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Why are muslims terrorists? Does it say in~
Fra : Martin Jørgensen

Dato : 07-02-06 21:21

I saw at least one muslim in this group. Therefore I have this comment
in english:

Muslims are now known throughout the world for having a bomb in their
turban *AND* for killing innocent people. Who can they thank for this
reputation? Muslims can thank themselves - not the west.

The whole world knows that the suicide bombers from 11/9 was muslims and
it was also muslims who did several terrorist acts such as the one in
Madrid. Osama bin laden, he's a muslim, right?

So. Why are muslims terrorists? Does it say in the coran that you have
to be terrorists? I'm asking, because I would really like to know the
reason so we could get rid of muslim terrorists. Do we have to burn the
coran or how can we stop muslims from being terrorists? Tell me, because
I would really like to know how to prevent muslim terrorists.

Are you proud of being a terrorist - erhm I mean a muslim? I wouldn't be
proud af being a muslim in these days... Good thing that today I heard
about muslims that support freedom of speech as we're willing to fight
for and who also understands the danish government and danish
viewpoints. I hereby condemn all muslim terrorists.

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Martin Jørgensen

Home of Martin Jørgensen - http://www.martinjoergensen.dk

Anders Peter Johnsen (07-02-2006)
Fra : Anders Peter Johnsen

Dato : 07-02-06 23:10

Martin Jørgensen skrev:
> I saw at least one muslim in this group. Therefore I have this comment
> in english:
> Muslims are now known throughout the world for having a bomb in their
> turban *AND* for killing innocent people. Who can they thank for this
> reputation? Muslims can thank themselves - not the west.
> The whole world knows that the suicide bombers from 11/9 was muslims and
> it was also muslims who did several terrorist acts such as the one in
> Madrid. Osama bin laden, he's a muslim, right?
> So. Why are muslims terrorists? Does it say in the coran that you have
> to be terrorists?

To put it bluntly: Yes, it does indeed!

According to socalled "holy" muslim scriptures (The Quran and the
Hadith) Muhammed DIRECTLY proscribed "holy war" (jihad) against all
non-muslims, and demanded from muslims not to show "disbelievers" any
kind of mercy.

Read some of these "holy" quotes for yourself on www.prophetofdoom.net
(left side of the page.)
Any sane Westener ought to find it quite disturbing that 1,4 billion
people actually consider this disgusting glorification of fanatical
religious violence to be "holy" and "sacred" to them!

The worst lie of them all, told about Islam, is the ever blatant
proposition that Islam is supposed "a religion of peace": That part only
applies to those who voluntarily submit to Islam!

Anders Peter Johnsen

Flemming (07-02-2006)
Fra : Flemming

Dato : 07-02-06 23:46

On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 23:10:01 +0100, Anders Peter Johnsen
<anderspj@REMOVE_THISwebspeed.dk> wrote:

>The worst lie of them all, told about Islam, is the ever blatant
>proposition that Islam is supposed "a religion of peace": That part only
>applies to those who voluntarily submit to Islam!

Well sad as it is it also does not even apply for the ones who follow
Islam, see how they are always killing each other in the middle east
countries... Islam is not a religion of peace, it does not mean that a
lot of muslims are not nice and warm people though, it's just a shame
that the ones we see on tv and in the medias are nearly always the
extreme cases, could be because there a hell of a lot extreme
cases.... hopefully that'll change in the future, but what is
happening around the world just now makes it much more harder to

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