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Køb svenske jetjagere !
Fra : contra@tdcspace.dk

Dato : 17-05-06 16:47

Ifølge Børsen (17.05.2006, "Svensk offensiv i det danske
luftrum") har svenskerne iværksat en charmeoffensiv for at få
Danmark til at købe den svenske jager, Gripen, når de danske F-16
eskadriller skal udskiftes.

For så vidt Danmark stadig vil behøve jetjagere efter 2010, og det er
på ingen måde sikkert, vil det være en god ide at indlede
realitetsforhandlinger med vort svenske broderfolk om køb af Gripen,
samtidig med at Danmark udmelder sig af NATO. Det vil forresten også
være en god forretning, viser det sig ifølge Børsen.

NATO har naturligvis for længst udspillet sin rolle, som var at
beskytte Vesteuropa mod et angreb fra den hedengangne Warszawa-Pagt, og
Danmark bør derfor selvfølgelig tage initiativ til at melde sig ud.

Den danske befolknings væsentligste berøringsflade med NATO har i
mange år bestået i at være tvangsindlagt til ikke bare
elektromagnetisk overvågning men også elektromagnetisk, seksuel og
adfærdsmæssig manipulation af landsforræderiske og
grundlovskrænkende danske og udenlandske NATO-officerer i "skøn"

Det siger sig selv, at Dobbelt-Ulfelderne, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen og
Anders Fogh Rasmussen er vidende om - og medansvarlige for - disse
meget alvorlige og omfattende overgreb. Der er tale om et fem- eller
sekscifret antal - intet ondt anende - danskere. Det vil vise sig,
hvad den danske befolkning har at sige til de to herrer. Men jeg
garanterer for, at et landsforræderi af den kaliber umuligt kan
fortsætte sin stille og diskrete tilværelse.

Realitetsforhandlinger med de svenske Gripen-producenter vil være en
vigtig politisk brik i spillet om at få Danmark udmeldt af den
landsforræderiske, elektromagnetiske tortur- og voldtægtsforening,
NATO. Og få genoprettet landets moral.

Steen Hjortsø

santana.sorensen@get~ (17-05-2006)
Fra : santana.sorensen@get~

Dato : 17-05-06 17:01

contra@tdcspace.dk wrote:

> Den danske befolknings væsentligste berøringsflade med NATO har i
> mange år bestået i at være tvangsindlagt til ikke bare
> elektromagnetisk overvågning men også elektromagnetisk, seksuel og
> adfærdsmæssig manipulation af landsforræderiske og
> grundlovskrænkende danske og udenlandske NATO-officerer i "skøn"
> samdrægtighed.

Så kan de lære at huske deres sølvpapirshjelm!

Seksuel manipulations, det lyder iøvrigt spændende. Med en jetjager?



contra@tdcspace.dk (17-05-2006)
Fra : contra@tdcspace.dk

Dato : 17-05-06 17:21

Det kan godt gøres fra en jetjager, men nemmere fra en helikopter, og
endnu nemmere fra en eller to satellitter.
Derudover fra mikrobølgetransmittere, anbragt i nærheden af folks
hjem. Kort sagt, pladderlet og med en lang sexet tradition.

Men det er du selvfølgelig heller ikke selv i tvivl om, når du
tænker på mikrobølgers lette bevægelse ind og ud af bygninger,
f.eks. til og fra mobiltelefoner.

Jeg lægger naturligvis mærke til, at dit indlæg er ment som en
morsomhed. Det er mit ikke.

Hvis det siger vos noget ?!

Steen Hjortsø

Johnny Andersen (17-05-2006)
Fra : Johnny Andersen

Dato : 17-05-06 18:39

<contra@tdcspace.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
>Det kan godt gøres fra en jetjager, men nemmere fra en helikopter, og
>endnu nemmere fra en eller to satellitter.
>Derudover fra mikrobølgetransmittere, anbragt i nærheden af folks
>hjem. Kort sagt, pladderlet og med en lang sexet tradition.

Kan du ikke lige forklare hvordan man udfører "elektromagnetisk, seksuel og
adfærdsmæssig manipulation"? Det må jo være nemt for dig, at forklare, siden
det er "pladderlet"!


contra@tdcspace.dk (17-05-2006)
Fra : contra@tdcspace.dk

Dato : 17-05-06 19:09

Jo da, gerne.

