Hej Kjaer
Her er supplement til det tidligere svar.
Her er noget af hvad man har modelleret sig frem til i videnskaben:
kjaer wrote:
> Har videnskaben en forklaring på hvad bevidsthed egentlig er?
> Hvordan finder hjernen ud af hvad der skal præsenteres for den bevidste
> del af hjernen, og hvad der skal køre "i baggrunden"?
> Hvis det ikke er noget man selv bestemmer, hvad bestemmer vi så i det
> hele taget?
Vi starter lige med nogle videnskabelige grundsten:
Fysik og al videnskab bygger på aksiomer (fundamentale *antagelser*). På
trods af det, er videnskab særdeles anvendelig og har været det gennem
Quote: "...An axiom is a sentence or proposition that is accepted as the
first and last line of a one-line proof and is considered as obvious or
as an initial necessary consensus for the theory building or
acceptation. Therefore, it is *taken for granted* as true, and serves as
a starting point for deducing and inferencing other truths...In many
usages axiom and postulate or assumption are used as synonyms..."
"Årsag og virkning"; kausalitet er også "bare" et aksiom, postulat eller
formodning - ingen kan bevise det:
Quote: "...David Hume asserted that it was impossible to know that
certain laws of cause and effect always apply - no matter how many times
one observes them occurring..."
Men du kan selvfølgelig *tro* på kausalitet. Det meste af tiden ser den
ud til at holde stik.
Kvantemekanik og kausalitet har haft en del sammenstød før i tiden og nu:
Quote: "...A fundamental consequence of the Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle is that no physical phenomena can be (to arbitrary accuracy)
described as a "classic point particle" or as a wave but rather the
microphysical situation is best described in terms of wave-particle
duality...For instance, when measuring the position of an electron, one
imagines shining a light on it, thus disturbing the electron and
producing the quantum mechanical uncertainties in its position. Such
explanations, which are still encountered in popular expositions of
quantum mechanics, are debunked by the EPR paradox, which shows that a
"measurement" can be performed on a particle without disturbing it
directly, by performing a measurement on a distant entangled particle..."
Quote: "...Although originally devised as a thought experiment that
would demonstrate the incompleteness of quantum mechanics, actual
experimental results ironically refutes the principle of locality,
invalidating the EPR trio's original purpose. The "spooky action at a
distance" that so disturbed the authors of EPR consistently occurs in
numerous and widely replicated experiments..."
Web archive mirror: New Scientist, 28 June 1997: "Light's spooky
connections set distance record":
Physics World, December 1999, Volume 12 Issue 12 Article 2: Quantum
gravity presents the ultimate challenge to theorists:
Quote: "...Physics in the 20th century is founded on the twin pillars of
quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. However, in spite of the
enormous successes of each theory individually, the two appear to be
incompatible. This embarrassing contradiction at the very heart of
theoretical physics remains one of the great outstanding challenges in
Quote: "...The explanation that requires the least adjustment to the
physical laws of the universe is that there is a substantial amount of
matter far from the center of the galaxy that is not emitting light in
the mass-to-light ratio of the central bulge..."
Som du kan se har vi ikke en komplet beskrivelse af universet...i dag
har vi endda astronomisk store problemer...
Om vi har fri vilje, ingen fri vilje og determinisme, kan ikke bevises
eller falsificeres...*tro* det eller lad vær...
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