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Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 08-11-05 20:36

Palestinians donate son's kidney for Israeli boy
By Eric Silver
Published: 07 November 2005
The family of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy who was killed by Israeli
soldiers have donated one of his kidneys to an Israeli boy. "It doesn't
matter whether the recipient was a Jew or an Arab," they said.

Ahmed Khatib was shot on Thursday in the West Bank city of Jenin. He was
rushed to the emergency room at Rambam hospital in Haifa, but died without
recovering consciousness. The army said he had a toy gun, which soldiers
mistook for a rifle. The family said he was with a group of boys waving toy
guns to celebrate a festival.

Jamil Khatib, his uncle, said the boy's father, Ismail, agreed to the
donation after he saw the young Israeli kidney patient. "He had a brother,
Shawkat, who died several years ago from kidney failure. He understood what
it was like. Shawkat needed a kidney, but he never got one."

The extended Khatib family was divided over the donation. Palestinian
prisoners phoned and said they should not give the kidney to the enemy.

The family of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy who was killed by Israeli
soldiers have donated one of his kidneys to an Israeli boy. "It doesn't
matter whether the recipient was a Jew or an Arab," they said.

Ahmed Khatib was shot on Thursday in the West Bank city of Jenin. He was
rushed to the emergency room at Rambam hospital in Haifa, but died without
recovering consciousness. The army said he had a toy gun, which soldiers
mistook for a rifle. The family said he was with a group of boys waving toy
guns to celebrate a festival.

Jamil Khatib, his uncle, said the boy's father, Ismail, agreed to the
donation after he saw the young Israeli kidney patient. "He had a brother,
Shawkat, who died several years ago from kidney failure. He understood what
it was like. Shawkat needed a kidney, but he never got one."

The extended Khatib family was divided over the donation. Palestinian
prisoners phoned and said they should not give the kidney to the enemy.

Zeki (08-11-2005)
Fra : Zeki

Dato : 08-11-05 20:49

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Palestinians donate son's kidney for Israeli boy

En rørende historie.

Enhver der har været i Jerusalem og som har oplevet hvordan kristne, jøder
og muslimer kan leve i fred og færdes sammen, vil vide at verden ikke er så
sort og hvid som mange forsøger at gøre den til.

Tak for reminderen.


Anders Peter Johnsen (08-11-2005)
Fra : Anders Peter Johnsen

Dato : 08-11-05 21:21

Zeki wrote:
> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:4370fe34$0$78279$157c6196@dreader1.cybercity.dk...
>>Palestinians donate son's kidney for Israeli boy
> En rørende historie.
> Enhver der har været i Jerusalem og som har oplevet hvordan kristne, jøder
> og muslimer kan leve i fred og færdes sammen

Ih ja, det går da SØRME pragtfuldt med at leve fredeligt sammen i

Læs selv:


hvoraf der fremgår følgende opgørelse muslimske
selvmordsbombe-terrorangreb - vel at mærke i Jerusalem ALENE!


2 November: Two Israelis killed by a powerful car bomb at central
Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda market, a frequent target of attacks.


9 August: Fifteen people are killed and about 90 others injured in a
suicide attack on a busy restaurant in the heart of Jerusalem. Hamas
admits responsibility.

1 December: Twelve people, including two suicide bombers, are killed in
an attack on a Jerusalem shopping centre.


27 January: Two people - one a female suicide bomber - die in an attack
in a busy shopping area of central Jerusalem.

2 March: Nine people killed including two babies, and 57 injured after
suicide bomb attack in an ultra-Orthodox area of Jerusalem.

9 March: At least 11 people killed and 50 injured in suicide bomb attack
on a crowded cafe in west Jerusalem, near the official residence of
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

12 April: A suicide bomb attack at a bus stop in West Jerusalem, kills
the bomber and six other people and injures about 50 more.

18 June: A suicide bomber kills himself and 19 civilians in a bomb
attack on a bus in southern Jerusalem.

19 June: Eight people die including the bomber and 35 are injured in a
suicide attack at a bus stop in the French Hill neighbourhood of East

30 July: A suicide bomber kills himself and wounds several Israelis in a
fast-food store in Jerusalem.

31 July: A bomb in the students' cafeteria at the Hebrew University in
Jerusalem kills seven - five of them Americans - and wounds more than 80.

21 November: A suicide bomber blows himself up on a packed rush-hour bus
in west Jerusalem, killing 11 passengers and injuring scores more.

18 May: Seven people are killed when a suicide bomber blows himself up
on board a bus in northern Jerusalem. A second attacker kills himself
minutes later as emergency crews arrive but no-one else is seriously
hurt. The blasts come hours after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
held the first talks with his Palestinian counterpart, Mahmoud Abbas,
better known as Abu Mazen.

11 June: Sixteen people are killed in a bus bomb in Jerusalem, in the
first suicide attack since US President Bush's peace summit a week
before. It follows an Israeli air strike on 10 June aimed at killing
Hamas leader Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi in Gaza.

19 August: A suicide bomber wrecks a bus in Jerusalem, killing at least
20 people and injuring up to 100 others, in a serious blow to peace
efforts. Hours later, Israel halts the handover of West Bank towns and
cuts off contacts with Palestinians officials.

9 September: Two separate suicide attacks leave at least 15 people dead
and scores wounded in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

In the first attack, at least eight people were killed - including the
bomber - at the entrance to the Tzrifin Israeli Defence Force base, near
Tel Aviv.

Hours later, a bomb attack outside a popular cafe in west Jerusalem left
at least seven dead.


29 January: A suicide bomber kills 11 people and injures around 50 on a
bus in Jerusalem.

22 February: A Palestinian suicide bomber kills eight people and injures
dozens in an attack on an Israeli bus in Jerusalem.

(Her stopper optællingen så, da artiklen er fra 25. februar)

Anders Peter Johnsen

Zeki (08-11-2005)
Fra : Zeki

Dato : 08-11-05 22:32

"Anders Peter Johnsen" <anderspj@REMOVE_THISwebspeed.dk> skrev i en
meddelelse news:437108bf$0$47017$edfadb0f@dread15.news.tele.dk...

>> Enhver der har været i Jerusalem og som har oplevet hvordan kristne,
>> jøder og muslimer kan leve i fred og færdes sammen

> Ih ja, det går da SØRME pragtfuldt med at leve fredeligt sammen i
> Jerusalem!

> Læs selv:

Jamen, du kan da linke til så mange angreb du orker.

Men faktum er at israelere, jøder og kristne kommer fint ud af det med
hinanden i Jerusalem.

At en lille håndfuld afstumpede individer så prøver at ødelægge det, er
noget helt andet.

Hvis en lille gruppe Brøndby tilhængere går amok og laver ballade efter en
kamp, tror du så også at samtlige tilskuere har været involveret?

HMH (09-11-2005)
Fra : HMH

Dato : 09-11-05 02:24

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Palestinians donate son's kidney for Israeli boy

Det er eddermukme sejt.

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