parts 2/4-4/4

End of intro note



In the openly-bourgeois and revisionist (phony"socialist") me-
dia, there since long is much propaganda saying that "a harm-
ful warming of the earth's surface" is taking place, "due to
the use of oil, natural gas and coal".

The carbon dioxide which is emitted when these modern or rela-
tively modern energy raw materials are burned, this propaganda
says, "causes an extra greenhouse effect" - above the natural-
ly existing one - and "therefore", the use of oil, natural gas
and coal in the world "should be curtailed".

Is this true? It isn't. This whole matter of course is compli-
cated. But counterposing what the advocates of the "manmade
global warming" theory are saying, and have been saying, to
what its critics are maintaining and have maintained, you can
see that it's the critics who are right.

Not least does the "bad faith", in the advocacy of this theory
on the part of a particular international institution which
was created, in the late 1980s, obviously with the express in-
tention of disseminating disinformation on the question of
climate and of "greenhouse", show up very clearly. That is the
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). On this, see
the article reproduced below under IV.


The "greenhouse" propaganda hoax and the corresponding
measures to curtail the use of oil, natural gas and coal are
part of a "green" stealth warfare which the main ruling bour-
geois forces in the world are engaging in, against the people
in all countries, since some three decades back now.

Briefly, the reasons for this warfare can be described as in
Info #4en in this series (21.03.1996):

The international ultra-rightist forces, quite often operating
under a camouflage of "leftism", of "Marxism" even, since 20
or 30 years back in fact are attacking the development of in-
dustry as a whole, particularly in the more developed coun-
tries and particularly in Europe. This mainly out of an in-
creasing fear that the workers, if "allowed" to grow "too"
many and "too" strong, will eventually team up with the op-
pressed peoples of the third world, together with them make
revolution and smash the entire long obsolete system of capi-
talism and imperialism in the world, which is turning more and
more completely into an enormous obstacle against the produc-
tive forces of today, a giant Berlin Wall against the progress
of all mankind.

Above all it's the US imperialists who are directing this
"green" warfare internationally, as "world gendarme" of the
bourgeoisie as a whole. They are being supported in this to
various degrees by the Russian new tsarists (formerly, the So-
viet social-imperialists), the Chinese revisionists too, for
instance, and various forces of the ruling West European bour-

[So far repeated from Info #4en]

Within US imperialism, it was always the forces of the Al Gore
type that were advocating this particular kind of warfare more
directly and openly that those of the George W. Bush type. One
rather well-known 1992 book by Gore, for instance, "Earth in
the Balance - Ecology and the Human Spirit", purportedly about
a number of "environmental" questions, precisely is full of
this spirit.

But it should not be thought that the Bush faction of interna-
tional exploiters, oppressors, war criminals and mass murde-
rers are not engaging too in this warfare, when now for in-
stance in their recent programme (mid-February 2002) for ener-
gy provisioning in the USA itself, they have declared the par-
ticularly extreme Kyoto programme for worldwide industry
strangulation, under "greenhouse" pretext, dead. The various
forces of US imperialism, and of other reaction too, on prin-
ciple are always using "double trouble" tactics. They will say
one thing officially which may sound "not quite so bad" and at
the same time, using a number of "unofficial" muppets of
theirs which they are always handling, pursue a different and
more sinister policy.

This last was the tactics, for instance, behind the 11 Septem-
ber 2001 terror attacks against the people in the USA and in
the whole world, with which the US imperialists, in the more
and more desperate situation for the reactionaries in all
countries, started a policy of also open warfare against the
people in all countries.

The war purportedly "against terrorism", in reality against
the people everywhere, waged jointly by the biggest terrorists
in the world, of course must be opposed. So must the "green"
warfare by those same forces, which continues too and which
internationally, continually, is causing even more destruction
and death than did for instance the recent bombings of New
York City, Afghanistan and Iraq.