Du får - helt gratis - et uddrag at min bog, 'After Doomsday', som du
kan downloade, også gratis,
i sin helhed om ca. 10 dage fra


Steen Hjortsø

A short review of mind control technologies

a. Seeing people inside buildings
Already at the launch of the very first electronic satellites at the
beginning of the 1960s, the military satellite engineers realised
beyond doubt that the most interesting target on earth, man, has two
properties that permit an unhindered assault on any unwitting civilian
citizen they might choose to pick on:

· Humans are very powerful emitters of infrared radiation easily
detectable even from
satellite altitude.

· The working human brain is surrounded by a magnetic field, often
called 'magnetic
flux density' in bioelectromagnetic literature. The magnetic flux
density is detectable and easily influenced by electromagnetic
radiation from extraneous sources, e.g. focused microwaves.

The military intelligence assets were so formidable that right from the
beginning what was actually a confrontation with civilian society could
be denied. The classification of military space launches resulted in
enormous information privileges compared to even very knowledgeable
civilians. The powerful influence on the press and the natural
psychological defence mechanisms of ordinary people against realizing
that exposure to these technologies may leave nowhere to hide, meant
that private homes of citizens became wide-open to the military
intelligence free-for-all. Your house is not your castle anymore! It
has become a glasshouse!

Whereas civilian journalists were allowed over and over again to tell
their readers the exciting story (with a few variations) about the
headlines in a newspaper which could almost be deciphered - in the
open - from satellite height, military engineers and
neuropsychologists pursued far more interesting targets easier to read
than an ice-cold Pravda in Red Square, Moscow.

By exploiting the surface penetrating properties of microwaves, the
feasibility of following the target individuals into the interior of
buildings was very quickly proven beyond doubt. As most people know,
this radiation, similar to the radiation emitted and received by radios
and mobile phones, easily penetrates (both ways, in and/or out) through
the walls and roofs of ordinary houses.

An intense study was now waged of the interaction between
electromagnetic radiation from actively beamed microwaves from
satellites and the magnetic flux radiation accompanying and surrounding
the working human brain of selected, but unwitting target persons.
Combined with data from fine analysis of the infrared radiation of the
individuals in question, the highest level of resolution was added to
multi-resolution imaging systems capable, in rapid succession, of
displaying a series of pictures ranging from survey pictures of a whole
town street by street, to a definite house at an address chosen by the
military experts.

Minute details could soon be seen on the video display terminal in the
military earth station, details displayed in real time from the
interior of the target individual's home, and before long with a
resolution of 1 mm rather than 1 cm. And the military intelligence
experts did not stop there but continued ambitiously to try to decode
the target individual's own visual perceptions, (i.e. having started
recording the magnetic flux density around the individual's brain and
visual cortex and utilising various inhibition techniques and induced
binocular rivalry, they succeeded in locking onto the brain and vision
processing areas of the target individual, to see with the target
person's own eyes).

There is an important distinction to be made here, as it turns out that
humans and other primates perceive quite a lot visually without being
aware of perceiving anything. We have conscious and unconscious
visual perception and it has been shown that a visual stimulus
presented to an anaesthetized monkey, who in this respect responds like
ourselves, results in considerable activity in vision processing areas.

For this reason, seeing with target person's eyes may mean two
different things: First it may mean access to 'the
movie-in-the-brain', locking into the integrated and unified
composite of diverse sensory images - visual, auditory, tactile,
olfactory and others - that constitutes what we call the mind. Since
such a comprehensive intrusion could not proceed unnoticed by the
assaulted individual, this would invariably mean beginning a battle
with the self of the target person - which I have reason to believe
the neuropsychologists and sexologists would carry to an overwhelmingly
and rather frequently repeated, flattering victory if the target person
happened to be a young woman.

Secondly, seeing with the eyes of the target individual may involve
utilising special cells in his or her visual system to procure
information which is not accessible to him- or herself as 'the
owner' of the eyes.

Up to now, we have discussed some technical and scientific perspectives
in the study of our visual system. The other aspect, the violent
assault, may be harder to come to terms with, the more so as it is an
unprecedented situation in the history of mankind. However, one thing
is certain and that is 98-99% of the scientific and technical
information that has been harvested in both East and West through
illegal means could just as well have been obtained by perfectly legal
methods studying human volunteers. In the latter alternative, a
quantum-leap technology like precise electronic telepathy could have
been of benefit to psychiatric patients and to general (civilian)
psychological research for decades.

