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Mugabe fatter ikke en brik
Fra : Peter Bjørn Perlsø

Dato : 31-03-06 12:09

Og imens Mug-aben er igang med at beskylde UK og USA for landets
lortetilstand, er inflationen på vej imod de 1000%, og landets kornlagre
er løbet tør.


Mugabe blasts Western critics
By Cris Chinaka Thu Mar 30,
8:23 AM ET

HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's President Robert
Mugabe has blasted Western critics of his controversial
policies and rights record, and vowed he will never
retreat or surrender to a "neo-colonialist" onslaught.

Mugabe, 82 and at the helm in Zimbabwe since its
independence from Britain in 1980, has been at odds
with the West, which has led charges of misrule against

He is accused of plunging the southern African country
into political and economic turmoil by seizing white-
owned farms and destroying the key agricultural sector,
rigging elections and waging a violent campaign against
the opposition.

Speaking at a dinner he hosted for Equatorial Guinea's
visiting President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo,
Mugabe said his government had been targeted by
Western powers, particularly Britain and the United
States, for empowering Zimbabwe's black majority
and for resolutely defending its political rights.

"We stand by our principles and shall never retreat,
capitulate or shirk our responsibility," he said to
applause at the dinner attended by hundreds of
Zimbabwean officials and some foreign diplomats
late on Wednesday.

"Those opposed to our principles have enlisted the
services of like-minded countries and their leaders,
and deceitfully and dishonestly used the media ...
vilifying us as undemocratic because we have dared
to put the interests of the poor and down-trodden
first," he added.

Mugabe accused the United States and Britain of
invading Iraq over false charges, and of pursuing
a neo-colonialist strategy over Zimbabwe.

"The born-again democrats in London and Washington
would like to hoodwink the world on the situation in
Zimbabwe in the very same manner they have done
on Iraq," he charged.

Mugabe called on developing countries to defend their
independence, and said Zimbabwe would discuss political,
trade and business deals with Equatorial Guinea during
Obiang's visit.

Equatorial Guinea, sub-Saharan Africa's third largest
oil producer, is a welcome friend for Zimbabwe as it
struggles with economic meltdown and isolation by
Western countries.

One of Mugabe's senior officials said on Wednesday
Zimbabwe hoped to strike an oil supply deal with
Equatorial Guinea to help ease its chronic fuel shortages.

Obiang said he was in Zimbabwe to consolidate ties
forged two years ago after Harare helped break up
an alleged international coup plot against his government.

Mugabe and Obiang share the distinction of being labeled
by Western critics as two of Africa's most repressive

Without giving details, Obiang, who praised Mugabe as
an illustrious and courageous leader, said his country was
ready to bolster links with Zimbabwe.

"I can assure you that you can always count on the support
of the government and people of Equatorial Guinea to do
their best," he said.

On Thursday, Obiang -- who later left Harare for a day trip
to the resort town of Victoria Falls -- met Zimbabwean
business and industry executives and urged them to explore
trade and investment opportunities with his country.


regards, Peter Bjørn Perlsø

Rune (01-04-2006)
Fra : Rune

Dato : 01-04-06 17:08

""Peter Bjørn Perlsø"" <peter@DIESPAMMERDIE.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Og imens Mug-aben er igang med at beskylde UK og USA for landets
> lortetilstand, er inflationen på vej imod de 1000%, og landets kornlagre
> er løbet tør.

Mugabe er en komplet tåbe. For ikke så længe siden kunne de ikke engang
trykke flere penge, fordi de ikke havde råd til blæk. Så besluttede Mugabe i
sin uendelige visdom at udsendte rejsechecks i stedet.

Per Rønne (01-04-2006)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 01-04-06 19:34

Rune <xxx@xyx.kdk> wrote:

> ""Peter Bjørn Perlsø"" <peter@DIESPAMMERDIE.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:1hd2f4o.1277gqjs5cgdmN%peter@DIESPAMMERDIE.dk...
> > Og imens Mug-aben er igang med at beskylde UK og USA for landets
> > lortetilstand, er inflationen på vej imod de 1000%, og landets kornlagre
> > er løbet tør.
> Mugabe er en komplet tåbe.

Næh. Han er bare kun interesseret i sin egen magt, for magtens egen
skyld. Og for at kunne rage penge til sig til ham selv og sine.

En ganske almindelig despot.

> For ikke så længe siden kunne de ikke engang trykke flere penge, fordi de
> ikke havde råd til blæk. Så besluttede Mugabe i sin uendelige visdom at
> udsendte rejsechecks i stedet.

> http://rhodesian.server101.com/back_to_barter.htm

Per Erik Rønne

GB (01-04-2006)
Fra : GB

Dato : 01-04-06 20:45

"Rune" <xxx@xyx.kdk> wrote in news:zyxXf.133$Or1.83@news.get2net.dk:

> Mugabe er en komplet tåbe. For ikke så længe siden kunne de ikke
> engang trykke flere penge, fordi de ikke havde råd til blæk. Så
> besluttede Mugabe i sin uendelige visdom at udsendte rejsechecks i
> stedet. http://rhodesian.server101.com/back_to_barter.htm

Der kan man se, hvad der sker med et velfungerende land, som indtil Mug-
abens magtovertagelse blev kaldt "det sydlige Afrikas spisekammer".


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