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Hal Turners problemer at finde et passende~
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 02-07-06 16:02

'Ingen mohammedanere hos os? Naturligvis ikke! Sæt jer i forbindelse
med jeres nærmeste antiislam-organisation og forbered en national
stordemo! Målet er at tvinge de feje politikere, jurister og medier
til at bringe repatrieringen af alle mohammedanere på vej - inkl
bosniere og lignende, men også dem der har fået vores pas!'


Thursday, June 29 2006 9:34 PM EDT

About my costs:

Many are complaining about how much it costs to run this web site and
radio show. OK. See if you can do better!

Below is what you need to tell the "cheaper" hosting companies about my
site to see if they will take me as a customer . . . . . see how many
will agree to take my site!

Tell the potential hosting company that:

1) You want to co-locate a server in their data center.

2) Tell them that it will average 1.5 Mbps 24/7 except it will also
need to "burst" during online radio shows, and the burst will take the
usage up to 21.9 Mbps or more, so you MUST be connected to a 100 Mbps
switch in the data center.

3) Tell the hosting company the server will have content which is
racist, virulently anti-semitic, hateful, bigoted and rhetorically
violent - but everything will be legal!

4) Tell the hosting company the FBI Joint terrorism Task Force will be
making regular inquiries about the server.

5) Tell them that the ADL *) will call them over hosting a "hate site"
which makes fun of jews, blacks Mexicans and gays.

6) Explain to the hosting company that as soon as the server is
co-located, they will be deluged with literally THOUSANDS of e-mails
complaining about the racist, anti-semitic, hateful, bigoted and
violent rhetoric - even though all of it is legal.

7) Tell the hosting company they will almost immediately be subjected
to vast Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks which may send
half a Gig of data per second (or more) to their network, and that you
will need their technical people to actively guard against that and
defeat it each time it happens.

8) Tell the hosting company that many sinister people around the world
will send tens of thousand of SPAM e-mails and newsgroup postings
showing YOUR SERVER as the origin, even though the headers will prove
you did not do this.

9) If the Hosting company hasn't laughed you out of their office - or
hung up on you - by this time, ask them how much they will charge you
to allow your server to go into their data center.

Then grab your balls when the price quote comes and be ready to explain
to many whiney people out here why you need so much money to run your
site and show!

Don't bother telling me "you should call X X X." I won't call. I did
all that calling bullshit and finally got a place that said "yes" for -
a big price.

Since YOU are the one claiming my costs are too high, YOU call.

Make certain you tell the hosting company everything listed above and
make certain they acknowledge that in writing. THEN you can tell me to
go to X company. Otherwise, your ideas about who I should call are just
your speculation and I don't have time to indulge YOUR idea of what MY
costs should be.

Incidentally, folks, the ones who complain the most about my asking for
help are the ones who NEVER send anything. I never could figure that

fundet på http://halturnershow.com/

*) = Anti-Defamation League: jødisk organisation kendt for at lede
efter ting de kan tage anstød af, for at så kunne sende deres
advokater, for at disse skal tiltvinge det pågældende land
ADL-holdningen i det aktuelle spørgsmål som bindende


Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.


WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:

http://historyofjihad.org/ - http://apostatesofislam.com/

Marcus Strömberg (02-07-2006)
Fra : Marcus Strömberg

Dato : 02-07-06 16:38

Michael Muhammad Laudahn skrev:

> WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:
> http://historyofjihad.org/ - http://apostatesofislam.com/

Läge att mura in fanskapet i Kaaba?




Anneli Halme (02-07-2006)
Fra : Anneli Halme

Dato : 02-07-06 17:29

Marcus Strömberg skrev:

> Michael Muhammad Laudahn skrev:
> > WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:
> >
> > http://historyofjihad.org/ - http://apostatesofislam.com/
> Läge att mura in fanskapet i Kaaba?

Finns det inga Gitmo-läger för nätterrorister?


Kim Larsen (04-07-2006)
Fra : Kim Larsen

Dato : 04-07-06 00:01

"Michael Laudahn" <laudahn2002@yahoo.se> skrev i en meddelelse

'Ingen mohammedanere hos os? Naturligvis ikke! Sæt jer i forbindelse
med jeres nærmeste antiislam-organisation og forbered en national
stordemo! Målet er at tvinge de feje politikere, jurister og medier
til at bringe repatrieringen af alle mohammedanere på vej - inkl
bosniere og lignende, men også dem der har fået vores pas!'


Strrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrækmarch, ein, zwei, ein, zwei, ein, zwei, ein,
zwei..... Kom så, Michael, tæl videre !

Kim Larsen

Socialist, republikaner, EU-tilhænger og atomkraftmodstander.
Socialisme er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Husk at krigen i Irak er folkeretligt smask-ulovlig.

Direkte e-mail: kl2607x@yahoo.dk (fjern x´et)

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