> Hej
> En kammerat og jeg har gennem snart et år lavet på
http://home18.inet.tele.dk/vejrhane/. Da vi ikke er så meget inde i HTML, så
> har vi lavet siden i Frontpage, hvilket helt sikkert har medført at der er
> alt for mange gentagelser af kodelinier og mellemrum. Filen
http://home18.inet.tele.dk/vejrhane/index2.htm, som er vores start-side
> fylder ca. 65 kb, hvilket jo er uacceptabelt.
> Findes der et program, der kan rydde godt op i en alt for stor HTML-fil?
> Nu vil mange af jer sikkert tænke Notepad - men husk nu lige, at vi ikke har
> fået sat os ordentligt ind i html.
- Det er vist Frontpage 2000 i har brugt er det ikke?!
- Der findes et HTML filter til FP2000. Jeg ved ikke helt hvad det gør men
det skulle kunne rydde lidt op i HTML filerne laver i FP. Jeg ved ikke, det
er måske værd at prøve.
- Jeg har DL'et det fra MS's hjemmeside et sted, men hvis du ikke selv kan finde
filen så kan jeg da sende den til dig. Den fylder 265 KB.
Her er så et uddrag fra den medfølgende read_me fil:
Filename: msohtmf2.exe
Office 2000 HTML Filter 2.0
The Office HTML Filter is a tool you can use to remove Office-specific
markup tags embedded in Office 2000 documents saved as Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML). When you create an HTML document in Office 2000,
Office-specific markup tags are embedded in it. These tags help "round-trip"
the document for editing purposes. For example, if you create the document
in Word 2000 and save it as HTML, the code embedded in the document allows
you to re-open the document in Word 2000 and use the same features you
originally used to create the page.
Once you have completed editing an HTML document in Word 2000 or Excel
2000, you can use the Office HTML Filter to remove the Office-specific
markup tags from the final copy of the HTML document. By removing the tags,
you reduce the size of the document, which in turn reduces both the amount
of space used on Web servers as well as the time it takes to download the
page. For additional information about the benefits and disadvantages of
removing the Office-specific markup tags, read Use Office HTML Filter to
Create Web Pages that Download Faster.
Note The Office HTML Filter can process files saved in any single-byte
encoding format. The Office HTML Filter support for multi-byte encodings,
however, does not cover the following encodings: Unicode, UnicodeFFFE,
and utf-7. Note however that utf-8, which is the Unicode encoding most
common on the Web, is supported.
New Features of the Office HTML Filter 2.0
You have more control over which types of markup tags are removed.
You can export a cascading style sheet (.css) file based on a Word 2000
document or an Office HTML file.
You can copy any fragment of a Word document as HTML and paste it into an
HTML or text editor as filtered HTML markup. For example, instead of typing
complex HTML tags to create nested tables, create them by using the Draw Table
tool in Word. Then select them and click Copy as HTML on the Edit menu to
create a compact HTML copy of the tables.
The Office HTML Filter 2.0 is even more efficient at removing redundant
HTML markup from an Office HTML file.
Palle Hans Jensen