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The Self-assisted Holocaust Hoax
Fra : Salah Jafar

Dato : 02-11-06 19:14

The Self-assisted Holocaust Hoax
By Friedrich P. Berg

On The Learning Channel on American television, some recent programs have described in graphic detail the horrible execution of one prisoner, David Lawson, who had refused to help his executioners. Lawson was executed on June 15, 1994 in Raleigh, North Carolina. In one of the last executions by gas, Lawson repeatedly held his breath for as long as possible and took only short breaths in between. By some accounts, the prisoner was also feebleminded. Perhaps for that reason he did something else which was unusual; he appealed to his executioners and to the witnesses during his execution. Again and again, as he was taking his short breaths, he cried out "I am human!" At first his cry was clearly audible but as the minutes went by he became less and less understandable and finally, more than ten minutes into the execution, there was just a mutter. He was dead only after eighteen minutes. The witnesses to the execution were horrified. The warden of the prison who had also supervised the execution was so shaken that he resigned. Because of this execution fiasco, executions with poison gas have been generally abandoned in the USA and replaced with lethal injections.

It is now clear to the experts, especially those still waiting on death rows, that a quick and painless execution by gas requires the cooperation of the intended victim. Prisoners about to be gassed were usually encouraged to inhale deeply as soon as the cyanide was released in order to make their deaths come easily. However, if an intended victim was uncooperative, the execution could easily become a fiasco. By simply refusing to take the deep breaths needed to quickly ingest a lethal dose of cyanide, the agony--even under the most ideal conditions--could last for more than eighteen minutes.

An execution procedure using the most modern execution chamber technology with a lethal gas concentration that should have killed in only a few seconds was thwarted by at least one intended victim simply holding his breath. An execution procedure which should have been painless and quick had proved to be so impractical that it is now generally abandoned. An execution procedure which dispersed an extremely lethal concentration of cyanide within seconds and which theoretically should have killed within a few additional seconds, nonetheless took eighteen minutes to kill a single, feebleminded victim.

It should now be obvious that the Jewish Holocaust claims of mass gassings with Zyklon B and CO are rubbish. The sketchy and error-riddled bits of evidence for those claims show that Nazi gassing methods were primitive at best. Rather than dispersing a lethal concentration in seconds, those methods could have only dispersed marginally lethal concentrations after many minutes.

Most of the Holocaust executions, more than three million, were supposedly inflicted with Diesel exhaust. If the Diesels had been running at idle, even at fast idle, the exhaust would not have been lethal at all regardless of how long the exposure was; the exhaust would have contained less than 0.1% CO and about 18% oxygen. But, even with the engines operating under heavy loads, which in itself is only possible with the attachment of cumbersome equipment to the engines, the exhaust would have only been marginally lethal; the exhaust would have contained less than 0.4% CO and more than 6% oxygen.

For the alleged gassings with cyanide at Auschwitz and possibly Maidanek, but nowhere else according to the Holocaust story, the cyanide supposedly arose from granules of Zyklon-B dumped either on the heads or among the feet of the intended victims or into perforated columns. For any of those scenarios, the cyanide would have arisen from the granules slowly; that was after all the whole purpose of Zyklon-B: to release a measured quantity of cyanide slowly. Under normal conditions a layer of Zyklon-B 1/2 to 1 centimeter thick would have required half-an-hour to release half of its cyanide. The presence of a tightly packed crowd of intended victims or screening would have slowed the process even more. Although many might have died within the execution times that are claimed, many others would have survived--and that would have been a fiasco. What would the executioners have done with the survivors--return them to barracks where they could describe what happened or send them back in for a second gassing? After separating the obvious survivors from the dead, how would the executioners identify and dispose of those who were merely groggy or unconscious or feigning death? The answer is that any realistic mass gassing arrangement would have had to kill everyone. Otherwise, one would have had the same emotional strain on the executioners that supposedly led to mass gassings in the first place as an alternative to mass shootings.

The American experience with simple gas executions under ideal conditions proves that mass gassings of Jews would only have been possible if the Jewish victims--not just some of the Jews, but all-- had assisted in their own mass executions; that is too unbelievable. The self-assisted Holocaust story is a hoax indeed.

Patruljen (03-11-2006)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 03-11-06 00:57

