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Også i Canada
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 21-11-05 10:50

Heldigvis har man optrævlet jihad-grupper i mange lande inden for den sidste
måned, men der ser ikke ud til at være mangel på nye rekrutter til kampen
mod Vesten. Selv i det ekstremt indvandringsvenlige og multikulturelle
Canada finder man forberedelser til at slå til mod det land, som har givet
en en gæstfri og varm modtagelse, - og igen pga forhold i "ummaen", som ses
som vigtigere end forholdene i ens selvvalgte indvandringsland. (og Pia
Kjærsgaard ødelægger endda ikke "debatklimaet" i Canada, - hvad er
undskyldningen så?)

Jihadists born here pose new threat

Hard to detect, CSIS says

Stewart Bell
Saturday, November 19, 2005

TORONTO - Counter-terrorism investigators are finding an increasing number
of "homegrown" Canadian extremists like those who bombed the London transit
system in July, and some have undergone training inside Canada, a new report

A "secret" intelligence study obtained by the National Post says a "high
percentage" of the Canadian Muslims involved in extremist activities were
born in Canada, a marked shift from the past when they were mostly refugees
and immigrants.

"Increasingly, we are learning of more and more extremists that are
homegrown," says the Canadian Security Intelligence Service document, adding
that the "Canadianness" of the new generation makes them more difficult to

"These radicalized Canadians are involved in a wide range of extremist
activities, including downloading and translating documents from the
Internet that promote violence, networking and physically training for
jihad," it says.

"Some undergo training abroad or in Canada, including commando-like
paintball and extreme martial arts," says the report. "In a few cases,
Canadian extremists have participated in jihad and a few have been killed in
the process."

The 73-page report, "Paths to Radicalization of Home-Grown Islamic
Extremists in Canada," was distributed internally after suicide bombers
struck the London underground and a double-decker bus on July 7, killing
more than 50.

The revelation that the bombers were British -- three were born in the U.K.
and one was a Muslim convert from Jamaica -- highlighted the disturbing
phenomenon of homegrown terrorists, those who were either born in the West
or immigrated as children and yet are virulently anti-Western and

A handful of such terrorists have already emerged from Canada. Mohammed
Jabarah of St. Catharines, Ont., joined al-Qaeda and tried to blow up the
American and Israeli embassies in Southeast Asia. His brother Abdul Rahman,
a member of a Saudi al-Qaeda cell, was killed in 2003.

Canadian-born Momin Khawaja was arrested in Ottawa last year on charges he
was part of a British bombing plot and is awaiting trial. U.S. authorities
recently charged Canadian-born Omar Khadr with joining an al-Qaeda faction
in Afghanistan and killing a U.S. soldier.

"A small number of Muslims in Canada have adopted the path of violence and
jihad in the pursuit of political and/or religious aims," the CSIS report
says. "The reasons for this are varied, and include parental influence, the
efforts of charismatic spiritual leaders with extremist views and a general
sense of anger at what is seen as Muslim oppression.

"There does not appear to be a single process that leads to extremism; the
transformation is highly individual. Once this change has taken place, such
individuals move on to a series of activities, ranging from propaganda and
recruiting, to terrorist training and participation in extremist

In the past, those involved in terrorist activities in Canada, such as Fateh
Kamel, ringleader of the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA); and the
al-Qaeda-trained bomb maker Ahmed Ressam, were migrants who brought their
hardline views with them from their homelands.

But the study claims that is no longer the case. Today, many of the
extremists on the CSIS radar are second- and third-generation Canadians, or
recent converts to Islam. "The high percentage of Canadian-born subjects
illustrates the changing nature of Islamic extremism in Canada," the study

"The implications of this shift are important."

It means that the screening of immigrants is becoming less central to the
fight against terrorism. As well as investigating newcomers, authorities
must also now be on the lookout for radicals emerging from within Canada's
Muslim and convert community.

Converts are fast becoming a major worry to security authorities. Officials
fear an overzealous convert to Islam's radical fringe may try to prove his
devotion by staging a terrorist attack in Canada.

The report calls conversion to extremist Islam "a phenomenon of increasing
concern to Western governments" and notes that, "It is possible that an
attack will be carried out by a radicalized individual -- possibly a convert
to radical Islam -- seeking to punish Canada for its actions abroad."

The study says Canada's extremists do not come from any one level of
society, but it lists several factors that it says are driving Canadian
Muslims to adopt extremist views.

