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Wants to Stop Muslims Quitting Islam
Fra : @

Dato : 27-03-06 11:38

Det bliver da også værre og værre,
forhåbentlig bliver forslaget forkastet


The opposition Islamic party is planning to table a private Bill in
Parliament to forbid Muslims from leaving the religion as it is
convinced that there are thousands who are on the verge of doing so.
The proposed Prevention of Apostasy Bill will require apostates to be
sent for rehabilitation, but it will not prescribe a punishment for
those who do not repent.

Per Rønne (27-03-2006)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 27-03-06 13:27

@ <1@invalid.net> wrote:

> Det bliver da også værre og værre,
> forhåbentlig bliver forslaget forkastet
> <<<<<<<
> Malaysia
> http://www.faithfreedom.org/Announcement/603240931.htm
> The opposition Islamic party is planning to table a private Bill in
> Parliament to forbid Muslims from leaving the religion as it is
> convinced that there are thousands who are on the verge of doing so.
> <
> The proposed Prevention of Apostasy Bill will require apostates to be
> sent for rehabilitation, but it will not prescribe a punishment for
> those who do not repent.
> <<<<<<<<<

Det må da siges at være en nyhed. Jeg troede faktisk allerede at noget
sådant var forbudt i Malaysia.

Der er i hvert fald forbudt ikke-muslimer at forsøge at få muslimer til
at forlade islam ...
Per Erik Rønne

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