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Hjælp Danmark med et personligt brev til d~
Fra : Rasmus Jarlov \(C\)

Dato : 03-02-06 00:49

Et personligt brev kan gøre en forskel!


Fundamentalistiske kræfter forsøger I øjeblikket at begå karaktermord på
Danmark. Hvis vi taber den internationale debat om Muhammedtegningerne, vil
det have varige og alvorlige konsekvenser for vores internationale anseelse
og mulighed for at agere i udlandet.

Det er ekstremt vigtigt, at vi får manet ondsindede og overdrevne
beskyldninger i jorden. Jeg vil derfor opfordre alle til at kontakte deres
udenlandske netværk og give en sandfærdig og afdæmpet version af sagen om
tegningerne. Et personligt brev gør indtryk, og danske personlige netværk
rækker langt ud i verden.

Nedenfor kan I se det brev, som jeg har skrevet til mine udenlandske
forbindelser og postet på internationale webfora. Alle er velkommen til at
kopiere brevet eller dele heraf.

Send opfordringen videre til andre danskere!


Rasmus Jarlov

folketingskandidat (K)

Tlf: 3079 4003


I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
say it. ~Voltaire


Denmark, February 2nd 2006

Facts and lies about the Mohammed drawings

Dear friends abroad,

I am writing in a matter of great importance to my country. Today, an EU
office has been occupied in Gaza. Danish flags are being burned in the
streets. Arab consumers are boycotting Danish goods and Palestinian and Al
Qaeda groups are encouraging and threatening to kill Danish, Norwegian and
French citizens all over the world.

This is all because a Danish newspaper has published 12 drawings of the
Muslim prophet Mohammed. Some of the drawings portrayed the prophet in a
negative way and according to (some versions of) Islam it is not at all
allowed to portray the prophet.

The escalation of the conflict has, however, been strongly helped by false
information. I hope you will take interest in reading about the background
and clarifying some serious misunderstandings.

Should anyone in your country require further dialogue, I will be very happy
to take it up or even travel to participate!

The drawings are NOT sponsored by the Danish people or government

The drawings were published by an independent and privately owned Danish
newspaper (Jyllandsposten). The Danish government has, according to Western
constitutional principles, absolutely no connection to this newspaper. The
government has not endorsed the drawings in any way what so ever. But nor
has it condemned the drawings because it would be an unprecedented and
unconstitutional step for a Danish government to try to influence the work
of the free press.

However, the government has several times, in general terms, condemned "any
statement, action or expression that attempts to demonise groups of people
based on their religion or ethnic background". This statement by the Prime
Minister was made in his speech to the Danish people on New Years Day after
a public debate about the drawings. It has been repeated many times since.

The Danish government (and Queen) will not apologise

The Danish government has taken the stance that it can not apologise for the
drawings. It feels that this would be acknowledging responsibility for the

What was the newspaper's reason for publishing the drawings?

The newspaper claimed that there is an intimidation of public space where
Muslims "claim the right to special treatment when insisting on special
considerations for their own religious feeling. It is not compatible with a
secular democracy and freedom of expression where you must be prepared to be
mocked and ridiculed". Therefore, they invited artists to draw Mohammed as
they see him and published the results on September 30th.

Are Danes burning the Koran in the streets and planning to publish a state
censured version of it?

These accusations are completely false. Regarding the burning of the Koran,
there was an SMS from unknown sources going around that this would take
place. But it did not. If it did it would be punishable. Nor have there been
any other violent expressions against Muslims in Denmark.

Supporting the campaign against Denmark does NOT help the Danish muslims

It is a small minority of Danish Muslims that think it does. The Danish
Muslims that started the campaign by travelling to Saudi Arabia to rally
support against Denmark represent 15.000 out of the approximately 200.000
Muslims in Denmark. Muslim MPs in Denmark and spokesmen from the vast
majority of Danish Muslim organisations have condemned the campaign against
their country. For obvious reasons, they do not think that it helps them.

The Danish Prime Minister has refused to meet with 11 ambassadors from
Muslim countries in order to discuss the issue

This is true. On October 12th, the ambassadors asked for a meeting and sent
a letter to the Prime Minister "urging Your Excellency's government to take
all those responsible to task under law of the land in the interest of
interfaith harmony, better integration and Denmark's overall relations with
Muslim world. We rest assured that you will take all steps necessary". The
meeting was refused on the ground that the prime minister can not take any
legal steps against the free press.