Fathers who have embraced extremist Islam have "passed their fervour to
their children," it says. But some Muslims disagree with that conclusion,
noting that extremist youth have also come from moderate pro-Western

The report says extremist rhetoric espoused by Islamic leaders is also a
powerful factor in radicalization. "Several Canadian Muslims adopted an
extremist interpretation of Islam through the advice and influence of such
spiritual leaders."

Sympathy for the global Muslim community, which is perceived as suffering at
the hands of the West, Russia and Israel, is another factor, CSIS writes.
Extremists believe they must take action to help their "spiritual brethren."


NoTrabajo (21-11-2005)
Fra : NoTrabajo

Dato : 21-11-05 11:55

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> skrev i

> Heldigvis har man optrævlet jihad-grupper i mange lande inden for den
> sidste måned, men der ser ikke ud til at være mangel på nye rekrutter
> til kampen mod Vesten. Selv i det ekstremt indvandringsvenlige og
> multikulturelle Canada finder man forberedelser til at slå til mod
> det land, som har givet en en gæstfri og varm modtagelse, - og igen
> pga forhold i "ummaen", som ses som vigtigere end forholdene i ens
> selvvalgte indvandringsland. (og Pia Kjærsgaard ødelægger endda ikke
> "debatklimaet" i Canada, - hvad er undskyldningen så?)

Nu må du ikke være "politisk ukorrekt". DET ER PIA KJÆRSGAARDS SKYLD.

Det er i hvert fald ikke den mafias, som i firserne og halvfemsernes
hærgede Danmark med deres "humanisme", skyld, for de hjalp jo bare
mennesker i "nød".

Først laver man et problem. Dernæst lukker man øjnene for det. Når man ikke
længere kan holde øjnene lukket for problemet, giver man andre skylden for

#2066 (21-11-2005)
Fra : #2066

Dato : 21-11-05 16:04

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Heldigvis har man optrævlet jihad-grupper i mange lande inden for den
> sidste måned, men der ser ikke ud til at være mangel på nye rekrutter til
> kampen mod Vesten. Selv i det ekstremt indvandringsvenlige og
> multikulturelle Canada finder man forberedelser til at slå til mod det
> land, som har givet en en gæstfri og varm modtagelse, - og igen pga
> forhold i "ummaen", som ses som vigtigere end forholdene i ens selvvalgte
> indvandringsland. (og Pia Kjærsgaard ødelægger endda ikke "debatklimaet" i
> Canada, - hvad er undskyldningen så?)

At du som saedvanligt excellerer i at opstoeve loedige kilder i din
gennemtrawling af Internettet for at finde snavs du kan kaste paa muslimer:

National Post blev grundlagt af Conrad Black, der i oejeblikket staar til 40
aars faengsel for bedrageri i USA, og den redaktionelle linie dikteres i dag
af den hoejreradikale og ekstremt arabisk/muslimfjendske ejer Israel Asper.
CSIS ("Canadian Security Intelligence Service"; Canada's svar paa "the
Keystone Kops") er i gang med et desperat forsoeg paa retfaerdiggoere sin
eksistens, efter at have vaeret impliceret i meget omtalte skandaler hvor
uskyldige canadiske statsborgere paa foranledning af CSIS er blevet
kidnappet og udleveret til amerikansk tortur-per-stedfortraeder i Syrien.

Godt gaaet!

PS: Det er ioevrigt det samme CSIS der soergede for at de mistaenkte sikher
i sagen om bombningen af Air India flight 182 i 1985 (329 draebte) tidligere
i aar maatte frikendes, bl.a. fordi CSIS havde destrueret bevismateriale for
at det ikke skulle falde i haenderne paa det rivaliserende RCMP ("Royal
Canadian Mounted Police"). Men hvad, her var det jo kun sikhiske terrorister
det drejede sig om.

