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En muslim taler ud
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 07-03-06 16:09

What Muslims think Islam to be and what it in reality is?

As a Muslim one reads Islamic literature and hears from Mosque Imams about
Muslims of the great Islamic faith in the previous centuries and how it was
once a mighty force that gusted on earth, also how Muslims excelled in the
sciences and that all western scientific discoveries have Islamic
discoveries as their basis. Everything they say and write is about the
glorious past!

All very impressive but in today's world the conditions Muslims find
themselves in is in complete contrast and very embarrassing if they were to
compare themselves with Muslims of previous generations. Often in the Friday
lecture one hears the Imam boast of how powerful we once were (emphasis on
the past tense) and what a great nation we are etc etc ad nauseam. But as
soon as you step out of the mosque one is shocked by the reality of what is
really the Muslim world. Recently non-Muslims have even poked fun at one of
Islams most sacred figure, and Muslims were impotent in their reaction. All
they could do was hurl abuse, burn a few flags, organize a protest march,
kill each other and threaten to boycott Danish/French products blah blah
blah. same old story again.. After a few months the West would incite and
offend Muslims again and they will do the same old routine again and again
and again ad-nauseam hoping that the West will take note, apologize, refuse
to do it again only to do it again and call the whole thing a bluff.

I personally am tired of marching; burning flags and hurling insults. quiet
frankly . it don't work!

Recently I was perplexed by the Imams exhortation of "you (meaning Muslims)
are the best of peoples for mankind" he was quoting the quran, but to me
that made no sense, in fact it was laughable when taking the following facts
into consideration: "There are 1.44 billion Muslims in a world of 6.47
billion. That makes them 22.24 percent of the world population. Muslims
produce 70 percent of the world's oil and gas. But their share in the world
GDP is only five percent. And their share in world exports is only seven

Note that China's share of the world export is expected to rise to about
seven percent in 2007 from 4.4 percent in 2001, according to a World Bank
report. So the entire Muslim world only exports as much as 1 country. They
trade among themselves only up to 13 percent. There are four big Muslim
countries: Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria and Bangladesh. They make up 46
percent of the world's Muslim population. In terms of perception of
corruption, out of a list of 158 countries, Bangladesh is 158th, Nigeria
152nd, Pakistan 144th, and Indonesia 137th. There is not a single Muslim
country among the world's 25 most 'clean' countries. Out of the 19 most
'corrupt' countries of the world, nine are Muslim." [The Editorial of the
Pakistan daily times January 11, 2006]

If the non-Muslims were to follow by the Muslims peoples example the world
would be destined back to the dark ages.

So if the Imam is reading this kindly please out of respect for fairness and
honesty please refrain from repeating hogwash again until when the Muslims
are deserving of that title.

Also it would be a good idea for Muslims to desist from dawah(Proselytizing)
to non-muslims out of respect for fairness until Muslims get their house in

I have also observed that Muslims have false illusions of grandeur and might
about themselves. When intellectually challenged the Muslims hallmark is an
emotionally violent response. They would prefer to cut a mans throat instead
of applying reason and thinking. The typical savage mentality. This is
reflected recently in the violent protests in the Muslim world to the
caricatures depicting the prophet in a negative light.

The prophet himself a man of peace was often mocked when proselytizing in
the desert.

I can remember a tradition where the prophet was insulted by woman while
proselytizing when she spat at his face, he didn't threaten to burn her
house as we threaten to burn down embassies, and instead he prayed for her.
He didn't order her execution in contrast to the Imams world over baying for

Muslims in their misguided emotion often want to challenge the most powerful
superpower of the day, the USA, even though they are no match for that
country let alone a small middle-eastern country. No name will be mentioned
by any uneducated guess I am sure would be spot on.

This mainly because Muslims don't possess the military, economic and
intellectual power. However I must say when it comes to bravery they are
unmatched, like the Zulu tribesman's bravado in South Africa. In some cases
foolish but nevertheless brave.

I mean what good is it really in being brave with no brains. In the 20th
century bravery means nothing when combat is seldom man to man. Yes perhaps
in the 6-15th century, prior to the discovery of projectiles. But now with
artillery, aerial combat and modern day warfare Muslims need to accept this
fact that bravery means absolutely nothing today. The chances of hand to
hand combat are virtually zero.

An American child merely presses a button and a truckload of fiery, young,
muscled Muslim warriors are snuffed out in a second. What's sad is that this
is the case, some combatants in the US army are often underage woman [re:
recent Iraq war] and they manage to wipe out squadrons of young, strong,
fierce Muslim male warriors, just by pressing buttons, yet another
embarrassing fact! I have met some totally misguided Muslims who have
promoted the theory of angels coming from heaven to help Muslims in battle;
however recent wars belie that theory [start from the Arab-Israeli, till the
recent Iraq war]. Either that or the angels in question were on a holiday.