On February 3rd the prime minister and foreign minister has invited the
ambassadors from all countries represented in Denmark to a meeting in order
to discuss the conflict.

Denmark is a responsible member of the international community

Some people try to make this a general issue about racism in Denmark.
However, the most thorough survey of European racism clearly rejects the
accusation that Danes should be xenophobic.

The Eurobarometer is made by the European Commission. This survey asks 1000
citizens in each EU country about their attitude to immigrants. It has
consistently showed that Danes are less hostile to multicultural society
than the European average. (Full report:
..pdf )

Also notice that Denmark gives the third largest foreign aid per capita in
the world and ranks highest in the global development index which takes
account of how factors such as trade and investments help reduce global

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this!

Kind regards,

Rasmus Jarlov

Candidate for Danish Parliament (Conservative Party)


· The Muhammed drawings (at the bottom of the page):

· The letter from the Muslim ambassadors to the Danish Prime Minister:
http://gfx-master.tv2.dk/images/Nyhederne/Pdf/side1.pdf and
http://gfx-master.tv2.dk/images/Nyhederne/Pdf/side2.pdf .

· The Prime Ministers response:

· BBC's coverage of the story:

· Development Index:

· Eurobarometer:

Martin Larsen (03-02-2006)
Fra : Martin Larsen

Dato : 03-02-06 01:23

Rasmus Jarlov (C) fortalte:

> Fundamentalistiske kræfter forsøger I øjeblikket at begå karaktermord
> på Danmark. Hvis vi taber den internationale debat om
> Muhammedtegningerne, vil det have varige og alvorlige konsekvenser
> for vores internationale anseelse og mulighed for at agere i udlandet.

Hold da op! - der er tale om et spektakulært karakterselvmord!

Læn dig tilbage og nyd det surrealistiske optrin.

Hvis dine venner ikke gennemskuer de islamofascistiske horder, så er de
ikke værd at skrive til.


W.P. (03-02-2006)
Fra : W.P.

