"S.B." <sfb[slet-dette]@tele2adsl.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> "preben nielsen" <prel@post.tele.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:43a342e0$0$113$edfadb0f@dread16.news.tele.dk...
>> "S.B." <sfb[slet-dette]@tele2adsl.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
>> news:vwiof.1063$Vz1.378@news.get2net.dk...
>>> nogen spil man kan spille på sit egen lan net, og hvis man kun
>>> er fx. 2 så vil spillet genere de sidste 14 hvis det nu skulle
>>> være sat til max 16 deltagere.
>>> lidt kedelig at spille et spil som SOF når man kun er 2
>> SOF2 ? Du kan da sagtens få bots til SOF2. Bare download et mod
>> såsom Rocmod eller Goldrush.
>> --
>> /\ preben nielsen
>> \/\ prel@post.tele.dk
> vidste jeg da ikke man kunne
> Ved du hvor man kan hente det, synes ikke at det lige fremgår af
> deres HP hvor man kan downloade det
Ok.... rocmod indeholder ikke bot-routes etc men kan bruge fra
andre mods.
Goldrush derimod har bots indbygget.
http://www.sof2goldrush.net/ (du skal lige registrere dig først)
PS. Det er en STOR download (129 Mb), men så får du også mange nye
baner og 21 gametypes, nye player-skins, eksplosioner som kaster
kroppe op i luften, etc. Ja du får faktisk alt det nævnt nedenfor.
Du kan altid få hjælp af Godh på websitet hvis det driller.
Men hvorfor spille 2 på LAN ? Er der ikke netforbindelse ? - for
der er jo masser af servere out there...
PS. Jeg antager at din SOF2 er opdateret til 1.03...
PPS. Du finder IKKE Goldrush hos
www.soffiles.com pga.
/\ preben nielsen
\/\ prel@post.tele.dk
Goldrush 2.2 full version, releasedate: October 10th, 2005
Goldrush is a multiplayer mod for Soldier of Fortune 2!
To play Goldrush 2.2 you NEED to have the SOFII 1.03 patch (Gold)
* Make sure you delete all versions of Goldrush before version
2.0... Goldrush 2.0 and up are NOT compatible with older version
(mixing 2.0 (and up) with older versions WILL cause problems!).
* Please extract all files from the zip into your sof2 folder...
* This will create a goldrush folder for you with 6 pk3-files,
docs folder and a lot of small files and documents!
* Please read the documents as it will help you to get most out of
our mod!
After a correct installation of Goldrush 2.2 you still can play on
2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 PURE servers! However UNPURE servers is a
different story...
UNPURE server do not check the pk3's (and so the contents) on the
player's pc. UNPURE servers are populair as they allow a player to
use custom things like skins, sounds, etc...
Some (all?) UNPURE servers even accept players who dont have
Goldrush installed. This *can* (or more likely *will*) cause
Player who dont have (the correct version of) Goldrush installed
can have problems with:
* Goldrush maps (map mismatch?);
* they can get kicked because the game tries to run an event that
the player doesnt have (like our new watersounds);
* they possibly dont see the medals at the end of a map;
* they can play in 1st person mode on 3rd person servers
* and possibly more...
If you want to run an UNPURE Goldrush server, please make sure you
install Goldrush 2.0, 2.1 *and* 2.2 on your server! If your
players do the same then they will be fine... otherwise (one of)
the mentioned problems can arise!
Like any other game/program, Goldrush needs memory to run... By
default SOF2 needs 45MB of RAM to run properly. But when you use
custom maps so now and then you probably already noticed that some
custom maps needs more memory than the default 45MB. You can tell
SOF2/Goldrush how much memory it can use via the com_hunkMegs cvar
(SOF2's default is 45). These are the values needed to run
Goldrush properly:
com_hunkMegs for clients:
* Please make sure your com_hunkMegs setting is set to 128 as a
minimum! This can be done in your goldrush/sof2mp.cfg file... It
is best to do it also in your sof2/base/mp/sof2mp.cfg (especially
when you use tools like The-All-Seeing-Eye or when you connect to
Goldrush servers via SOF2 itself)! Changing both configs may save
you some headaches ;)
com_hunkMegs for servers:
* Please make sure your com_hunkMegs setting is set to 45 as a
minimum! Increasing this to 64 may result in a (bit?) smoother
gameplay (especially on internet servers)...
Be careful that you do NOT give more than 50% of your total RAM to
SOF2 or Goldrush, otherwise things may become very laggy/shocky
(other programs running on the background, like windows, need
memory too)!
Goldrush focuses on gameplay, but it also has a nice
admin/refereesystem and many useful features.
It will be hard to name them all, but these features are probably
the most important ones (most features are optional!!):
* autobalance system for teamgames
* anticamp system
* realistic speed: add weights to weapons, items, gametype-items,
health/armor and certain movements. Examples:
- players running a knife are usually faster than someone running
around with a m60
- players who carry a gametype-item (flag, briefcase or bomb) are
usually slower
- wounded players are slower than healthy players
- ever saw someone running as fast backwards as they run forward?
* extra gore: more realistic blood, easier dismemberment, flying
bodyparts, some cool effect
* 21 gametypes: we added 15 gametypes; so together with the 6
standard gametype we have a total of 21 great gametypes
* 17 great community maps that deserve to be played (some maps are
big/medium, some are small)
* 2 new RMG terrains: an updated version of Booda's Australia, and
Egypt (in Goldrush RMG maps support ALL gametypes)
* a great admin/referee system to give trustworthy players some
extra powers without the need to give away your rconpassword
* medals and stats
* a serversided 3rd person mode (2 modes)
* mapvotingsystem at the end of the map; this way the players are
the ones who decide what map is played next
* tokens and soundtokens (can be combined) for use in the chat
* improved bots
* 2 new types of friendly fire:
- shared : both players receive 50% of the damage
- reflect: the attacker receives 100% of the damage
* tons of options to enable/disable things that cant be done in
SOF2, like:
- radar
- teamicons
- leaning
- backpacks
- goggles
- armor
- strafejumps (2 types)
- enemy crosshair (great when you disable teamicons)
- radarhud (allows you to see the direction of gametype-items, but
only when they aren't carried by a player)
- pickup dropped weapons for extra ammo or extra guns (can have an
effect on backpack-behaviour as well)
- dead players can drop small medikits (can have an effect on
backpack-behaviour as well)
- infrared scopes for MSG90A1 and/or SIG551
- use of multible weaponfiles (but one at a time)
- and a lot more!
* some other useful options:
- bad word filter
- alert messages that give info on gametime, roundtime and the
number of players in your team
- roundbased gametypes now can swap teams every xxx rounds (useful
to balance maps)
- most gametypes have their own cvars that affect the way the
gametype is played
- compass (clientsided)
- shoot the weapon out of your enemies hands (notice that they can
do the same to you :D)
- and a lot more!
* an autoscreenshot function for players to make awesome
screenshots of your headshots and explosive kills
* players can setup their own headshot text
* many more!
Want to make the game more realistic? Or faster? Or a combination
of both? It is all possible...
We hope you gonna like Goldrush 2.2 as much as we do :)