Knud Larsen (21-11-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 21-11-05 17:36

"#2066" <neslein@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:43819863$0$67259$157c6196@dreader2.cybercity.dk...
>> Heldigvis har man optrævlet jihad-grupper i mange lande inden for den
>> sidste måned, men der ser ikke ud til at være mangel på nye rekrutter til
>> kampen mod Vesten. Selv i det ekstremt indvandringsvenlige og
>> multikulturelle Canada finder man forberedelser til at slå til mod det
>> land, som har givet en en gæstfri og varm modtagelse, - og igen pga
>> forhold i "ummaen", som ses som vigtigere end forholdene i ens selvvalgte
>> indvandringsland. (og Pia Kjærsgaard ødelægger endda ikke "debatklimaet"
>> i Canada, - hvad er undskyldningen så?)
> At du som saedvanligt excellerer i at opstoeve loedige kilder i din
> gennemtrawling af Internettet for at finde snavs du kan kaste paa
> muslimer:

Jeg behøver ikke gennemtrawle Internettet for at læse om optrævlede
jihad-grupper i flere lande inkl. Danmark. Du siger kilden her er ond, men
at oplysningerne er rigtige nok?

> National Post blev grundlagt af Conrad Black, der i oejeblikket staar til
> 40 aars faengsel for bedrageri i USA, og den redaktionelle linie dikteres
> i dag af den hoejreradikale og ekstremt arabisk/muslimfjendske ejer Israel
> Asper. CSIS ("Canadian Security Intelligence Service"; Canada's svar paa
> "the Keystone Kops") er i gang med et desperat forsoeg paa retfaerdiggoere
> sin eksistens, efter at have vaeret impliceret i meget omtalte skandaler
> hvor uskyldige canadiske statsborgere paa foranledning af CSIS er blevet
> kidnappet og udleveret til amerikansk tortur-per-stedfortraeder i Syrien.
> Godt gaaet!
> PS: Det er ioevrigt det samme CSIS der soergede for at de mistaenkte
> sikher i sagen om bombningen af Air India flight 182 i 1985 (329 draebte)
> tidligere i aar maatte frikendes, bl.a. fordi CSIS havde destrueret
> bevismateriale for at det ikke skulle falde i haenderne paa det
> rivaliserende RCMP ("Royal Canadian Mounted Police"). Men hvad, her var
> det jo kun sikhiske terrorister det drejede sig om.

Og så bør man ikke notere sig, at der også er gang i den hellige krig i
Canada? Vi bør måske i det hele taget lade være med at tage forholdsregler
mod islamistisk terror fordi det vil "kaste snavs" på muslimer?

Jeg kan iøvrigt fortælle dig at muslimer - endelig - har taget sig sammen
til at lægge afstand til de rabiate grupper, og at "de" selv siger, at de
har været "in denial", mht at disse grupper rent faktisk ER muslimer, og at
det ER islam, som de bruger som hjemmel til deres angreb på os. Så det vil
forhåbentlig nu gå fremad, mht at vi kan samarbejde mod de fanatiske
militante, - endelig.

Knud Larsen (21-11-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 21-11-05 17:51

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "#2066" <neslein@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:2b91c$4381e1f4$182a7d0a$1058@nf5.news-service.com...
>> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:43819863$0$67259$157c6196@dreader2.cybercity.dk...
>>> Heldigvis har man optrævlet jihad-grupper i mange lande inden for den
>>> sidste måned, men der ser ikke ud til at være mangel på nye rekrutter
>>> til kampen mod Vesten. Selv i det ekstremt indvandringsvenlige og
>>> multikulturelle Canada finder man forberedelser til at slå til mod det
>>> land, som har givet en en gæstfri og varm modtagelse, - og igen pga
>>> forhold i "ummaen", som ses som vigtigere end forholdene i ens
>>> selvvalgte indvandringsland. (og Pia Kjærsgaard ødelægger endda ikke
>>> "debatklimaet" i Canada, - hvad er undskyldningen så?)
>> At du som saedvanligt excellerer i at opstoeve loedige kilder i din
>> gennemtrawling af Internettet for at finde snavs du kan kaste paa
>> muslimer:

Har du forresten læst "det snavs" som Hirsi Ali fortæller om islam, burde
hun ikke holde kæft med undertrykkelsen af kvinden inden for islam?

Her er en anden kilde jeg lige stødte på, om britiske hyggeonkler, - men
Times er vel også en "ond" kilde?:


Abul Taher

Blair’s ban fails to silence Muslim preachers of hate

ISLAMIC extremists are targeting British Muslims with violent Al-Qaeda
propaganda, in defiance of Tony Blair’s announcement four months ago
that he would clamp down on preachers of hate. London-based foreign
extremists are using websites to post video footage of suicide
operations and attacks by insurgents against coalition forces in Iraq.
There are also postings of the execution of Russian soldiers by
mujaheddin rebels in Chechnya.