Dato : 03-02-06 01:29

"Rasmus Jarlov (C)" <spam@fjern-dette-jarlov.dk> skrev i melding
> Et personligt brev kan gøre en forskel!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> Fundamentalistiske kræfter forsøger I øjeblikket at begå karaktermord på
> Danmark. Hvis vi taber den internationale debat om Muhammedtegningerne,
> det have varige og alvorlige konsekvenser for vores internationale
> og mulighed for at agere i udlandet.
> Det er ekstremt vigtigt, at vi får manet ondsindede og overdrevne
> beskyldninger i jorden. Jeg vil derfor opfordre alle til at kontakte deres
> udenlandske netværk og give en sandfærdig og afdæmpet version af sagen om
> tegningerne. Et personligt brev gør indtryk, og danske personlige netværk
> rækker langt ud i verden.
> Nedenfor kan I se det brev, som jeg har skrevet til mine udenlandske
> forbindelser og postet på internationale webfora. Alle er velkommen til at
> kopiere brevet eller dele heraf.
> Send opfordringen videre til andre danskere!
> mvh.
> Rasmus Jarlov
> folketingskandidat (K)
> Tlf: 3079 4003
> www.jarlov.dk
> I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
> say it. ~Voltaire
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------
> Denmark, February 2nd 2006
> Facts and lies about the Mohammed drawings
> Dear friends abroad,
> I am writing in a matter of great importance to my country. Today, an EU
> office has been occupied in Gaza. Danish flags are being burned in the
> streets. Arab consumers are boycotting Danish goods and Palestinian and Al
> Qaeda groups are encouraging and threatening to kill Danish, Norwegian and
> French citizens all over the world.
> This is all because a Danish newspaper has published 12 drawings of the
> Muslim prophet Mohammed. Some of the drawings portrayed the prophet in a
> negative way and according to (some versions of) Islam it is not at all
> allowed to portray the prophet.
> The escalation of the conflict has, however, been strongly helped by false
> information. I hope you will take interest in reading about the background
> and clarifying some serious misunderstandings.
> Should anyone in your country require further dialogue, I will be very
> to take it up or even travel to participate!
> The drawings are NOT sponsored by the Danish people or government
> The drawings were published by an independent and privately owned Danish
> newspaper (Jyllandsposten). The Danish government has, according to
> constitutional principles, absolutely no connection to this newspaper. The
> government has not endorsed the drawings in any way what so ever. But nor
> has it condemned the drawings because it would be an unprecedented and
> unconstitutional step for a Danish government to try to influence the work
> of the free press.
> However, the government has several times, in general terms, condemned
> statement, action or expression that attempts to demonise groups of people
> based on their religion or ethnic background". This statement by the Prime
> Minister was made in his speech to the Danish people on New Years Day
> a public debate about the drawings. It has been repeated many times since.
> The Danish government (and Queen) will not apologise
> The Danish government has taken the stance that it can not apologise for
> drawings. It feels that this would be acknowledging responsibility for the
> drawings.
> What was the newspaper's reason for publishing the drawings?
> The newspaper claimed that there is an intimidation of public space where
> Muslims "claim the right to special treatment when insisting on special
> considerations for their own religious feeling. It is not compatible with
> secular democracy and freedom of expression where you must be prepared to
> mocked and ridiculed". Therefore, they invited artists to draw Mohammed as
> they see him and published the results on September 30th.
> Are Danes burning the Koran in the streets and planning to publish a state
> censured version of it?
> These accusations are completely false. Regarding the burning of the
> there was an SMS from unknown sources going around that this would take
> place. But it did not. If it did it would be punishable. Nor have there
> any other violent expressions against Muslims in Denmark.
> Supporting the campaign against Denmark does NOT help the Danish muslims
> It is a small minority of Danish Muslims that think it does. The Danish
> Muslims that started the campaign by travelling to Saudi Arabia to rally
> support against Denmark represent 15.000 out of the approximately 200.000
> Muslims in Denmark. Muslim MPs in Denmark and spokesmen from the vast
> majority of Danish Muslim organisations have condemned the campaign
> their country. For obvious reasons, they do not think that it helps them.
> The Danish Prime Minister has refused to meet with 11 ambassadors from
> Muslim countries in order to discuss the issue
> This is true. On October 12th, the ambassadors asked for a meeting and
> a letter to the Prime Minister "urging Your Excellency's government to
> all those responsible to task under law of the land in the interest of
> interfaith harmony, better integration and Denmark's overall relations
> Muslim world. We rest assured that you will take all steps necessary". The
> meeting was refused on the ground that the prime minister can not take any
> legal steps against the free press.
> On February 3rd the prime minister and foreign minister has invited the
> ambassadors from all countries represented in Denmark to a meeting in
> to discuss the conflict.
> Denmark is a responsible member of the international community
> Some people try to make this a general issue about racism in Denmark.
> However, the most thorough survey of European racism clearly rejects the
> accusation that Danes should be xenophobic.
> The Eurobarometer is made by the European Commission. This survey asks
> citizens in each EU country about their attitude to immigrants. It has
> consistently showed that Danes are less hostile to multicultural society
> than the European average. (Full report:
> .pdf )
> Also notice that Denmark gives the third largest foreign aid per capita in
> the world and ranks highest in the global development index which takes
> account of how factors such as trade and investments help reduce global
> poverty.
> Thank you very much for taking the time to read this!
> Kind regards,
> Rasmus Jarlov
> Candidate for Danish Parliament (Conservative Party)
> Links:
> · The Muhammed drawings (at the bottom of the page):
> http://www.zombietime.com/mohammed_image_archive/
> · The letter from the Muslim ambassadors to the Danish Prime
> http://gfx-master.tv2.dk/images/Nyhederne/Pdf/side1.pdf and
> http://gfx-master.tv2.dk/images/Nyhederne/Pdf/side2.pdf .
> · The Prime Ministers response:
> http://gfx-master.tv2.dk/images/Nyhederne/Pdf/side3.pdf
> · BBC's coverage of the story:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4664408.stm
> · Development Index:
> http://www.cgdev.org/section/initiatives/_active/cdi
> · Eurobarometer:
> .pdf
You whis! Gør det selv, vi andre undskylder intet, vi vil bare have vores
konstitutionelle rettigheder til det demokrati som vi nu engange lever i,
uden at nogen skal komme her, bli væk, og sige at de har vært her.

Det er jer politikere der har skabt dette fandenskab, det har intet med
Jyllandsposten at gøre.

