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Europeans Agree On Iran Gas Pipeline | N~
Fra : Jan Rasmussen

Dato : 28-06-06 14:58


Europeans Agree On $5.8b Iran Gas Pipeline

VIENNA, Austria, June 27--The European Union and the energy ministers of Austria,
Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey agreed to go ahead with the construction of a
pipeline that will enable Europe to reduce its dependence on Russian gas.

[ Tanken om at Iran skulle udgøre en sikker forsyningskilde i forhold til Rusland,
lyder til at begynde med lidt underligt, for at sige det mildt ]

In a joint declaration and in the presence of EU Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs,
the ministers agreed to build the 3,300-kilometer-long Nabucco pipeline that will guarantee
the supply of about 30 billion cubic meters of gas a year from Iran to Central Europe by 2015, AFP reported.

Five companies--Turkey's Botas, Bulgaria's Bulgargaz, Transgaz of Romania, Hungary's Mol
and the Austrian OMV Gas--have formed a joint venture, Nabucco Gas Pipeline International,
to carry the gas from Iranian fields in the Caspian Sea to Central and Western Europe.

The cost of the pipeline is estimated at 4.6 billion euros ($5.8 billion).
According to predictions by the European Commission, which financed a pipeline
feasibility study, between 10 and 15 percent of the EU's gas supply will come from
the Caspian Sea region by 2025.

The final decision on the start of construction should be made in 2007
with work expected to finish in 2011.
"The gas crisis that erupted in January between Russia and Ukraine showed the
need to find new sources of energy and new means of transport," Piebalgs said.

By 2025, the EU will need another 250 to 300 billion cubic meters of additional
gas, the minister said. The EU currently uses about 500 billion cubic meters of gas.
OMV Gas Director Otto Musilek recently also said that "Europe's gas needs will
increase enormously and Russia will not be able to handle them alone," adding
that it was important to have access to the world's second-largest gas reserves in Iran.

Der var forklaringen, Runslands gas er simpelhen ikke tilstrækkeligt, på langt sigt.
(Danmarks har gas til de næste 10-15 års forbrug i følge www.ens.dk )

Den vestlige verden har færrer og færrer forhandligs kort på hånden, og det ses også tydeligt
på Irans "udtryksform".


No Need For US Talks.

TEHRAN, June 27--Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei
said on Tuesday negotiations with the US would be pointless and Iran does not need such a negotiation,
stressing that Iran will not negotiate over its legitimate nuclear rights.
Speaking in a meeting with Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, the leader referred to Iran's
capability in resolving the nuclear impasse, IRNA reported.

"We will not negotiate over our legitimate right to nuclear technology with any party.
However, if this right of ours is recognized, we are prepared to hold talks on the control
and supervision system, and provide the world with the necessary assurances. In fact,
the ground for such negotiations has already been paved," he said.

Ayatollah Khamenei further said it is crucial for Islamic states to withstand the expectations
of the US and the Zionists, and to endorse Iran's right to peaceful nuclear technology.
"This kind of stance consolidates the Muslim community," he said.
The leader also said that Senegal has adopted a reasonable standpoint vis-^-vis this issue.
"The summit of African Union, which will be held in the near future and in which Iran's chief
executive will also participate, is a good opportunity for promoting this standpoint," he said.
Wade, for his part, pointed to Iran and Senegal as effective members of the Organization
of Islamic Conference (OIC) and expressed hope that OIC member-states will display a
stronger determination to increase the impact of the Muslim world on global developments
in the upcoming OIC meeting in Senegal.









Når ja vi må hellere lige snuppe en Video fra Google, en af de bedere,,,

The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm (2001) ,Er også Iran relateret.
John Hurt.... Narrator (voice)
Ramsey Clark.... Himself (former US Attorney General) Scott Ritter.... Himself Norman Schwarzkopf.... Himself


http://www.peaceproject.com/graphics/dvds/larger/DVD36.jpg Film Cover.


Jan Rasmussen

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