However the fundamentalist retorts no the angels were not on a holiday it's
because Muslims are not practicing that's why they were not assisted. I mean
really, we are living in the new millennium now guys. Do you really believe
this nonsense?

But it is this nonsense that keeps Muslims oppressed.

The west compares their military strength with the technology and number or
warriors and the military hardware it has, the fundamentalist compares his
military prowess on the number of angels that might assist him. Can anyone
tell me how many angels do we Muslims have in reserve? 10? 100? 1000?

Do they come complete with magic bow and arrows or platinum swords?

Their belief in the absurd has caused them to deteriorate to the backward
rancid waters of civilization. Most of the absurd beliefs have stemmed from
the "traditions of the prophet" or the Sunnah. If only Muslims realized that
most of the Sunnah is adulterated, corrupt and not to be incorporated into
religion. An interesting fact that was even acknowledged by its chief
compiler the Imam Bukhari

In terms of economics Muslims are the poorest of the earth's people.

Muslims don't have or manufacture their own transportation [cars, ships,
planes, submarines, railways] one notable exception is Malaysia with the
Proton automobile but it too has no real global appeal.

Muslims don't manufacture their own armaments and military hardware. [Even
their nuclear facilities (read In Pakistan) have been built by the Chinese]

Muslims have no global presence in the healthcare arena, [pharmaceuticals
and medical devices]

The are no global Muslim construction companies.

There are no international Muslim mining companies besides those of the
energy sector.

There are no real international Muslim banks besides the few small Islamic
banks that serve minority Muslim populations in western countries.

So much so that there is no international or global Muslim company that
produces toilet paper on an international scale.

Muslim Arabs are the major suppliers of most of the world's energy needs, a
scarce valuable commodity yet most of the Muslim Arab people are poorly
educated, their infrastructure resembles that of the third world, their
health systems are unsound and manned by foreign westerners and their work
force productivity is low.

Muslims don't manufacture any computer hardware or software worthy of global
recognition. Muslim business is often fragmented and divided, they don't
network together to form complex business structures like those in the West.
A phenomenon also noticed here in South Africa is that local Muslim
businessman is not able to extrapolate their success of a single retail
outlet to a complex multi-branch one a national level.

Most Muslim businessman are often very often jealous of each other and are
never supportive of each another's achievements. They spy on each other for
government agencies and go to great pains in harming another Muslims
business in the end they only harm their own reputations at a international
level. They tend to pull one another down to prevent any of their own from
rising above the dirt heap called Muslim economy.

Divided, disorganized and untrusting of each other they remain a weak
economic force when compared to the sophisticated and organized Jewish
business class.

Since the poorest of the peoples are always the weakest, hence their plight.

In terms of education as per the UN organization that pronounced on official
educational curricula in Arab countries as that, that "bred submission,
obedience, subordination and compliance rather than free critical thinking."
[Emphasis on: free critical thinking]

A phenomenon that is not only limited to the middle-east but found
throughout the Muslim world, I am sure this will be seen in that many
Muslims reading this article will take offense to it because of the liberty
of free critical thinking I allowed myself. Also to further underscore this
point a local newspaper in lasts months issue vilified another Muslim who
allowed himself the FREEDOM TO THINK AND QUESTION!!!

To really highlight the seriousness of the effects this cancer of knowledge
oppression has had on the Muslim world a factual example follows:

There are a mere 12 Million Jews in the entire world yet they have received
169 Nobel Prizes. The Muslims number 1.4 Billion (with a very big "B")... or
117 times the number of Jews! Based upon this 117:1 Muslim-to-Jewish ratio,
one might expect the Muslims to have 22,260 Nobel Laureates.
Yet we have only SEVEN! and one of them is Arafat !!! a Muslim who by many
of his own people was regarded as corrupt.

As a Muslim I am today truly embarrassed at being one.

Instead of Muslims accepting the truth and improving their lives they will
relegate it to censorship and live in denial. The ones bestowed with the
lowest of intellect will succumb to conspiracy theories to satisfy their
weak minds. Interestingly I have found these to mainly be the religious
buffoons from the maddrassahs.

Lastly I still have to make sense of the Grand Mufti's speech he gave on
Haj; perhaps some enlightened Muslim can help. Last month Sheikh Abdul Aziz
Al Sheikh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, delivered the Hajj sermon at
Masjid al Nimra in Arafat. He said: "The campaign against Islam has become
fierce and Muslims are being described in insulting terms to distort the
image of Islam and scare people away from it..When the oppressor Zionist
enemy uses its war of smart bombs and tanks against our brothers in
Palestine, violating our holy sites, that's not terrorism to their mind --
but defending land, religion and honor is...Islam is innocent of this grave
phenomenon [terrorism]. The shedding of blood in this country [Saudi Arabia]
and other Muslim countries is a forbidden criminal act."

