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Nixon in Vietnam, Bush in Iraq: EXIT strat~
Fra : C2Darwin@yahoo.com

Dato : 27-11-05 01:51

Predictable and murderous 'exit' strategy still to come:

As in Vietnam: You promise to withdraw or reduce the
number of troops, but then at the same time
you expand the air (bombing) war drastically.
Withdraw some troops to pacify the homefront.
In the meantime escalate bombing them to smithereens.

We have seen it all before.
That's why many thousands more Iraqis will have to die.
Maybe even tens of thousands.
In their own country.

That is the type of 'man' Bush is. And the wimp Blair.
That is also typical for chickenhawks Cheney, Rumsfeld, Hadley and
Rice. They are really invaders, occupiers and above all mass murderers.

Evil people blinded by power, hubris, ignorance and righteousness.

Bush and Cheney are in deep political trouble. So they will escalate
the war on Iraq. Reasons that will drive them:

1. Political trouble, Plamegate, Iraq and domestic items
2. December 15 elections in Iraq
3. Midterm elections in 2006, GOP politicians are getting very worried
4. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair cannot win but they can never admit
defeat so they must destroy, as much as possible.
A wasteland and mass murder is preferred over withdrawal.

So Bush's 'exit' strategy will be massive new bombing attacks on
Iraqi cities and towns, of course especially in the Sunni area. In a
desperate and wild attempt to turn the tide. But it is way too late
and they know it. To 'save' it, they are left no other option (they
think) then to destroy it.

So in their lunatic fury they will order much more destruction. As in
Vietnam. As the bombing war on North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia,
Hanoi, and large areas of South Vietnam.

As they cannot win, they will lash out and destroy more (in
secret). As the Pentagon controls all news from Iraq (embedded
slave-reporters) and the mass media are nothing more than government
parrots, it will be kept out of the news. The ignorant masses should
not see the new devastation and mass murder to come.

The faux news articles will mention new large scale operations 'to
Iraqi cities for democracy or for voting, and they may even mention in
small paragraph at the end that there were airstrikes. But they will
never investigate or show the devastation, the mass killing, the
destroyed houses, bridges, businesses, hospitals and clinics, done
by these airstrikes. Bombing victims in their own country is
always so horrible, you should not discuss it, you cannot show it,
so it never happened, and the masses will not be awakened.

How many more Iraqi cities must be bombed and destroyed from
the air by the Western 'Christian' invaders and occupiers, aka

Bahgdad-Sadr City
Tall Afar
And many more we don't even hear about.

Of course Bush, Cheney, Blair and Rumsfeld will escalate the
The more they are in trouble, the more they will destroy. Especially
large scale bombing from the air. That way you keep casualties on
the ground down. That way you can hide your atrocities. No matter
that such bombing will kill, displace or injure tens of thousands of
Iraqis, both civilians and resistance fighters and increase the
resistance accordingly. As in Vietnam.

Of course they have thousands of satellite photographs that can show
the devastation but those will never be shown. We may get a glimpse
maybe 10, 20 or 30 years from now. Then we can claim again: Those were
mistakes in the past by some rogue mentally-ill leaders such as Bush
and Cheney, now we are good.

It is striking that every day we read articles as this article 1.
But never how many bombing raids and how many other raids were
conducted that day by occupiers. It seems all the killing is done by
the Iraqi resistance, the daily killing and destruction by the occupier
is never shown. We see photographs of damage by suicide bombings,
never photographs of the many destroyed cities, the many bodies and
the many maimed Iraqis in Iraqi hospitals by our bombs. Our bombs.
Our bombs that are still dropping in an immoral illegal war on
a small oilrich Muslim country far-away from our shores.

1. Bombings Kill Nearly 50 Near Baghdad

2. Arms controversy in Iraq: Civilian fatalities in Fallujah raise
concerns about US military's use of phosphorous munitions.

3. Icarus (armed with vipers) over Iraq

Kim Larsen (27-11-2005)
Fra : Kim Larsen

Dato : 27-11-05 02:30

<C2Darwin@yahoo.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Predictable and murderous 'exit' strategy still to come:
> As in Vietnam: You promise to withdraw or reduce the.................

This is a danish newsgroup in danish language.

Kim Larsen

Socialist, republikaner, EU-tilhænger og atomkraftmodstander.
Socialisme er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Husk at krigen i Irak er folkeretligt smask-ulovlig.

Direkte e-mail: kl2607x@yahoo.dk (fjern x´et)

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