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Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 07-04-06 18:48



kan man se følgende drilske artikel:

By Leander Kahney| Also by this reporter
02:00 AM Apr, 05, 2006

One of the interesting things about Apple Computer's shift to Intel
processors currently under way is how wholeheartedly the Mac community
is embracing it.

Eighteen months ago, Intel was the enemy, part of an unholy Wintel
alliance that represented everything the Apple and Mac community stood
against. Now, Intel is the ally.

It's reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984, when during the daily Two
Minute Hate it's suddenly revealed the country is at war with Eurasia,
and not Eastasia as everyone had believed. All the banners denouncing
Eastasia are quickly torn down, and no one can remember any different.

Before Steve Jobs announced the Intel switch, many Mac fans believed
IBM, Apple's ally, had a strong lead in desktop chips, and that the
enemy, Intel, was in all kinds of trouble. IBM supposedly had an
impressive road map for its PowerPC chips, attracting even Apple's great
rival, Microsoft, to use a G5-like processor for the Xbox 360. Sony's
and Nintendo's next-generation game consoles will use similar IBM chips.

Meanwhile, Intel was supposed to be in deep trouble. The company was
having difficulty shrinking to smaller transistor sizes, and was getting
licked by rival Advanced Micro Devices. Remember all those stories last
year about the end of Moore's law?

The problem, of course, was with those stories -- or actually, how we as
a community interpreted them. Like people who tune in to Air America or
Fox News, we tend to hear what we want to hear.

There is a small element of doublethink going on: Big Brother Jobs says
the switch is good, so it must be. But for us users, the Intel shift is
a good thing, both in terms of the machines Apple's producing and the
shift into the mainstream they represent.

Despite a few glitches, the new Intel hardware is very good. But the
shift also solidifies a move toward the computing mainstream that
started with the iPod (which is now a Windows device that's compatible
with the Mac, not vice versa).

Apple's adoption of mainstream technologies like the iPod's USB 2.0
connector and Intel processors is also leading to a rehabilitation in
the business press. All of a sudden, some of the old clichés about Apple
-- Macs are not good for business, Apple's business model dooms it to a
minority stake in markets it helps create -- are being swept away.

Take a Wall Street Journal story published Tuesday that reported new
interest in Apple from corporations, like a Japanese bank that's
switching to Macs.

Not too long ago, most stories about digital music argued that Apple
must open up the iPod or iTunes to rivals if it was to avoid getting
swept away by MSN or Napster. Apple was making the same mistake it made
in the PC business: Its tight control would ultimately doom it to
minority status.

But another Wall Street Journal story, published last year, contained
the remarkable revelation that Microsoft admired the iPod model --
retaining tight control over both hardware and software -- and was
thinking it must emulate it if it was to succeed with living-room
technologies like the Xbox and things that connect to it, such as
portable music or video players.

For Mac fans, this is the kind of doublethink they like.

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