Salah Jafar wrote:
> The Self-assisted Holocaust Hoax
> By Friedrich P. Berg
> On The Learning Channel on American television, some recent programs have described in graphic detail the horrible execution of one prisoner, David Lawson, who had refused to help his executioners. Lawson was executed on June 15, 1994 in Raleigh, North Carolina. In one of the last executions by gas, Lawson repeatedly held his breath for as long as possible and took only short breaths in between. By some accounts, the prisoner was also feebleminded. Perhaps for that reason he did something else which was unusual; he appealed to his executioners and to the witnesses during his execution. Again and again, as he was taking his short breaths, he cried out "I am human!" At first his cry was clearly audible but as the minutes went by he became less and less understandable and finally, more than ten minutes into the execution, there was just a mutter. He was dead only after eighteen minutes. The witnesses to the execution were horrified. The warden of the prison who had also supervised the execution was so shaken that he resigned. Because of this execution fiasco, executions with poison gas have been generally abandoned in the USA and replaced with lethal injections.
> It is now clear to the experts, especially those still waiting on death rows, that a quick and painless execution by gas requires the cooperation of the intended victim. Prisoners about to be gassed were usually encouraged to inhale deeply as soon as the cyanide was released in order to make their deaths come easily. However, if an intended victim was uncooperative, the execution could easily become a fiasco. By simply refusing to take the deep breaths needed to quickly ingest a lethal dose of cyanide, the agony--even under the most ideal conditions--could last for more than eighteen minutes.
> An execution procedure using the most modern execution chamber technology with a lethal gas concentration that should have killed in only a few seconds was thwarted by at least one intended victim simply holding his breath. An execution procedure which should have been painless and quick had proved to be so impractical that it is now generally abandoned. An execution procedure which dispersed an extremely lethal concentration of cyanide within seconds and which theoretically should have killed within a few additional seconds, nonetheless took eighteen minutes to kill a single, feebleminded victim.
> It should now be obvious that the Jewish Holocaust claims of mass gassings with Zyklon B and CO are rubbish. The sketchy and error-riddled bits of evidence for those claims show that Nazi gassing methods were primitive at best. Rather than dispersing a lethal concentration in seconds, those methods could have only dispersed marginally lethal concentrations after many minutes.
> Most of the Holocaust executions, more than three million, were supposedly inflicted with Diesel exhaust. If the Diesels had been running at idle, even at fast idle, the exhaust would not have been lethal at all regardless of how long the exposure was; the exhaust would have contained less than 0.1% CO and about 18% oxygen. But, even with the engines operating under heavy loads, which in itself is only possible with the attachment of cumbersome equipment to the engines, the exhaust would have only been marginally lethal; the exhaust would have contained less than 0.4% CO and more than 6% oxygen.
> For the alleged gassings with cyanide at Auschwitz and possibly Maidanek, but nowhere else according to the Holocaust story, the cyanide supposedly arose from granules of Zyklon-B dumped either on the heads or among the feet of the intended victims or into perforated columns. For any of those scenarios, the cyanide would have arisen from the granules slowly; that was after all the whole purpose of Zyklon-B: to release a measured quantity of cyanide slowly. Under normal conditions a layer of Zyklon-B 1/2 to 1 centimeter thick would have required half-an-hour to release half of its cyanide. The presence of a tightly packed crowd of intended victims or screening would have slowed the process even more. Although many might have died within the execution times that are claimed, many others would have survived--and that would have been a fiasco. What would the executioners have done with the survivors--return them to barracks where they could describe what happened or send them back in for a second gassing? After separating the obvious survivors from the dead, how would the executioners identify and dispose of those who were merely groggy or unconscious or feigning death? The answer is that any realistic mass gassing arrangement would have had to kill everyone. Otherwise, one would have had the same emotional strain on the executioners that supposedly led to mass gassings in the first place as an alternative to mass shootings.
> The American experience with simple gas executions under ideal conditions proves that mass gassings of Jews would only have been possible if the Jewish victims--not just some of the Jews, but all-- had assisted in their own mass executions; that is too unbelievable. The self-assisted Holocaust story is a hoax indeed.

And now to something completly different - www.Israelforever.com

Regards Bruun

Bo Warming (03-11-2006)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 03-11-06 07:01

"Patruljen" <Patruljen@yahoo.dk> wrote in message

NB: www.Israelforever.com

BW: Jeg overvejede dette slogan på mit tag i stedet for "Vi elsker

Men hvor DK ikke er forever med nuværende vækst i islammagt, er der
vist ingen tvivl om at de kloge jøder nok skal holde faren fra livet

De bør have dog have moralsk opbakning til at holde selvmordsbombere
fra livet med alle midler

Det bør vi kopiere

Markus B (06-11-2006)
Fra : Markus B

Dato : 06-11-06 11:39

Hold nu kæft i to!

Markus B (06-11-2006)
Fra : Markus B

Dato : 06-11-06 12:07

"Markus B" <mm@m.com> wrote in message
> Hold nu kæft i to!

Ja undskyld men ville det da for helvede være så svært for jer to garvede
usenetbrugere, at fravælge de tydeligt irelevante grupper når I vælger at
svare på mandens bavl. I dette tilfælde bibeholder I en latterlig
krydsrefeerance til dk.familie.barn der ingen steder hører hjemme. Det må I
da kunne se?

Salahellerhvadhannuhedder har postet det oprindelige indlæg i:
foruden dk.familie.barn.

Hvis i finder det nødvendigt at svare på mandens indlæg vil I så ikke godt
(for the love of God) undlade at lade disse svar figurere i denne gruppe.
Jeg er sikker på at I godt kan finde ud af det, og samtidig erkender at
disse tråde intet har at gøre i denne gruppe. Næste gang bliver i blokeret i
min læser - og som jeg har skrevet før, ville jeg egentlig være ked af at
gøre dette da jeg finder jeres indlæg ganske underholdende fra tid til

gb (07-11-2006)
Fra : gb

Dato : 07-11-06 03:23

"Markus B" <mm@m.com> wrote in

> Ja undskyld men ville det da for helvede være så svært for jer to
> garvede usenetbrugere, at fravælge de tydeligt irelevante grupper når

Du er ikke ret garvet.

> Hvis i finder det nødvendigt at svare på mandens indlæg vil I så ikke
> godt (for the love of God) undlade at lade disse svar figurere i denne
> gruppe. Jeg er sikker på at I godt kan finde ud af det, og samtidig

Du crossposter selv til fire-fem grupper, Sherlock.


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