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Islam-vanvid: Også England bliver urolig -~
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 20-04-06 16:42

UPI - April 17, 2006


By Martin Walker, UPI Editor

17/4/2006- The British political scene has just been gripped by a mood
near-panic over the ominous rise of the extreme-right British National
Party, after some stunning new opinion surveys and reports that suggest
party could make a breakthrough in next month's local elections. The
founded by a British Nazi supporter and traditionally the home of a
fringe and skinheads, has recently gone through a makeover under the
leadership of a Cambridge University graduate who has recruited Jewish
members in the hope of building a less neo-Nazi and more acceptable
image. A
new report by the prestigious Rowntree Charitable Trust, based on a
nation-wide survey, says that up to 25 percent of voters now say they
prepared to vote for the BNP, largely because of anger and
with the existing mainstream parties. A shocked Margaret Hedge,
Minister in Tony Blair's government, claimed over the weekend that
canvassing voters in her own East London constituency of Barking she
as many as eight out of ten white voters said they were tempted to vote
the BNP next month. "That's something we have never seen before, in all
years. Even when people voted BNP, they used to be ashamed to vote BNP.
they are not," Hodge told Britain's Daily Telegraph. She suggested that

disillusioned white, working class voters were deserting Labour for the
because the pace of immigration and social change had alarmed local
"They can't get a home for their children, they see black and ethnic
minority communities moving in and they are angry," Hodge added. "What
happened in Barking and Dagenham is the most rapid transformation of a
community we have ever witnessed."

The Labour Member of Parliament for Dagenham, Jon Cruddas, has echoed
Hodge's fears, adding that the Blair government's attempt to win and
"Middle England" (British political shorthand for the middle class and
middle ground voter) had left its traditional white working class base
feeling abandoned. "The BNP is on the verge of a major political
breakthrough," Cruddas, a former adviser to Tony Blair, told the BBC
BNP spokesman Phil Edwards claimed the Rowntree report reflected his
own warnings on voters' alarm at Britain's shift towards a
society, saying Britain had changed from a "racially homogeneous
into one where the cultures are quite alien. That does add quite a lot
tensions and stresses. What we are trying to do is preserve the
culture and identity of Britain." The BNP was founded in the 1970s by
Tyndall, a former National Socialist who dressed in paramilitary
uniform and
in his youth traveled to Germany to buy his first pair of genuine
But in 1999, he was ousted in an internal coup by Cambridge graduate
Griffin, son of a wealthy Conservative party official, who has
anti-Islamic sentiment since 9/11 and last year's London bombings to
the party's appeal. "On current demographic trends, we, the native
people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty
Griffin writes in his regular column on the BNP website. "The European
intifada riots in France show that events are moving far more quickly
even we predicted a few years ago. The future of European civilization
on a knife-edge, and the balance is tipping against us all the time.
Why? In
part because of continued mass immigration and the high Muslim
coupled with our own suicidal low one."

Senior Labour Party figures are becoming alarmed about the BNP's
in next month's local elections, when 4,360 council seats are in play,
including London's 32 boroughs and 36 of the biggest towns and cities.
BNP is fielding candidates for 356 seats, more than it has ever
before. It currently holds 15 council seats across Britain, including
six in
the depressed northern town of Burnley which has a large immigrant
population. In the 2004 local elections the BNP received around 800,000

votes, not much in a country of 60 million, but enough to sound alarm
particularly as it forged links with similar anti-immigrant parties
like France's Front National and the Belgian Vlaams Blok. In the last
European Parliament elections, the BNP won 4.9 percent of the vote. It
to do well in elections where people can easily cast 'protest' votes,
its support has usually fallen away in general elections. Launching the
election campaign on Friday, the party said it was "standing for local
freedom, security, identity, democracy and putting Britain first." Its
campaign manifesto is aimed at white parents, stressing that immigrant
children should not be taught with native English speakers until they
competent in the language, that state-funded schools should not have to

teach in Asian languages, and that teachers should be allowed to spank
children, despite the ban on all corporate punishment by the European
Union -- which the BNP wants to leave. Instead of its former insistence
compulsory repatriation of immigrants, the BNP is now campaigning for
instant ban on all further immigration, compulsory repatriation of all
illegal immigrants or those who commit a crime, and then the use of
Britain's foreign aid budget to encourage 'voluntary repatriation' of
rest. It would also ban all affirmative action for ethnic minorities.

The Blair government's Home Office minister Andy Burnham said Monday he

believed support for the BNP was highly localized and was often a
vote." Areas with high immigrant and refugee populations, and suffering
economic change, are seen as vulnerable. In Dagenham, home of the giant
auto plant where jobs have been slashed from 25,000 to 3,000 in recent
years, the BNP campaign says, "We stand up for jobs for British
"Can you just sit there and watch as our country is being ripped apart
the forces of multiculturalism? You are not alone," says its new local
campaign for the local elections. "Many good people, just like yourself
afraid to make too many comments publicly because it is seen as a sin
make mention of one's fears and concerns."


Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.


WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:

http://historyofjihad.org/ - http://apostatesofislam.com/

Konrad (20-04-2006)
Fra : Konrad

Dato : 20-04-06 17:00

"Michael Laudahn" <admin@es-reicht.org> wrote in message

Kan du i det mindste ikke behold din emailadresse, i stedet for at skiftte
den ud - så du dermed nemmere kan forblive i killfiltret?

Per Rønne (20-04-2006)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 20-04-06 18:27

Konrad <davidkonrad@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kan du i det mindste ikke behold din emailadresse, i stedet for at skiftte
> den ud - så du dermed nemmere kan forblive i killfiltret?

Kan du ikke lave en killfile på navnet alene? All rigth, jeg gik lige
ind i OE på en Windåse, og det ser ikke ud til at være muligt, så hvad
med at skifte til en rigtig newsreader?


FUT dk.edb.internet.software.mail+news
Per Erik Rønne

Bo Warming (21-04-2006)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 21-04-06 00:43

""Per Rønne"" <per@RQNNE.invalid> wrote in message
> Konrad <davidkonrad@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Kan du i det mindste ikke behold din emailadresse, i stedet for at
>> skiftte
>> den ud - så du dermed nemmere kan forblive i killfiltret?
> Kan du ikke lave en killfile på navnet alene? All rigth, jeg gik
> lige
> ind i OE på en Windåse, og det ser ikke ud til at være muligt, så
> hvad
> med at skifte til en rigtig newsreader?
> <http://www.40tude.com/Dialog/>
> FUT dk.edb.internet.software.mail+news

Kill-filtre var der undertiden en vis grund til at bruge i firserne og
de tidlige halfemser, de langsomme modemmers tid.

Når nogen idag praler af sin brug af dem på dk.politik, eller ønsker
nogen fjernet fra usenet, så udstiller de sig som muslim-agtige
censur-fans. Intet er nemmere end at undlade at læse et indlæg, evt
ikke åbne post fra det og det navn. Intet er nemmere end at lade være
med at kikke på en blotter. Barnet der råber "mor, se en flot lort jeg
har lavet" er mere modent end usenetteren, der bruger resourcer på
detaljer om sine læsevaner.

Selvfølgelig er autonome der hærværker fx mod mit hjem, værre og mere
muslimagtige. Men man aner at censur-freaks blot ikke har magt som
agt, og hører til intolerancens pøbel - heldigvis svage idag.

Chikane med rygere er ulækker - fx at tro på langtids skade af passiv
rygning. Det er altruistisk heltegerning at analysere og advare imod
også denne intolerancens pøbel

Michael Laudahn (20-04-2006)
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 20-04-06 17:04

Konrad schrieb:

> Kan du i det mindste ikke behold din emailadresse, i stedet for at skiftte
> den ud - så du dermed nemmere kan forblive i killfiltret?

Nu har jeg lidt problemer at følge din logik. Med mindre jeg tager
fejl, så synes det at vi har omtrent den samme holdning i
islam-spørgsmålet. Hvorfor må du så filtrere mine indlæg væk?


Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.


WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:

http://historyofjihad.org/ - http://apostatesofislam.com/

Henry (20-04-2006)
Fra : Henry

Dato : 20-04-06 17:06

Michael Laudahn said the following on 2006-04-20:
> Konrad schrieb:
>> Kan du i det mindste ikke behold din emailadresse, i stedet for at skiftte
>> den ud - så du dermed nemmere kan forblive i killfiltret?
> Nu har jeg lidt problemer at følge din logik. Med mindre jeg tager
> fejl, så synes det at vi har omtrent den samme holdning i
> islam-spørgsmålet. Hvorfor må du så filtrere mine indlæg væk?

Du skall kanske väck från usenet.


Through constant decay
Uranium creates the radioactive ray

Martin Larsen (20-04-2006)
Fra : Martin Larsen

Dato : 20-04-06 18:23

Michael Laudahn fortalte:

> Nu har jeg lidt problemer at følge din logik. Med mindre jeg tager
> fejl, så synes det at vi har omtrent den samme holdning i
> islam-spørgsmålet.

Er du morsom.
Konrad ligger et sted mellem Socialistisk Folkeparti og Blekingebanden
(DK's version af RAF)


Michael Laudahn (20-04-2006)
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 20-04-06 17:10

Henry schrieb:

> Du skall kanske väck från usenet.

Numera saknas det bara svaret från Usenet Rulez. Men det dröjer nog
inte länge. Hann du redan skifta ID?


Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.


WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:

http://historyofjihad.org/ - http://apostatesofislam.com/

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