Ja dav.
Hvordan åbner og redigerer jeg en RAW fil (Canon 300D) i PE2?
I manualen står der nedenstående smøre:
Choose File > Open or File > Open As (Windows).
Choose Raw from the file format list, and click Open.
For Width and Height, enter values for the dimensions of the file.
To reverse the order of the width and height, click Swap.
Enter the number of channels.
Select Interleaved if the file was saved with an interlaced data option.
Select a color depth and, if necessary, a byte order.
For Header, enter a value.
If you are missing the dimensions or header value, you can have
Photoshop Elements estimate the parameters. Either enter the correct
height and width values to estimate the header size, or enter the
correct header size to estimate the height and width, and then click Guess.
To have Photoshop Elements retain the header when you save the file,
select Retain When Saving.
Click OK.
Forklaringen efterlader mig med følgende spørgsmål:
-Hvorfra ved jeg fra hvor mange channels der er?
-Hvad betyder " ... saved with an interlaced data option"?
-Hvilken color depth og byte order vælger man?
Tak til dem der vil hjælpe!
Vh. Jacob.