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Islam er i perfekt dynamisme med demokrati
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 20-04-06 15:52

Man lærer jo noget hver dag, - nu ved jeg jo, at iflg Jørgen Bæk Simonsen så
har islam en helt utrolig "elasticitet", nu ser jeg så at islam også har en
helt utrolig "dynamisme". Man bøjer sig i respekt for disse store
filosoffers indsigter:

Islam is "in perfect dynamism" with democracy
4/19/2006 6:00:00 PM GMT

Islam is "in perfect dynamism" with democracy and human rights, according to
a recent study conducted for the Dutch government, Zaman Online reported.

After three years of research, the Scientific Council for Government Policy
(WRR) in the Netherlands concluded that Islam neither conflicts with
democracy, nor human rights nor Dutch values.

The WRR report, titled "Dynamism in Islamic activism", said that European
countries must support the Islamic movements that embrace democracy, like
the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

It also recommended that Europe communicates with and offers aid to the
Hamas-led Palestinian government.

"Contrary to the common belief, Islam has no problem accepting democracy and
human rights. Instead of exporting democracy to Muslim countries, democratic
attempts harmonious with their own traditions and cultures must be
supported," the Council advised European governments in its report.

The study, which also covered the Islamic movement in Europe, said that
tensions between Muslim countries and the West are mainly caused by a lack
of communication and dialogue.

"This study is indeed a step towards opening a more serious dialogue with
Islam and curbing extremism irrespective of its source," said Marzouk
Abduallh Awlad, professor of Islamic Studies in the Amsterdam Free

"Islam is a religion that interacts with its surrounding environment and
adapts with different circumstances with no complications," he added.


Det er jo herlige nyheder, de må kunne bruges på de nørrebroske skoler hvor
man må adskille kønnene, og hallal'eog haram'me tingene.

Per Rønne (20-04-2006)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 20-04-06 16:01

Knud Larsen <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote:

> After three years of research, the Scientific Council for Government Policy
> (WRR) in the Netherlands concluded that Islam neither conflicts with
> democracy, nor human rights nor Dutch values.
> The WRR report, titled "Dynamism in Islamic activism", said that European
> countries must support the Islamic movements that embrace democracy, like
> the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and Hezbollah in Lebanon.


> It also recommended that Europe communicates with and offers aid to the
> Hamas-led Palestinian government.

Endnu mere absurd.

> "Contrary to the common belief, Islam has no problem accepting democracy and
> human rights. Instead of exporting democracy to Muslim countries, democratic
> attempts harmonious with their own traditions and cultures must be
> supported," the Council advised European governments in its report.
> The study, which also covered the Islamic movement in Europe, said that
> tensions between Muslim countries and the West are mainly caused by a lack
> of communication and dialogue.
> "This study is indeed a step towards opening a more serious dialogue with
> Islam and curbing extremism irrespective of its source," said Marzouk
> Abduallh Awlad, professor of Islamic Studies in the Amsterdam Free
> University.

En muslim ...
Per Erik Rønne

Michael Laudahn (20-04-2006)
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 20-04-06 16:20

Knud Larsen schrieb:

> Man lærer jo noget hver dag, - nu ved jeg jo, at iflg Jørgen Bæk Simonsen så
> har islam en helt utrolig "elasticitet", nu ser jeg så at islam også har en
> helt utrolig "dynamisme". Man bøjer sig i respekt for disse store
> filosoffers indsigter:
> Islam is "in perfect dynamism" with democracy
> 4/19/2006 6:00:00 PM GMT
> Islam is "in perfect dynamism" with democracy and human rights, according to
> a recent study conducted for the Dutch government, Zaman Online reported.
> After three years of research, the Scientific Council for Government Policy
> (WRR) in the Netherlands concluded that Islam neither conflicts with
> democracy, nor human rights nor Dutch values.
> The WRR report, titled "Dynamism in Islamic activism", said that European
> countries must support the Islamic movements that embrace democracy, like
> the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
> It also recommended that Europe communicates with and offers aid to the
> Hamas-led Palestinian government.
> "Contrary to the common belief, Islam has no problem accepting democracy and
> human rights. Instead of exporting democracy to Muslim countries, democratic
> attempts harmonious with their own traditions and cultures must be
> supported," the Council advised European governments in its report.
> The study, which also covered the Islamic movement in Europe, said that
> tensions between Muslim countries and the West are mainly caused by a lack
> of communication and dialogue.
> "This study is indeed a step towards opening a more serious dialogue with
> Islam and curbing extremism irrespective of its source," said Marzouk
> Abduallh Awlad, professor of Islamic Studies in the Amsterdam Free
> University.
> "Islam is a religion that interacts with its surrounding environment and
> adapts with different circumstances with no complications," he added.
> http://islamonline.com/cgi-bin/news_service/world_full_story.asp?service_id=2228
> Det er jo herlige nyheder, de må kunne bruges på de nørrebroske skoler hvor
> man må adskille kønnene, og hallal'eog haram'me tingene.

Nu må man kun spørge sig hvorledes det officiele Holland kommer at
forholde sig i henhold til disse konklusioner. Skal spørge i
nl.politiek om de har hørt noget...


Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.


WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:

http://historyofjihad.org/ - http://apostatesofislam.com/

@ (20-04-2006)
Fra : @

Dato : 20-04-06 19:00

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 16:51:59 +0200, "Knud Larsen"
<larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Man lærer jo noget hver dag, - nu ved jeg jo, at iflg Jørgen Bæk Simonsen så
>har islam en helt utrolig "elasticitet",

Jørgen Bæk Simonsen må være både døv og blind

>Islam is "in perfect dynamism" with democracy and human rights, according to
>a recent study conducted for the Dutch government, Zaman Online reported.

Islamister har ingen anelse om hvad menneskeretigheder er

og demokrati er fuldstændig uforenligt med koranens påbud

>The WRR report, titled "Dynamism in Islamic activism", said that European
>countries must support the Islamic movements that embrace democracy, like
>the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

er det meningen at nogen skal tage ovenstående alvorligt?

>"Contrary to the common belief, Islam has no problem accepting democracy and
>human rights.

så er det sg* rart jeg ikke er i besiddelse af common belief

men nøjes med at forholde mig til hvad jeg oplever

>The study, which also covered the Islamic movement in Europe, said that
>tensions between Muslim countries and the West are mainly caused by a lack
>of communication and dialogue.

aha, det har altså intet at gøre med muslimsk inspireret terror i
f.eks. New York, Madrid og London plus muslimers generelle
forbryderiske tilbøjeligheder

>"This study is indeed a step towards opening a more serious dialogue with
>Islam and curbing extremism irrespective of its source," said Marzouk
>Abduallh Awlad, professor of Islamic Studies in the Amsterdam Free
>"Islam is a religion that interacts with its surrounding environment and
>adapts with different circumstances with no complications," he added.

man bliver vist ikke klogere af at læse noget der er skrevet af
Marzouk Abduallh Awlad

jeg har lissom en fornemmelse af at han ikke er helt neutral og

Religion of peace:
"Fight and slay the Unbelievers wherever ye find them
.. Seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them
in every stratagem of war." Qur'an, Sura 9:5

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