There is growing exasperation among the Saudi authorities about the
government’s apparent reluctance to tackle two Saudi citizens who are
responsible for some of the most blatant incitement.

Muhammad al-Massari, a London-based Saudi extremist, has been allowing
the forum pages of his website — www.tajdeed.net — to be used by
terrorist groups. They include Al-Qaeda in Iraq, headed by Abu Musab
al-Zarqawi, who was responsible for the murder of Ken Bigley, the
British hostage.

A second Saudi, Saad al-Fagih, uses his website and satellite radio
broadcasts to incite an uprising against the House of Saud.

Ferej Alowedi, the Saudi chargé d’affaires in London, said: "We have
been requesting the British authorities to have them extradited. We
can give written assurance that we will not execute or torture them."

Last week The Sunday Times disclosed that al-Massari’s website carried
an attack on the Queen as one of the "severest enemies of Islam" from
Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama Bin Laden’s second in command. This was in
defiance of a declaration by Blair that the "rules of the game" were
changing. He said after the London bombings: "The new grounds [for
deportation] will include fostering hatred, advocating violence to
further a person’s beliefs, or justifying or validating such

Yet al-Massari’s website, which was shut down in May, has returned and
has messages that incite Muslims to join the global jihad, and glorify
the Al-Qaeda attack in Amman that left at least 60 people dead on
November 9.

The Saudi dissident advocates the beheading of homosexuals and
describes the September 11 attacks as the "blessed conquest in New
York and Washington". Al-Massari was not available for comment.

In his response to the terrorist killing of 52 commuters on July 7,
Blair also announced that the radical group Hizb ut-Tahrir and the
offshoots of Al-Muhajiroun would be banned.

He said: "Those that. . . incite hatred or engage in violence against
our country and its people have no place here." A few days after his
announcement, 10 foreign preachers were arrested. They are in police
custody awaiting court hearings about their deportations.

But, more than four months later, Hizb ut-Tahrir remains active and is
lobbying Muslims to challenge the new anti-terror legislation.

Al-Ghuraaba and the Saviour Sect, two offshoots of Al-Muhajiroun,
which had kept a low profile since the summer, announced on Friday
that they had merged into a stronger organisation.

The new group — Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (ASWJ) [Followers of the
Prophet] — is headed by Anjem Choudary, who was second in command to
the cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed before Al-Muhajiroun disbanded early
this year.

Bakri is in Lebanon now. Although he was widely thought to be the
first cleric to be deported after Blair’s announcement, he managed to
slip out of Britain in August.

At a press conference this weekend, the leaders of ASWJ mocked Blair’s
efforts to ban them.

Abu Izzedine, also known as Omar Brooks and a prominent member, said:
"Blair decided to ban us almost a year after we disbanded. The British
government is one of the worst governments on the planet."

He previously said of the London bombings: "I would never denounce the
bombings, even if my own family was to suffer, because we always stand
with the Muslims, regardless of the consequences."

Another member of ASWJ, Abu Yahya, denounced the Queen. He said: "The
Queen is enemy to Islam and Muslims. We see in reality her actions all
around the earth, her forces, army, navy, her air force bombing,
destroying Muslims, killing our families, destroying our properties
and occupying our land.

#2066 (21-11-2005)
Fra : #2066

Dato : 21-11-05 19:16

Knud Larsen wrote:
> > Jeg behøver ikke gennemtrawle Internettet for at læse om optrævlede
> jihad-grupper i flere lande inkl. Danmark. Du siger kilden her er ond,

Jeg siger ikke de paagaeldende kilder er onde, men at de er staerkt
tendentioese og har foer vist sig at vaere upaalidelige.

> men at oplysningerne er rigtige nok?

Hvilke oplysninger? At man i et land med snart 1 mio. muslimer har kunnet
finde 1 nulevende, navngiven person, Momin Khawaja, der eventuelt har
begaaet eller har haft i sinde at begaa terrorisme (ingen af paastandene er
jo blevet bevist i en retssal)? Det er i sandhed verdensomstyrtende! Ved
Profetens skaeg, Kalifatet staar for doeren!

Omar Khadr regner jeg ikke med - han er jo en af Bush's "illegal
combattants", der er ulovligt tilbageholdt paa Cuba for angiveligt at have
ydet modstand imod en invasionsstyrke.

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