Thus, given that the scientific and technological conquests would have
been achieved anyhow, the really interesting resultant issue is how to
characterise and how to respond to the military perpetrations. When I
started wrestling with this matter in 1973, my initial considerations
headed towards regarding the perpetrations in terms of criminal
offence. Then as year after year came and went, I felt the growing,
nagging absurdity of considering this disgraceful assault over a broad
front on global civilian society a mere criminal offence committed by
tactless sinners who should be brought back to the right path. This
becomes quite clear if you divide criminal offences of increasing
relevance to the case before us into four classes, namely:

1. Voyeurism. If you are a normal man you have felt tempted sometimes
to look a little too long at
a beautiful woman you suddenly caught a glimpse of in an apartment on
the other side of the
street. If you are a normal woman you have enjoyed sometimes being
exposed to this stare lasting
a little too long. As a criminal category, voyeurism is a cumbersome
notion. It is important to
understand that the military perpetrations in question go much, much
further than just staring and

2. Ordinary unprovoked violence. For just one incident, depending on
the degree, you will be
sentenced to imprisonment for months or years. According to personal
experience with this type of
offence, the pain and shock last for one or two days although the
result from a hard blow to your
mouth can give rise to dental problems.

3. Deep interference every day for many years with normal cognitive
functioning through
neurophysiological intrusion into the brain of defenceless victims
resulting in comprehensive
disturbance of normal mental balance, which cause work, study and
possibly matrimonial
incapacitation. As for the 'impressive' sexual feats of the
'military experts', see Chapter Six.

4. Induction of pain, even severe pain lasting, with interruptions, for
weeks, months or

These are offences that are hundreds or thousands of times worse than
ordinary unprovoked violence.

If the neuroengineers who have committed these perpetrations were to
pay the price in the form of a prison sentence, each of them would have
to be imprisoned for several thousand years, unless you grant them a
99% pardon for their perpetrations. This might have been the outcome
in the elegant 18th or the Victorian 19th century, when it would still
be possible to find people, mostly of the fair sex I suppose, who would
be a little indulgent to the distinguished source of the pain -
although the pain and the obvious, utter absurdity of the assault is
the same whether its origin happens to be a passing bully or a
physician with that will to win carving out a fascinating career for
himself as a torturer. There are tens of thousands of these
perpetrators as well as an even greater number of accomplices including
ministers, government officials and a wide range of colleagues in
academia and knowledge-creating companies.

Considerations regarding imprisonment are, obviously, entirely beside
the point.

Instead, the number, the outrageousness of these globally ubiquitous
offences, the depth and the infamy of their intrusion into the
victims' nervous system persistently remind us of the age-old
European right of self-defence, the precursor of revolution proper
which in our time will be carried to its historical and cogent
conclusion in a global revolution. The connection between the
conception of the right of resistance to unjust authority in the
European mediaeval society and the global revolution, in a world more
favourably inclined towards speedy and radical change than ever before,
is elaborated upon in more detail in Chapter Six.

Steen Hjortsø

contra@tdcspace.dk (17-05-2006)
Fra : contra@tdcspace.dk

Dato : 17-05-06 19:40

Jeg spekulerer på, om du synes mit første svar var fyldestgørende ?

Her får du under alle omstændigheder endnu et uddrag fra min kommende

Steen Hjortsø

Chapter Six
Sexual Violence: the Key to the Global Revolution

All the great revolutions beginning with the English revolution of
1640-49 have been about the citizens' reaction against state
injustice towards themselves. The global revolution after Doomsday will
be no exception. That it constitutes the crowning touch of the
revolutionary project is bound up with the fact that the state
encroachments on the most basic civil rights since the 1960s have
crossed the threshold of the citizens' homes, indeed penetrated into
their body, brain and mind as well as their most intimate private and
sexual life. The state infringements have reached their journey's end
- and will meet their match there.

When electromagnetic application technologies for complete inspection
of the interior of people's homes became available, then sufficiently
unscrupulous states were always able to find persons who were willing
to exploit these technologies to the utmost.

As for the favourite target, the sexual life of - in most cases -
unwitting citizens, these encroachments involve the induction and urge
to every thinkable sexual variation, e.g. nymphomania, hetero- and
homosexual behaviour, sado-masochistic practices, which may not even be
remotely authentic for a given person. There are two facts which are
very important to keep in mind in this connection: firstly, we are
speaking from the beginning of the application period around 1975 till
today about tens of millions of cases of sexual assault worldwide.
Secondly, literally any citizen the military perpetrators might want to
pick on can be assaulted anywhere, i.e. after the experimental phase
until 1975, specific target persons often became less interesting than
arbitrary sexually attractive persons.

