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Forhold 'mohammedanere - venstre-orientere~
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 27-02-06 15:24

Lidt tankemad. Måske hjælper det videre på vores vej at finde en


Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.


Michael Laudahn (27-02-2006)
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 27-02-06 16:51

Michael Laudahn schrieb:

Her som PS et pænt svar på mit indlæg fran en engelsk NG:

Lefties and Muzzies are very strange bedfellows. The lefties see
Muzzies as a significant part of the downtrodden masses who are natural
allies in the fight for equality and social and economic justice. The
lefties have not grasped the fact that Muzzies have an ideology and
agenda of their own which is not compatible with the aims and ideology
of the left. They imagine that Muzzies share leftist values, but just
happen to go to the Mosque occasionally. They are sadly deluded.


Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.


Kim Larsen (28-02-2006)
Fra : Kim Larsen

Dato : 28-02-06 02:33

"Michael Laudahn" <es_reicht_2005@yahoo.com.br> skrev i en meddelelse

>Lidt tankemad. Måske hjælper det videre på vores vej at finde en

Der er nu noget Henri Gath over dig...

Kim Larsen

Socialist, republikaner, EU-tilhænger og atomkraftmodstander.
Socialisme er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Husk at krigen i Irak er folkeretligt smask-ulovlig.

Direkte e-mail: kl2607x@yahoo.dk (fjern x´et)

Marcus Stromberg (28-02-2006)
Fra : Marcus Stromberg

Dato : 28-02-06 02:48

Kim Larsen (28-02-2006)
Fra : Kim Larsen

Dato : 28-02-06 03:13

"Marcus Stromberg" <m9370@abc.se> skrev i en meddelelse
> On Tue, 28 Feb 2006, Kim Larsen wrote:
>> >Lidt tankemad. Måske hjælper det videre på vores vej at finde en
>> >løsning.
>> Der er nu noget Henri Gath over dig...
> Varför dyker de här kommentarskedjorna upp i swnet.politik titt som tätt?

Ved ikke hvorfor fjolserne bliver ved med at X-poste når nu det er uønsket.
Det er ikke mig som har startet X-posten.

Kim Larsen

Socialist, republikaner, EU-tilhænger og atomkraftmodstander.
Socialisme er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Husk at krigen i Irak er folkeretligt smask-ulovlig.

Direkte e-mail: kl2607x@yahoo.dk (fjern x´et)

elfuncle (28-02-2006)
Fra : elfuncle

Dato : 28-02-06 06:00

Michael Laudahn wrote:
> Michael Laudahn schrieb:

> Her som PS et pænt svar på mit indlæg fran en engelsk NG:

> Lefties and Muzzies are very strange bedfellows. The lefties see
> Muzzies as a significant part of the downtrodden masses who are natural
> allies in the fight for equality and social and economic justice. The
> lefties have not grasped the fact that Muzzies have an ideology and
> agenda of their own which is not compatible with the aims and ideology
> of the left. They imagine that Muzzies share leftist values, but just
> happen to go to the Mosque occasionally. They are sadly deluded.

Da kan du sende følgende tilbakemelding fra pastor T. Straume:

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I assume that by "Muzzies" you mean
terrorists and extremists and uneducated simpletons and reactionaries
within the Muslim community. You can't possibly imply that "Muzzies"
means all Muslims in general, because that would indicate that your
intelligence equals that of a rat's ass.

I also assume that you consider yourself a "Rightie," i.e. that you
identify yourself with the political right. I have no way of guessing
how far to the right you may be, but it's at least far enough to
despise those whose thinking concurs more or less with the political
left. This seems to be the case because just like no Muslim to my
knowledge would call himself a "Muzzie," neither would a left wing or
liberal politician call himself a "Leftie" under normal circumstances.
I know I'm taking the liberty of reading between the lines here, but
that's because the above is all I've ever seen from you. It's like
trying to reconstruct a face based on a skullbone.

And now my point: You are absolutely right that many so-called Lefties
appear to be in a state of confusion when they try to ally themselves
with those you call "Muzzies" because those two ideologies are totally
incompatible. On the other hand, the agenda og the political right - or
the ideology of "the Righties" if you prefer - is very very close
indeed to what you perceive as "Muzzism" (or something like that). The
death penalty, brutal laws, no free lunch for anybody, foreign
invasions, bombings, gun-toting, militarism and much more - these are
all common denominators for the American right wing and political
Islam. Besides, both these camps are fuelled with religious,
monotheistic fundamentalism. They deserve each other and ought to get
married soon.

In other words, if you're a "Rightie," then the "Muzzies" are your
friends and pals and allies, knucklehead.

This is something you ought to have a very hard talk with Jesus about

God bless,

pastor T. Straume
Futurum Ministries

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