Killing human civilians in Israel is not terrorism however killing human
civilians in Saudi is terrorism and is criminal?

Perhaps the civillians living in Israel are not human after all and can be

Mr. Abdul Aziz Al Sheikh grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, perhaps if you
inspected the matter closely you would find that the West would not call it
terrorism if innocent non-combatants were not involved. I think it's about
time we got the math's right.

When the imam complains about the west distorting the image of Islam,
perhaps if the West really seen the Imams (who represent the Muslim
religion) condemning terror vociferously then perhaps they would draw a
distinction between terrorists and Muslims. But the Muslims clergy is again
to blame for this image, which has been attributed to us because of their
(the Imams) silence to these atrocious deeds committed by the misguided
amongst us.

So much so that some in the West draw parallels between the prophet and
terrorism and the end result is the circus that plays itself out in the
streets outside embassies

The West is succumbing to Islam and by the end of this century it will be

A fact that is attested by even the most astute of western observers.

The only thing that hinders the growth of Islam in the West is Muslims

Muslim obsession with violence when theirs is a religion of peace! Re:
glorification of terror and suicide bombings etc etc

Muslim obsession with ignorance when theirs is a religion that exhorts

Muslim obsession with hadith over the quran.

The sheikh also deplored the state of "subjugation" of the Muslims at the
hands of a few Non-muslim states and stated that the economically advanced
West had "given nothing but grief to the Muslims". To challenge the Mufti on
this, Most political science students will agree with me when I say that in
the last 50 years or so most Muslim countries have been liberated. They had
50 years like Japan, China and Germany to recover and economically advance
themselves. If the above 3 countries were able to recover from the
subjugation of colonization and world war 2 and economically advance
themselves to become economic and worldly powers to be reckoned with in the
last 50 years, why not so the Muslims states ?

Perhaps the next time the honorable Mufti is allowed to deliver a sermon on
such an auspicious and important occasion his sermon needs to be examined
for accuracy from a young Saudi social and political scientist. Personally I
was embarrassed by what he said given that the whole Muslim world and a
great number of non-Muslims take note of what is said. The clergy cannot and
will not understand social conditions and politics when their logic is
blinkered by absurd religious beliefs that dominance can only be achieved
militarily by the sword and that social & political conditions are a result
of mans discipline in religious practice.

It's also about time the clergy in their Friday sermons exhort their flock
to educate themselves, work hard and become industrious entrepreneurs and
hopefully leading manufacturers in their respective trades. Also the clergy
should begin cleaning up their tarnished image, most free-thinking Muslims
view them as samoosa devouring machines bereft of a basic education posing
as fortune telling charlatans selling snake oil. Please someone out there
draw up a code of conduct for the clergy and place their names and
qualifications (emphasis here too on secular please) because most of the
buffoons I met couldn't even spell their name let alone speak unbroken
English. Perhaps at least they should have grade 7 mathematics.

Please stop and tell the youth the true picture like it is, tell the youth
what to do to rectify the situation and provide support structures to
achieve that end. By support structures we mean, free & subsidized tutorials
or youth camps on handling peer pressure/ hazards of drug abuse/ free
critical thinking/ math's/ science/ student motivation courses/ youth
support courses on handling family crisis/ hazards of living to excess &
bursaries to every Muslim kid that finishes school to study at a technikon
or varsity etc etc, instead of on competitions seeing who eats the most
Akhni re: Meelad un Nabi's & Ijtima's etc

"Good Medicine often tastes bad"


og her er der så et eksempel på en muslim som gerne vil vide om der måske
skulle være svage punkter inden for den muslimsk tro:

32492: Are there any weak points in Islam that enable the kaafirs
(unbelievers) to attack it?


As you know Muslims are facing many challenges, pressures and criticisms
from non-Muslims in the world. In light of this atmosphere, should we Muslim
not be the most open and honest about our shortcomings and try to tackle
them as opposed to being overly defensive and seeming to make excuses or
cover our faults? The reason for this question is that if we seem to deny or
gloss over obvious shortcomings it will not help us to overcome them.
Perhaps some Muslims feel that to deal with our problems openly will assist
the kufaar in their attacks on Islam. Please advise.


Praise be to Allaah.


There are no weak points in Islam _ praise be to Allaah _ that the Muslim
needs to worry about. Islam is the perfect religion of Allaah.

Ingen svage punkter, så se nu at få konverteret så hurtigt som muligt!!

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