The electromagnetic induction of sexual arousal can basically result in
two types of sexual activity:

· Sexual arousal of a person leading him or her to masturbate.

· Sexual arousal of two or several persons urging them to have sex
with each other. The persons may be of the same or different sexes. The
challenge for a sufficiently depraved NSA or KGB 'sexologist' then
consists of getting the persons to indulge in forms of sex and with
partners who are unauthentic for them.

Imagine a speedily increasing public, indeed global, understanding of
this assault on the dignity of man and insult to his intelligence! It
will become an unstoppable tidal wave of shock and indignation sweeping
the entire planet joined together with the concurrent severe criticism,
leading to the beginnings of counter-attacks and eventual demolition of
criminal organisational structures within NSA, NATO, KGB (FSB), and
indeed finally of these organisations themselves!

In reality, some years after 1975, the great majority of sexual
assaults committed by the military rapists have hardly contributed
anything whatsoever to the military knowledge base of sexual behaviour
control. Instead they have had the increasingly conspicuous purpose and
result of perpetuating NATO power privileges and those of other
military intelligence organisations. Several thousand North American,
Russian, European, and later Asian and South American military rapists
have just been practising and repeating rape in many variations. These
have occurred every day over decades, around the clock, in many foreign
as well as their own nations and the perpetrators have probably derived
great pleasure and pride in belonging to power elites who feel they are
entitled to these infringements.

Steen Hjortsø

Frank Leegaard (17-05-2006)
Fra : Frank Leegaard

Dato : 17-05-06 21:09

Helt seriøst. Har du overvejet psykologbistand?


/Frank Leegaard

Der grundlæggende tillægger indlæg der er skrevet under pseudonym mindre
<contra@tdcspace.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
Jeg spekulerer på, om du synes mit første svar var fyldestgørende ?

Her får du under alle omstændigheder endnu et uddrag fra min kommende

Steen Hjortsø

Chapter Six
Sexual Violence: the Key to the Global Revolution

All the great revolutions beginning with the English revolution of
1640-49 have been about the citizens' reaction against state
injustice towards themselves. The global revolution after Doomsday will
be no exception. That it constitutes the crowning touch of the
revolutionary project is bound up with the fact that the state
encroachments on the most basic civil rights since the 1960s have
crossed the threshold of the citizens' homes, indeed penetrated into
their body, brain and mind as well as their most intimate private and
sexual life. The state infringements have reached their journey's end
- and will meet their match there.

When electromagnetic application technologies for complete inspection
of the interior of people's homes became available, then sufficiently
unscrupulous states were always able to find persons who were willing
to exploit these technologies to the utmost.

As for the favourite target, the sexual life of - in most cases -
unwitting citizens, these encroachments involve the induction and urge
to every thinkable sexual variation, e.g. nymphomania, hetero- and
homosexual behaviour, sado-masochistic practices, which may not even be
remotely authentic for a given person. There are two facts which are
very important to keep in mind in this connection: firstly, we are
speaking from the beginning of the application period around 1975 till
today about tens of millions of cases of sexual assault worldwide.
Secondly, literally any citizen the military perpetrators might want to
pick on can be assaulted anywhere, i.e. after the experimental phase
until 1975, specific target persons often became less interesting than
arbitrary sexually attractive persons.

The electromagnetic induction of sexual arousal can basically result in
two types of sexual activity:

· Sexual arousal of a person leading him or her to masturbate.

· Sexual arousal of two or several persons urging them to have sex
with each other. The persons may be of the same or different sexes. The
challenge for a sufficiently depraved NSA or KGB 'sexologist' then
consists of getting the persons to indulge in forms of sex and with
partners who are unauthentic for them.

Imagine a speedily increasing public, indeed global, understanding of
this assault on the dignity of man and insult to his intelligence! It
will become an unstoppable tidal wave of shock and indignation sweeping
the entire planet joined together with the concurrent severe criticism,
leading to the beginnings of counter-attacks and eventual demolition of
criminal organisational structures within NSA, NATO, KGB (FSB), and
indeed finally of these organisations themselves!

