Michael Rasmussen wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Aug 2006 00:10:35 +0200, Mads Bondo Dydensborg wrote:
>> Kan du ud fra ovenstående regne ud, om jeg kan sætte en CPU i, der kan
>> neddrosles? Eller skal jeg ud og købe nyt MB+CPU (igen)?
> Din CPU anvender SocketA, mens nyere AMD anvender Socket 754, så derfor
> kræver det nyt bundkort + CPU. Det kan dog erhverves for ~800 kr.
Narj, hvor er det irriterende. Men, jeg skal op i 3000+ eller noget i den
Det er dybt ironisk at jeg skal købe en hurtigere cpu for at få den til at
køre langsommere
> Har du forøvrigt prøvet Kent's forslag: modprobe powernow-k7?
Jep, det vil den ligesom ikke spise (unknown device). Går ud fra at det
betyder at CPU'en ikke er understøttet.
Mads Bondo Dydensborg mads@dydensborg.dk
Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the
country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag
people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a
parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can
always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have
to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for
lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.
- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials