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Fra : audici

Dato : 15-11-05 21:23

The Throttle is "Drive By Wire" and adapts to your particular driving
style. Do a TBA Throttle body adaption).

1. Get in your car, it doesn't matter if you close the door or not.

2. Turn the key to the on position, the position just before the
starter turns over.

3. Press the gas pedal to the floor with the key in the "on" position.

4. Hold the pedal to the floor for five seconds, then turn the key back
to the "off" position(don't remove the key), then release the gas

5. Wait 2 mins. for a full alignment. During this time you may hear
very faint noises and clicks. I
only heard one sitting in my car, if I got out and popped the hood I
might hear more.

6. Drive the car as you always do.

Troels P. Olsen (15-11-2005)
Fra : Troels P. Olsen

Dato : 15-11-05 21:26

> 1. Get in your car, it doesn't matter if you close the door or not.
> 2. Turn the key to the on position, the position just before the
> starter turns over.
> 3. Press the gas pedal to the floor with the key in the "on" position.
> 4. Hold the pedal to the floor for five seconds, then turn the key back
> to the "off" position(don't remove the key), then release the gas
> pedal.
> 5. Wait 2 mins. for a full alignment. During this time you may hear
> very faint noises and clicks. I
> only heard one sitting in my car, if I got out and popped the hood I
> might hear more.
> 6. Drive the car as you always do.

1. Sæt dig ind i bilen. Det er ligemeget om du lukker døren.

2. Sæt bilen til tænding.

3. Træd speederen i bund (med motoren stoppet), mens bilen er sat til

4. Hold speederen i bund i 5 sekunder, og slå bilen fra tænding igen, og
slip derefter speederen.

5. Vent 2 min for justering. I denne tid kan du måske høre enkelte klik.

6. Kør bilen som sædvanligt :)

// Troels

audici (15-11-2005)
Fra : audici

Dato : 15-11-05 21:28

Tak for hurtige svar. De tog faktisk kun et minut

Michael Jensen (16-11-2005)
Fra : Michael Jensen

Dato : 16-11-05 19:10

Hvad går det egentlig helt nøjagtigt ud på?

Hvad er det for en bil, og hvad er det for en "feature"??


Troels P. Olsen (17-11-2005)
Fra : Troels P. Olsen

Dato : 17-11-05 17:37

> Hvad er det for en bil, og hvad er det for en "feature"??

Udfra navnet og hans tekst, tror jeg det er til nulstilling af en TPS
(Throttle Positioning Sensor) på en Audi.

// Troels

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