In reality, some years after 1975, the great majority of sexual
assaults committed by the military rapists have hardly contributed
anything whatsoever to the military knowledge base of sexual behaviour
control. Instead they have had the increasingly conspicuous purpose and
result of perpetuating NATO power privileges and those of other
military intelligence organisations. Several thousand North American,
Russian, European, and later Asian and South American military rapists
have just been practising and repeating rape in many variations. These
have occurred every day over decades, around the clock, in many foreign
as well as their own nations and the perpetrators have probably derived
great pleasure and pride in belonging to power elites who feel they are
entitled to these infringements.

Steen Hjortsø

Henning (17-05-2006)
Fra : Henning

Dato : 17-05-06 23:41

"Frank Leegaard" <frank@FJERNESsuperbruger.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Helt seriøst. Har du overvejet psykologbistand?
Hvad er det for et svar? Hjælp dog manden


Frank Leegaard (18-05-2006)
Fra : Frank Leegaard

Dato : 18-05-06 18:07

"Henning" <anders@nd.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> "Frank Leegaard" <frank@FJERNESsuperbruger.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:446b82d6$0$38655$edfadb0f@dread12.news.tele.dk...
>> Helt seriøst. Har du overvejet psykologbistand?
> Hvad er det for et svar? Hjælp dog manden
> http://zapatopi.net/afdb/
Det geniale ved alufolien er at det meget let kan formes som narrehat. Så
vist ingen i tvivl når de møder en som de ellers tror er i gang med at
farve/affarve hår


Frank Leegaard (17-05-2006)
Fra : Frank Leegaard

Dato : 17-05-06 20:53

Hvorfor interesser våbenkøb i 2010 dig - ifølge dig går verden under næste


/Frank Leegaard

Der grundlæggende tillægger indlæg der er skrevet under pseudonym mindre
<contra@tdcspace.dk> skrev i en meddelelse

Ifølge Børsen (17.05.2006, "Svensk offensiv i det danske
luftrum") har svenskerne iværksat en charmeoffensiv for at få
Danmark til at købe den svenske jager, Gripen, når de danske F-16
eskadriller skal udskiftes.

For så vidt Danmark stadig vil behøve jetjagere efter 2010, og det er
på ingen måde sikkert, vil det være en god ide at indlede
realitetsforhandlinger med vort svenske broderfolk om køb af Gripen,
samtidig med at Danmark udmelder sig af NATO. Det vil forresten også
være en god forretning, viser det sig ifølge Børsen.

NATO har naturligvis for længst udspillet sin rolle, som var at
beskytte Vesteuropa mod et angreb fra den hedengangne Warszawa-Pagt, og
Danmark bør derfor selvfølgelig tage initiativ til at melde sig ud.

Den danske befolknings væsentligste berøringsflade med NATO har i
mange år bestået i at være tvangsindlagt til ikke bare
elektromagnetisk overvågning men også elektromagnetisk, seksuel og
adfærdsmæssig manipulation af landsforræderiske og
grundlovskrænkende danske og udenlandske NATO-officerer i "skøn"

Det siger sig selv, at Dobbelt-Ulfelderne, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen og
Anders Fogh Rasmussen er vidende om - og medansvarlige for - disse
meget alvorlige og omfattende overgreb. Der er tale om et fem- eller
sekscifret antal - intet ondt anende - danskere. Det vil vise sig,
hvad den danske befolkning har at sige til de to herrer. Men jeg
garanterer for, at et landsforræderi af den kaliber umuligt kan
fortsætte sin stille og diskrete tilværelse.

Realitetsforhandlinger med de svenske Gripen-producenter vil være en
vigtig politisk brik i spillet om at få Danmark udmeldt af den
landsforræderiske, elektromagnetiske tortur- og voldtægtsforening,
NATO. Og få genoprettet landets moral.

Steen Hjortsø

contra@tdcspace.dk (17-05-2006)
Fra : contra@tdcspace.dk

Dato : 17-05-06 22:04

Frank Leegaard wrote:
> Hvorfor interesser våbenkøb i 2010 dig - ifølge dig går verden under næste
> år.
> --
> /Frank Leegaard

Jeg vil godt holde en hel femmer på, at det sker allerede denne

Men du spørger iøvrigt ikke alt for klogt. Jeg har jo gjort
opmærksom på, endda et par gange, at det gør den altså ikke
alligevel. Og så er jeg sådan set parat til at tage fat i hvad som
helst, der kan bruges, f.eks. at overveje at købe svenske jetjagere i
stedet for amerikanske do. for at starte en debat om at få den her
nation meldt ud af forbryderbanden NATO.


Steen Hjortsø

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