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Site Map
Fra : matrix

Dato : 12-06-01 16:42

SITE MAP http://puck.dhs.org 1996-2001

What do you get from the site? What others go there for?


If there were a technique allowing you to create and discreate
every thought, situation, present, past and future, able to
produce solutions in seconds, would you embrace it? O5 inside.


How did you know your future is cloudy? Let us scan the matrix
of time/space once again and discreate some evil omens, as well!


Know the years of your greatest love affairs. Learn when to make
a new start. Live undisturbed floating the tides of time/space.
Predictions accurate to the minute. Businessmen welcome!

SITE MAP http://puck.dhs.org

VARUNA Varuna is a new planet in astrology. The site of course
conatins many Mb of Varuna material. Refreshing with the
search button takes you to the current articles.

MAIL t8@puck.dhs.org ananta@spunge.org tarant8l@users.tmok.com
helps you in and informs you about the site, also subscribes
you to the puck@puck.dhs.org mailing list. O5 deliveries,
I Ching consultations, horoscopes including Varuna and the
centaurs are available via e-mail.

SIMSCAN is the great archive of all of the asteroids in astronomical,
as well as astrological format. 200 Mb of maps and ephemeris.

SEARCH http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck is a searchable archive
of magickal and astrological posts. Particullary useful for
O5 research. Conatins many O5 `live' material.

TNO Basic information on some transneptuners.

CENTAUR A gateway to the fascinating world of centaurs with the last
report as to research in the form of simple keywords.
Charts and delineation available, as well as ephemeris.

LIST Subscribes to mailing list. Alternatively mail t8@puck.dhs.org

SERVICE Rich astrological, divinatory and magical services. O5 welcome!

I CHING A purport to the Chinese Nibiru articles series. Enochian
I Ching Aspectarian tablet (C) 1996 Claudio Solis.

O5 A technique able to produce any magical results in the present
time. Originally used to discreate disturbing thoghs. Deliveries
available online. Helps you change your mind and surroundings.
Delivers every wish come true with proper practice!

USENET A most useful gateway to USENET with relevant articles.

POSTS For the advanced USENET users.

NASA Takes you to the JPL lab program and prompts you to access
your favorite asteroid/object and it's ephemeris.

DARK The `Dark Planets' have more charisma than the north german
`uranians'. 17 new planets to experiment with. Charts and
delineations available.

The centaurs, transneptunes and special asteroids delineations,
as well as graphs, SimScans (TM), wheel charts and USENET articles
are (C) Copyright 1995-2001 Klaudio Zic tarant8l@users.tmok.com, all
rights reserved. Reposting, publishing, quoting; partial or integral
SimScan (TM) or wheel chart publishing, as well as the electronical
or elsewise publication of the author's material represents violation
of copyright according to italian, german, american, pan american,
slovenian, croatian, south african, australian and Mauritius laws.
Copyright (C) 2001 Klaudio Zic http://puck.dhs.org t8@puck.dhs.org
Varuna/Cruithne/Centaurs/Transneptunes/Nibiru/I Ching/O5/majik/futurechanger

The Varuna articles, logo, SimScans (TM) and delineations
are (C) Copyright 2001 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for information and eventual further publishing permission.

Tue Jun 12 10:55:27 GMT 2001
Copyright (C) 2001 Klaudio Zic http://puck.dhs.org t8@puck.dhs.org
Varuna/Cruithne/Centaurs/Transneptunes/Nibiru/I Ching/O5/majik/futurechanger

The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
are (C) Copyright 1994-2001 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for information and eventual further publishing permission.

Tue Jun 12 11:40:48 GMT 2001
Copyright (C) 2001 Klaudio Zic http://puck.dhs.org t8@puck.dhs.org
Varuna/Cruithne/Centaurs/Transneptunes/Nibiru/I Ching/O5/majik/futurechanger

The `Chinese Nibiru' articles and I Ching Aspectarian
are (C) Copyright 2001 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for information and eventual further publishing permission.

Sun Jun 03 17:33:40 GMT 2001

Tue Jun 12 11:41:09 GMT 2001

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