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En psykologs vurdering af islamisme
Fra : GB

Dato : 19-06-06 00:09

Fra http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/011802.php#more (hele artiklen -

Dr. Babu Suseelan, a Professor of Clinical Psychology in Pennsylvania,
with whom I participated in a panel at the America's Truth Forum
symposium in Washington in April, has kindly sent in this incisive study
of that ever-misunderstood topic, the deeper causes of jihad terrorism:


Since Islam is a closed dogma and Muslims are forbidden to test its
validity or utility, and required to maintain the equilibrium at any
cost, Muslim's thinking errors are overwhelming. Dysfunctional automatic
thoughts coexist with various thinking errors in Islam. Typical Islamic
thinking errors include:

* Polarized or all-or-nothing-thinking (e.g.: believers and non-
believers, daru-ul-Islam, dar-ul-harb)
* Catastrophic Thinking (all infidels will go to hell)
* Discounting the positive, accentuate the negative (all kafirs are
trying to get Muslims)
* Emotional reasoning (emotional justification for bombing, beheading,
* Labeling (putting a global label on non-believers as kafirs)
* Minimization (blame the victim, denial, alibi)
* Mind Reading (Muslims know what non-Muslims are thinking)
* Mental Filter (Failure to see things holistically)
* Overgeneralization (making sweeping negative conclusions: Jews are
pigs, Christians are rats)
* Personalization (Muslims believe Kafirs are behaving negatively because
of Islam)
* Tunnel Vision (seeing things only in the Islamic way)

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