Michael Jørgensen wrote:
> Er den nogen der har teksten til "Take it easy boy, boy... "?
Hvis du stadig kan bruge den, har jeg lige skrevet den af fra pladen
(inklusive Leo Mathisens diverse kongurens-fejl
Linierne i parantes bliver talt, formodentlig af Leos førstetrompetist
Erik Parker, der også tager soloen hvis jeg da ikke tager meget fejl.
(The rap tide's on so prepare to get going)
M-hm, well alright but easy now
Mmm, take it easy, boy, boy
Go to your home, smoke a cigar
(If you can get one)
Take it easy boy, boy
Let the other make the hard work for you
Take it easy, boy, boy
Spend every dime, have a good time
(Got no dime)
Take it easy, boy, boy
Let the other make the money to you
(Thank you)
If you don't do what I say
You will soon grow old and grey
(With a long beard)
Just while I'll be glad and gay
Singing ha, ha, hey, hey
Take it easy, boy, boy
Go to your home, smoke a cigar
Take it easy, boy, boy
Let the other make the money to you
If you don't do what I say
You will soon grow old and grey
Just while I'll be glad and gay
Singing ha, ha, hey, hey
Take it easy, boy, boy
Go to your home, smoke a cigar - big one!
Take it easy, boy, boy
Let the other make the money to you
"Riv hele lortet ned!"