Such an agenda may seem "completely mad". And in a way, it is
too. But it's an important one of the main reactionaries' in
the world, and has been more and more so since some three de-
cades back. This is part of their "green" warfare against
practically everybody on earth.

Marx pointed out, in a speech way back in 1856:

"Steam, electricity, and the self acting mule were re-
volutionists of a rather more dangerous character than
even citizens Barbes, Raspail and Blanqui."

That's how mainly some feudalists were seeing things, in the
mid-19th century. Today, with that enormous further develop-
ment of such productive forces which has taken place since
then, it's what the main political forces of the entire bour-
geoisie are thinking.

Don't the bourgeoisie want to make profits? Isn't that what
capitalism is all about? Yes, they do, and it is. But an abso-
lutely necessary prerequisite for the capitalists is that they
retain *political power*. Without this, they of course cannot
exploit one single worker, or internationally, a single poor
country. The "green" warfare of their main forces, of their
main *political* forces, precisely is intended to prolong the
rule of the entire bourgeoisie in the world.

Since this means curtailment of technological and scientific
advances and of the development of industry, indeed even the
mass destruction of some industries, of course some capita-
lists owning certain types of such are complaining that it's
costing them a lot of money, and are sometimes protesting
against the "green" warfare, or against such parts of it as
are hitting "their" industrial branch.

They then are being told by their own politicians that they
should not be so "greedy" or so "consumerist" but must make
some sacrifices for the "common good" of the entire exploiting
class, which needs a suitable *political* "environment", of
stagnation and putrefaction today, of absolutely not "too"
cheap energy, for instance.

The "greenhouse" propaganda and the programmes connected with
it, of curtailing the use of oil, natural gas and coal so as
to replace this with *much more primitive* energy sources, or
not replacing it at all, are a campaign parallel to the one,
by more or less the same forces, against the peaceful use of
nuclear energy in the world.

In the late 1980s, the US imperialists and others, such as the
Soviet social-imperialists at that time, were fairly confident
that they, with their various overt and covert actions, had
been successful in "containing" nuclear energy in the world.

In practically all of the more industrialized countries, no
nuclear power plants were being built any more. A number of
experiments with the particularly promising breeder technolo-
gy had all been strangled. Most of the poorer, international-
ly-opressed and -exploited countries had been prevented from
developing nuclear energy.

It was at that point in time, from 1988 on approximately, that
the "greenhouse" propaganda really got to be a big theme in
the international mass media. It had been there before, from
the early 1970s or so in some countries, but during a long
time at first, the arch-reactionary forces had concentrated
above all on combating that superior energy technology by far,
the nuclear one.

The "greenhouse" propaganda and corresponding curtailment
measures are a continuation and an extension of the reactio-
nary warfare against nuclear energy, now going after also the
second-best energy sources, the chemical fuels.

Among these, coal of course is not a very modern one, but its
use still is necessary in many less developed countries. Quite
another matter is it when a highly-developed one such as the
USA in the last two decades has built practically no further
nuclear power plants but has more than doubled its coal use
instead. This is a case of *retrogression*, very typical of
that imperialism which already Lenin in his time characterized
as parasitic, putrefying capitalism.

Of course this coal use of the US imperialists' comes into
conflict with the "greenhouse" propaganda. But their main
forces are continuing to pursue this anyway.

Another, though smaller, campaign parallel to the "green-
house" one is that of the last decade or so also against the
construction of hydropower dams and plants, in particular in
some poorer countries, using various "environmental" and
other pretexts. This too in reality has the aim of making
energy scarce and expensive, in the countries in question,
and preventing their industrial development, so that the
people there shall remain as extremely low-paid wage slaves
for the international big capitalist companies to exploit.

The importance, to the entire bourgeoisie in the world, of
the "greenhouse" propaganda shows up in the fact that in re-
cent years, some quite big international conferences have
been held in which this was a major theme, or even *the*

That in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the biggest international con-
ference of all, so far, which was on so-called "sustainable
development" - a bourgeois catchword implying that the deve-
lopment in the world had so far "not" been sustainable - and
later that in Kyoto in 1997, purportedly "on world climate",
in which a number of governments agreed on principle on far-
reaching targets for "reduction of emissions of greenhouse
gases", meaning in practice, most massive curtailment of the
use of oil, natural gas and coal in the world.

Were these conferences called together "in order to address
some vital problems confronting this planet and its people",
as the bourgeois propaganda said? Of course not. They were
called together, by the main reactionaries, in order to *sub-
ject that people to some sneak attacks*. And the "need" for
them also shows how much the present rulers *fear* the people
in all countries today.


Opposing this reactionary and false propaganda are a number
of scientists in various fields - under IV. below I'm bringing
an article by one of them - and/or writers who have seen
through it and hold it to be very harmful, which indeed it is.

Valuable information on the subject is provided for instance
by the Net sites:

"Still Waiting For Greenhouse" (John Daly, Australia):

"The Science and Environmental Policy Project" (S. Fred
Singer and others, USA): www.sepp.org

"The CO2 Science Magazine", USA: www.co2science.org

Here in Sweden, the fact that the mean surface temperature in
Northern Europe had developed, over the last 200+ years, in a
manner pointing to its changes having natural causes, and that
for instance the 1730s were just about as hot as the 1990s,
was pointed to in a doctoral disseration by Anders Moberg in
1996: "Temperature Variations in Sweden Since the 18th Centu-
ry", ISSN 1104-7208, ISBN 91-7153-463-6. The "greenhouse" pro-
paganda has been criticized by a number of Swedish scientists

A number of articles in the magazine "21st Century & Technolo-
gy", including the one reproduced under IV. below, have op-
posed the "greenhouse" propaganda.

That publication is one of those of the rather small bourgeois
group led by Lyndon LaRouche, which has a political agenda of
course very much opposed to proletarian revolution in the
world, but also in opposition to that massive strangulation of
science, technology and industry which the main forces of the
bourgeoisie are engaging in, in several fields. It therefore
has provided an opportunity for some scientists, for instance,
who may not agree with the particular political line of La-
Rouche but whose contributions will inexorably be censored by
the main reactionary media, to make their voices heard.

As for Marxist criticism of the reactionary "greenhouse" pro-
panganda (for instance), unfortunately, there is practically

The reactionaries have managed to smash the (actually) Marx-
ist-Leninist movement in the world more or less to bits and
pieces. In some of the poorer countries, there may still be
some parties or other organizations which are genuinely stri-
ving to represent the common interests of the vast majority of
people. Whether any such is seeing through the manipulations
by the main and quite "advanced" reactionaries in the world
such as the one under discussion is another matter. Quite pos-
sibly, this is not the case.

When the reactionaries started their "green" sneak warfare,
back in the early/mid-1970s, there were some articles in the
Peking Review counterattacking it in certain respects. (One
was later reproduced in #26en of this series.) But this was
not, at that time, a theme of big importance to the Chinese
(actual) communists, and in 1976-1978, bourgeois forces won
out in China, who of course had no interest in exposing the
"green" reactionary hoaxes but on the contrary, in general,
supported them.

The main motives behind the "green" arch-reactionary propa-
ganda and policies of the bourgeoisie were discovered and
exposed, from 1977 on, by one small actually Marxist-Leninist
party which existed in Germany at the time. Some representa-
tives of it informed me on these things then, and we during
some years jointly combated the anti-nuclear-energy campaign
and some similar reactionary manipulations. But that party de-
generated from the mid-1980s on and has, for instance, never
attacked the "greenhouse" hoax. Its sorry remains, a bourgeois
so-called "group", still publishes some more or less weak cri-
ticisms of the "green" policies in general, for instance via
its website at www.neue-einheit.com.

[Continued in part 2/4]

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