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Også Kanada er åbenbart ved at ændre sig i~
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 05-07-06 09:28

'Ingen mohammedanere hos os? Naturligvis ikke! Sæt jer i forbindelse
med jeres nærmeste antiislam-organisation og forbered en national
stordemo! Målet er at tvinge de feje politikere, jurister og medier
til at bringe repatrieringen af alle mohammedanere på vej - inkl
bosniere og lignende, men også dem der har fået vores pas!'


Do Canada's Hate Crimes Laws Favor Jews?

By Mark Farrell

Recently, Kevin Haas, a Jew who lives in Canada, was arrested under its
Hate Crime Law and tried in court.

Haas was arrested when he was putting up signs on a college campus that
said, among other things, "Death to Muslims." He had spray painted,
"Die, Muslims, Die," as well as a Star of David in Ryerson University's
multi-faith classroom. Additionally, he had distributed fliers that
urged people to "kill these Islamic infidels." Haas then went to the
Muslim and Arab Students Association and slid a letter under their door
that promulgated: "Those who follow Islam need to be killed in the
worst possible way imaginable."(1) In total, there were reportedly 15
incidents attributed to him, some of which were brought forth later.

In America, we of course have Freedom of Speech. But Haas's acts were
even clearly beyond that here because he was engaging in actually
threatening folks by specifically targeting where they congregate with
his fliers that called for people's deaths "in the worst possible way
imaginable." At least two direct "death threats" were attributed to
Haas, though it appears that perhaps there should have been more.
Additionally, public vandalism is a crime here in the U.S. as well, and
the vandalism in which he engaged by spray painting a classroom's
walls, calling for the death of others, was particularly reprehensible.

In total, there were reportedly 7 charges against him--5 counts of
mischief and 2 threats, all of which were "hate" related--with each
reportedly carrying a sentence of 2 years in jail under Canada's hate
crime statutes.(2)

For these crimes Haas committed, he was given a 6-month "conditional
sentence" (house arrest--no jail time), 12 months probation, and was
ordered to write a letter of apology as well as perform 100 hours of
community service.(3) No mention was made of him having to pay a fine
for even the clean-up of the classroom, nor any mention of actual jail
time was made in several articles referenced. It is fair to assume
that his "community service" is to pay for actual damages. Also, Haas
is not allowed to own any weapons, and cannot use the Internet.(4)

Compare that to what happened to Doug Collins--a non-Jewish man who
dared to question the Holocaust in Canada. He wasn't sure whether 6
million died. He argued along the lines that, perhaps, there were
5,999,999 Jews who died, or maybe 6,000,001. He just didn't know.
(Actually, the number was probably between 200 to 300 thousand, as I
show in my video "The Persecution of Revisionists: The Holocaust
Unveiled," based on Red Cross documents and other information,
demonstrating that Collins was significantly wrong in any case.[5])
After spending $200,000 in court costs, he was still fined $3,000.
Collins has since died, with some suspecting the stress of the ordeal
quickened Collins's death.(6) No doubt it didn't help his health.
Haas doesn't appear to have paid a dime and remains healthy.

And then let's not forget David Ahenakew. He got in trouble with
Canada's Thought Police. He was a Canadian Indian who dared to offend
the Jews. Did he threaten the Jews? No. Did he put fliers under the
Jews' doors or mailed them some nasty letters? No. Did he make
posters that said, "Kill the Jews"? No. Did he spray paint areas
where Jews might frequent with statements that said, "Death to Jews"?
Again, no. So what was his "crime" for which he was punished?

The 71-year-old Ahenakew dared to call Jews a "disease" and said that
they were controlling Germany until Hitler came to power, which
resulted in Hitler's reported actions, according to Ahenakew: "That's
why he fried six million of those guys."(7)

Certainly, what Ahenakew said was not nice by calling Jews a "disease"
or suggesting that they may have gotten what was coming. But it was
his opinion nevertheless. And he did not say it specifically to a Jew;
rather, it was in an interview, with the paper deciding to print his
statements for the sensationalism it would generate.

Keep in mind that, despite Ahenakew's comments, he was also "a member
of the Order of Canada, the country's highest civilian honor." And, he
was "leader of Assembly of First Nations, Canada's primary aboriginal
group."(8) So, despite his opinion, no matter how negatively viewed,
he worked to help some others and never encouraged anyone's murder.

In Ahenakew's case, he was stripped of his Order of Canada. After
obtaining an attorney, he was also fined $1,000.(9) He is trying to
appeal the fine. So how is it that a Jew can vandalize a school,
threaten others--even calling for some people's murder--and not have to
pay a dime? And yet an old, non-Jew has to pay a $1,000 fine for
insulting Jews and questioning the Jewish-version of history?

While Ahenakew could have been given jail time, prosecutors refrained
from doing so. Why? Well, according to the judge Marty Irwin, he was
concerned about Ahenakew becoming a "martyr" for some. "To suggest
that any human being or group of human beings is a disease is to invite
extremists to take action against them," Irwin said.(10) Irwin's
statement is, of course, nonsense--coming from a judge with a mind that
is diseased with political correctness.

In any case--whether due to the injustice, Ahenakew's stature, his
newfound (and unintended) "martyr" status, or perhaps even his race--he
is to be granted a new trial, with court costs and time adding more on
to his bill.(11)

It is clearly evident from these cases that there is a two-tiered legal
system in Canada: one for Jews, and one for non-Jews.

citeret efter canadafirst.net


Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.


WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:

http://historyofjihad.org/ - http://apostatesofislam.com/

Lars (06-07-2006)
Fra : Lars

Dato : 06-07-06 13:13

Shrill, Effeminate, Homosexual Neo-Nazi Pedophile Hate Monger "Michael Laudahn"


> Do Canada's Hate Crimes Laws Favor Jews?
> quoted from canadafirst.net

Using discredited hate websites as your source again, I see. canadafirst.net
is owned and operated by a despicable Neo Nazi
named Paul Fromm.


Sigh, another unemployed, shrill Neo-Nazi sex pervert for my kill file.


And don't try your usual trick of morphing pseudonyms, it doesn't work because
everyone's on to you.

You really need a job, you've got too much time on your hands.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

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