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Chavez (and any Criminal Mind) can not run~
Fra : Leonardo Been

Dato : 01-12-06 20:41

In a Democracy, a Criminal Mind can not run for office
- and any vote on him or her is null and void

1 December 2006
{HRI note 20061201}


In a democratic system - as you know - Criminal Minds have not the
right to vote, and certainly do they not ever have the right to run
for any office or to be elected.


This is very obvious - as I have explained to you elsewhere in great
detail - about the nature and purpose of any Criminal Mind:

The nature of their soul is such, as to want to oppress and
destroy the society,

and they plot and lie and pretend, and work only, in order
to destroy or oppress your life,

in whatever way they can manage and in order to keep doing so.


Those goals are opposed to the goal and purpose of a democratic
group - of us, because we want (of course, and our practice of
voting is ENTIRELY BASED ON US wanting) the best possible for

even for the Criminal Minds themselves - which can not be
said of them - as you know, or as you can easily see,

THEY would and will vote for destruction of also their OWN
life in one way or another:

WHICH IS WHY you can not negotiate with Criminal

you can not negotiate with them in North Korea, not
in Russia, not in Palestine, not in Iran, not in

but you can listen to them, to find out their
weak spots, to show you will not go away and
to show you will not give in, to Criminal Minds

- and you NEVER EVER do what they want

(not even, if you are a South Korean, who
keeps the North Koreans destroyed for
decades now, by a Criminal Mind)

you ONLY demand that they - Criminal Minds -
comply with what you and what all sane and
responsible people demand:

You vehemently oppose and negate their
Criminal Impulses.

Because, as I have fully explained to you elsewhere, THAT

Criminal Minds will vote for destruction even of
their OWN life in one way or another, and certainly
and very much so, that of their friends and family,

no matter how it may seem to you on the



Therefore, in a democratic system - as you know - Criminals have not
the right to vote, and certainly not ever do they have the right to
run for any office, nor to be elected.


In this case, Venezuela's Chavez (being a very severely Criminal Mind)
can not run for office. Any vote on him is null and void.

I refer you further to the 'First International Law,' and
any other, more recent Human Rights Issues.

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


'Chavez purely evil only and forever'
includes {HRI 20021124-V2.0} 'The First International Law'
(20 September 2006 - version 2 on 21 Sept 2006)

'Has Putin murdered YOU already? - Me n'yet '
{HRI 20061122-V1.2} (includes {HRI note 20061014-V1.2.1})
(22 November 2006 - Version 1.2 on 25 Nov 2006)

'Criminal Minds prevent you from knowing The Nature of War'
- Quote from {HRI 20051027-V1.6} 'The Nature Of War'
(7 April 2006 quote of 7 November 2005 version)


(Robert D. Hare)

'Without Conscience - the disturbing world of
the psychopaths among us,' in particular its Chapter 7.,
about 'white-collar Psychopaths.'
By Robert D. Hare, University of British Columbia, 1993.
(New York: Pocket Books, 1995)
(New York: Guilford Press, 1999 - ISBN 1-5730-451-0)

From the back cover of the book:

'Robert Hare makes a strong case for the view that
psychopaths are born, not made. A chilling, eye-opening
report - and a call to action.'

'Of exceptional value to anyone wishing to look behind and
guard against these baffling predators [or parasite- or
virus-personalities] who live amongst us in fearful [in
large] numbers [sixty million of them on Earth].'

(Hervey Cleckley)

'The Mask Of Sanity - the acclaimed study of the
psychopathic personality'
By Hervey Cleckley, Medical College of Georgia, USA.
(St. Louis, MO - USA: Mosby Press Medical Library, 1982)
(New York: New American Library, ISBN 0-452-25341-1)

From the back cover of the book:

'Arrogant, shameless, immoral, impulsive, antisocial,
superficial, alert, self-assured, boastful, callous,
remorseless, charming, irresponsible:

'This is the poisonous mix of traits, that make up the
psychopathic personality. [...]

'Psychopaths also sit in corporate boardrooms [as
directors of companies or institutions] or function
as scientists or physicians [medical doctors] or in
any number of respectable capacities [holding
respected jobs or positions].

'They are all legally competent. [In the legal sense,
they are not insane, because they can talk and
think as brilliantly as a lawyer, to achieve their

'None of them "hears voices" or displays any
psychosis [that a psychiatrist could easily
recognize or could recognize at all, as these can not
and also do not want to define psychosis correctly].

'But they [psychopathic personalities] are all headed
for [causing others] big trouble, in a life-long
string of [causing] disasters [for others], that
could run the gamut [range, the whole spectrum]:

From [causing] financial ruin, to murder.

'Psychiatrists know neither the cause nor the cure of
this disorder [and they can not and do not want to
define 'disorder' either, and they have been working
and will continue to work very hard to hide the
cause of any 'disorder'] which evades [their]
established definitions of either sanity or insanity;

[So, I have defined all these terms, for you,
in the Human Rights Issues {the HRI's}, as none
indeed existed. So it is for the first time in
history, that correct definitions exist and
have been published.]

'indeed, psychiatrists themselves

[and any persons who try to help and to
understand Criminal Minds - any people who
try to help them]

'are at times as helplessly manipulated by the
psychopath, as are the psychopath's other victims.'



Copyright 2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
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- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

Anneke.A (02-12-2006)
Fra : Anneke.A

Dato : 02-12-06 12:44

"Leonardo Been" <leonardo_been@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> In a Democracy, a Criminal Mind can not run for office
> - and any vote on him or her is null and void
> 1 December 2006
> {HRI note 20061201}

Lovely: Since choice is the prime aspect of a democracy and all choices are
inherently corrupt, maybe we don't want politicians or political parties
running our democracies. Maybe we should want the plutocracy of the press or
have an anarchy. One thing matters to me though: It is the murderous mindset
of human nature which is not able to adjust to the use of its creations
(science and religion) and technologies (from club to networked
electronically guided arms). Democracy sucks but don't blame Hugo as it
allways did and there is no viable choice.

Chavez's mindset (as are many South American leaders) is against the old
Monroe doctrine or the Roosevelt Corollary to the doctrine. Criminalizing
this amounts to whining about the historic and present US's lack of
investment into South America and the disregard of the poor in the entire
continent. Sure businesses suffer in Venezuela by lack of their being able
to generate their own capital. But let the Venezuelans and maybe even Chavez
wise-up to this as only capital will create jobs.


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