De danske politikere af idag er ved at begå politisk selvmord, og sælger
gerne landet bare for at behage nogle få individer der desværre ikke har
kunnet leve i det undetrykkelse de er flygtet fra, derfor har de med
politikernes velsignelse flyttet op til os for at genskabe det de diktatur
er flygtet fra, med det til forskel at nu er det "flygtningen der er blevet
til diktator", og det lykkes de med på grundet af jeres sveklinge politik og
vær varsom plakater. Up your's

Fy f....n indvanrerne har større rettigheder end de etniske danskere. Er der
slet ikke nogen af jer politikere der skammer sig?

Forklaringer trænger disse arabiske lande ikke, de fleste af dem kan ikke
lese, og de der kan har en forvrænget virkeligheds begræb der ikke er værd
at prøve sig på.

Få ballademagerne ud af landet hurtigst muligt, så kan de rende rundt og
undskylde. Ikke på danmarks vegne, men på deres egne.

Ikke noget at sige til at nogen føler sig "syge" og har fået sin en alvorlig
politisk kvalme. Håber politikerne bliver ramt af alverdens dårligdomme, og
det menige danske folk bliver hurtig rask igen.

Jeg beklager min respektløse politiske holdning, men det er
yttringsfrihedens pris at politikere er jaget vildt, og kan jagtes og
forfølges verbalt efter alle kunstens regler.

Avis: www.westai.com

Peter K. Nielsen (03-02-2006)
Fra : Peter K. Nielsen

Dato : 03-02-06 14:27

"W.P." <Ikkemail@meg.com> wrote in message
> W.M
> Avis: www.westai.com

har du nogen sinde hørt om begrebet "citat teknik på usenet" ???


Lion King (03-02-2006)
Fra : Lion King

Dato : 03-02-06 08:41

"Rasmus Jarlov (C)" <spam@fjern-dette-jarlov.dk> skrev i en meddelelse

> Et personligt brev kan gøre en forskel.......

Først,- en stor ros til dig, for at have fundet her ind på UseNet's

Men ved du hvad, Rasmus. Det bedste du kunne gøre, er at sende en mail rundt
til alle dine 179 kolleger på borgen. I denne mail, skal du gøre opmærksom
på UseNet's nyhedsgrupper - og specielt i disse tider - denne nyhedsgruppe -

Grunden til dette er, at alle danskere med Internet adgang, har tilgang til
denne nyhedsgruppe via deres Internet abonnement. Her er der med andre ord
en fantastisk mulighed for alle folketinget medlemmer, for at stikke en
finger i jorden, om man så kan sige. Altså høre den almindelige danskers
mening om tingene.

Og som du ved selvsyn rundt omkring i de forskellige diskussionstråde kan
se, er der ikke blandt de almindelige danskere, stemning for yderligere
undskyldninger og knæfald, i den foreliggende krise.

Velkommen til UseNet.

Peter K. Nielsen (03-02-2006)
Fra : Peter K. Nielsen

Dato : 03-02-06 14:29

"Lion King" <ceo@example.com> wrote in message
> "Rasmus Jarlov (C)" <spam@fjern-dette-jarlov.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:43e29a77$0$78281$157c6196@dreader1.cybercity.dk...
>> Et personligt brev kan gøre en forskel.......
> Først,- en stor ros til dig, for at have fundet her ind på UseNet's
> nyhedsgrupper.
> Men ved du hvad, Rasmus. Det bedste du kunne gøre, er at sende en mail
> rundt til alle dine 179 kolleger på borgen. I denne mail, skal du gøre
> opmærksom på UseNet's nyhedsgrupper - og specielt i disse tider - denne
> nyhedsgruppe - dk.politik.

gad godt se den seriøse politikker der gider spilde sin tid her i gruppen
> Grunden til dette er, at alle danskere med Internet adgang, har tilgang
> til denne nyhedsgruppe via deres Internet abonnement. Her er der med andre
> ord en fantastisk mulighed for alle folketinget medlemmer, for at stikke
> en finger i jorden, om man så kan sige. Altså høre den almindelige
> danskers mening om tingene.

det er bestemt ikke almindelige danskere der udgør størstedelen af gruppens


C. Overgaard (04-02-2006)
Fra : C. Overgaard

Dato : 04-02-06 16:29

"Rasmus Jarlov (C)" <spam@fjern-dette-jarlov.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Et personligt brev kan gøre en forskel!

Jeg arbejder på en erklæring på dansk og engelsk. Et foreløbig udkast kan
beskues på www.center-validering.dk/tegninger

Med venlig hilsen
Carsten Overgaard

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