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Hygge i UK
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 17-06-06 21:37

Her er et par virkelig hyggelige typer:

Jeevan Vasagar
Saturday June 17, 2006
The Guardian

Two members of a suspected British al-Qaida cell discussed copying the
September 11 terrorist attacks by getting 30 suicide bombers to hijack a BA
flight, the Old Bailey heard yesterday.
One of the defendants, who are said to be part of a plot to blow up civilian
targets in Britain, said the gang would aim to crash the plane rather than
fly it into a building. In covert recordings played to the court, Omar
Khyam, 24, said: "Imagine you've got a plane, 300 people in it, you buy
tickets for 30 brothers in there ... you just crash the plane."

Co-defendant Jawad Akbar, 22 a student at Brunel University, interrupted to
say: "Thirty brothers, to find 30 brothers willing to commit suicide is a
big thing." But Mr Khyam went on: "If you spoke to some serious brothers, to
the right people, you'd probably get it bro."

In an apparent reference to the September 11 attacks on New York and
Washington DC, Mr Khyam said: "Thirty brothers on a British Airways flight
.... 19 were split up in four planes.

"Thirty brothers on a plane, the beauty of it is they don't have to fly into
a building, just crash the flipping thing."

Mr Khyam described the proposal as "just an idea". He said: "It's a good
idea, I'm not denying it, a good idea, but it's not there, it's not been put
together." The jury also heard Mr Khyam and Mr Akbar talk about poisoning
water supplies, cutting power cables and targeting gas pipes.


Jawad Akbar and Omar Khyam, both members of the group - which was allegedly
linked to al-Qaida - considered the Ministry of Sound, which can hold up to
1,800 people, to be an easy target.

Mr Akbar said they would not be blamed for killing innocent people at the
club but "those slags dancing around", the jury heard.

Mr Khyam was heard apparently discussing hitting gas supplies with the help
of recruits using inside knowledge.

However, Akbar said the south London venue was a softer target for an attack
because it would be easy to get a job there, the prosecution claimed.

Så "folk der danser" er ikke "uskyldige mennesker". Og den ene af monstrene
er universitetsstuderende, uhyggeligt tanke. Men det gør da livet mere
spændende, som CRL siger.

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